A Reason for Broken Wings

Chapter 4

I woke up the next morning with Andy snuggled to my side. What happened last night is all i was thinking and who saw us? The rv was completely empty again I grabbed my cigs from the table and went outside. I saw Ash and Jon out there.
''Hey, finally your up?'' Jon said.
''What time is it?'' I asked.
''1:30pm, you slept like rock you and Andy, how much did you two drink last night?'' he asked. I never drank last night. I remember us making out, him taking my clothes off asking if i was okay with this.
''Yeah I don't even remember,'' I shrugged my shoulders.
''I'm glad you two are getting along,''
''Me too,'' I said smiling. I put my cig out and went back inside. Andy was still sleeping in my bed. I brushed his hair out his face.
''Get up we have the day off, lets go do something together,'' I watched him slightly open his left eye. He gave me a grin and got up. We went walking around Denver, it was actually quite nice. No one recgonized us. He held my hand in public, and it didn't bother me. It completed something that felt missing. But I knew I couldn't keep this up if I was with Ivy. I let go of Andy's hand.
''Is there something wrong?''
''Yeah I have a girlfriend, so do you,'' Andy rolled his eyes at me and pulled his cell phone out. He looked through it for a second. Then showed me it. Andy was in the closet.
''I use girls as covers, I usaully try to break up with them befor they break up with me when they start catching on, what about you, are you bi?'' I didnt know what to say to Andy when, he asked me this.
''I think so, I mean I'm confused,''
''Was I your first even though I'm a guy?'' I just kind of looked at the ground.
''Yeah, I'm going to tell you some thing dont laugh,''
''Okay sure,''
''EVerytime I would time, I try to get a girl in bed they break up with or make an excuse up for it,''
''Maybe they just sensed it, or knew you were different,'' I thought about what Andy said right now. Tell him how you really feel, I told myself. I smiled at Andy.
''I like you alot Andy, your a really sweet guy, thanks,''
''Thanks for what?''
''For making me realize somethings,'' I took his hand back into my hand. I kissed it, he just smiled.
''I'm afraid to come out of the closet, I don't know what my parents will say, I'm there only child,'' I thought about all the stories I heard him tell everyone, what supportive parents he had.
''Their going to support you Andy, they always have from what I've heard,'' Andy just leaned in gave me a kiss.
''Wow, un expected,''
''Come out with me Matt, I mean if your ready, please, also I want you to be..my..um...how do I say this,''
''I don't understand what your trying to say,''
''Be my boyfriend?'' I just stood in shock when he asked me that.
''I will, I just have to break up with Ivy,'' I pulled my cell phone out. I dialed her number in and typed the message. Before I sent it I thought about. She was after all the longest girl I've went out with. I looked back up at Andy, he wasnt paying attention. He makes you feel the way they don't. You can tell he cares about you then they do, I thought to myself. I pressed send.
''I'm excited for this new installment of my life,'' I said to Andy.
''Let's get a matching tattoo's?'' I raised my eyebrow at him.
''As a friendship thing Matt, not as lovers, Fuck Fun,''
''Fuck Fun, you remebered that, okay,'' The next thing I knew, Andy and I were getting matching tattoos. No one expected us being together on tour.