Status: *gasp* loud scary noises aren't fun?

What Happens If I Don't Want To Listen?

Alex is your everyday girl. If you believe a sassy, sarcastic smartass with looks to die for normal. She's smart and charismatic among her peers. She's stubborn and a pain in the ass to her teachers yet she's one smart cookie.
To put it simple, she's a rebel that could pass high school easily without even batting an eye. Only one problem, she HATES teachers, school, and the world itself. The only thing she cares for is her friends, fighting anyone who said or did the wrong thing towards them. But the new student teacher could change her attitude towards school, and, well, the world in general.

the story is mine, the plot it mine, the characters are mine. don't steal it and i won't shave your head bald, kay? =P