How To Save A Life

Audrey's Secret

GOD DAMN IT! I really wanted to punch something right now, but figured that might be another diagnoses on top of my two already.

Looking at the paper on my bed I seethed. "…reason to believe that Axel Jonson suffers from stage three depression on top of being a meditational dependent. We would like to put him on some mild, monitored medication…"

The paper looked up at me in a mocking way. I should have lied. I knew I should have lied. Why the hell did I tell the truth? What was I thinking? So what if he has a little girl? So what if she loves her daddy? So what?! So what!? So what?!

Angry I tossed myself onto my bed and screamed into the pillow. This wasn’t happening. I was not being forced to stay here longer. I just wasn’t. I screamed again, and again, and again until I was laying with my face in the pillow breathing hard. This isn’t happening to me. My mom won’t let them put me on more medication and I’ll be aloud to go home soon, because mom will push for it. Yeah. She loves me and she misses me. Without dad there she has no one to keep her company. And she knows that I’m better off there then here. She’ll get me out.

I calmed down once I had all for the emotions and hysterical thoughts out of my head. I laid there and shuffled my head to the side closing my eyes and smiling softly. This was so much better. Now that I had some idea of what was going on everything would be fine.

“Yo. Axel, you okay dude?” Patrick’s voice carried over to me causing me to jump.

Rolling over fast I turned to look at Patrick. How long has he been there? Did he see my episode? I grabbed the paper at the end of my bed and shoved it under my pillow. “I’m fine, what do you want?” I asked, watching Patrick closely.

“We’re going on an outing to DQ. I was wondering if you could come with,” Patrick smiled. “Please! It was be the bomb if you could come with.” His smile was genuine as he held his hand out.
“I’ll hold you’re hand the whole way,” he baited, teasing.

I could help the smile that grew on my face. Okay, so I had a sweet spot for Patrick. Sue me. But he totally just made my day. “I’m going for the ice cream, not you,” I said, standing up and walking right pass him.

Patrick laughed before hurrying after me and linking arms with me. Tugging at my arm he soon had me skipping down the halls with him being loud and obnoxious. We seemed to be rather good at that. By the time we had met up with the rest of the kids going on the outing I all but forgot my worries. That is until I saw Audrey’s face, red and splotched with tears.

Dropping Patrick’s arm I walked over to Audrey and pulled her into a strong hug. “Who did it?” I asked, clearly angry. “I’ll kick their ass honey. Just tell me who it was.” I softly rubbed her back and she busted into tears all over again.

Frowning I closed my eyes and rested my chin on her head. “Her father,” Jasmine said softly, looking at me, answering my question.

My face turned ridged. “You had another meeting with him today? Was it supervised?” I asked in a mix of madness and depression. Audrey’s ‘dad’ was by no means a father. He had a habit of sexually and physically abusing her; a habit that she had yet to make known to people other then our group of friends.

Audrey shook her head. “Monitored,” she said, her voice cracking.

“Son of a bitch,” I growled under my breath. I hugged Audrey tighter. “You have to tell you’re psychologist Aud, she can get rid of the visits. You wont have to go back to him either. It’s okay,” I said softly.

“No! No, no, no,” Audrey sobbed, crying harder.

A guard came over to us and pulled me away from Audrey as another guard led her down the hall and away from me.

“Hey! HEY! No! She’s my friend!” I screamed down the hall at the guard as another held me back. “HEEEEY!”
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Thanks for the wait.
Me and Kaytee are working on ideas.
Updates might be slowing down some.