How To Save A Life

Shot In The Dark

Jules Point Of View

Today was supposed to be a good day. My Nona was going to come and visit me, and she'd see how miserable I was and take me home, and she'd say something like "It's alright Poppet, we'll get through this together", and then she'd give me a big hug. But now, sitting in a ball on my bed with a tear rolling down my cheek, I knew that wouldn’t happen.

My mood had darkened as soon as I heard Nona's voice on the phone. I knew something was up, and I knew that she was most certainly going to hide the details, out of fear of me reacting badly. My Grandpa was ill. How ill, I did not know. He was ill enough to be in hospital. Ill enough that my uncle had come over from out of the state to visit him. Ill enough that she wouldn’t tell me.

Curling up tighter into my little ball on the bed, I let the hot tears flow down my cheeks. After all, no one was here to see me cry. Everyone was doing something, talking to someone, hanging out with their friends. Because I don’t have any friends here, and because I had decided to skip lunch all together, I was left alone.

A boy's laughed echoed down the halls as he ran. The rhythm of his feet made it sound like he was tripping all over the place, but keeping up faster then whoever was chasing him. "Run, run as fast as you can, bitch, I'm the candy man!" he yelled laughter floating down the hall.

Everyone seemed to be happy today. Everywhere I turned; someone was smiling or laughing, as happy as can be; considering we were all in the same hell. Maybe they were just optimistic, making the best of a bad situation. Whereas I, however, still seemed to rebel against being stuck here.

An attractive boy ran into my room. He was missing a shirt and barely had his pants on as he slid in under the uncomfortable bed provided to me by my captors. It was much like a scene from a corny action movie, his dramatic slide before falling silent as a few nurses ran by.

I blinked, wondering what the hell was actually going on. I waited until the footsteps of the nurses got further away from my door, before leaning over and looking under the bed. "May I ask what on earth are you doing?" I raised my eyebrow. It took all I had in me to keep the annoyed look on my face. This guy was gorgeous, and all I could think about was how terrible I looked.

"You're a life saver," the boy smiled, flashing his teeth at me. "I'm Jack. You're okay you know? For a second there I thought you were going to rat me out." Gripping the end of the bed, he pulled himself back out and shook the dust out of his hair, oblivious to my thoughts.

"I wouldn’t do that, not the sorta guy." Trust me to mumble and make myself look worse. "I’m Jules." His smile was contagious and I attempted one back, though it looked strange pasted against my red puffy eyes.

Jake smiled softly, but he must have just then noticed my red puffy eyes because his smiled slowly started to slip from his face. "Bad first day, huh?” he asked in what must be a normal soothing tone for him to use.

"Everyday is when I’m here." I muttered under my breath, before shaking away my rudeness. This kid was trying at least, and he seemed actually quite nice. "Yeah. Yeah you could say that."

"Yeah, I know the feeling," Jake said, shaking his head. "Think ice cream might help you to feel better?" he asked smiling.

A small laugh passed my lips. I knew it probably wouldn’t help; it would make me feel worse at a time like this. But this was a chance for me to make friends, so I smiled at the boy. "Sure, why not."