How To Save A Life

Pill Popper

Axel’s Point Of View

There was a single red drop on my ceiling. It sat there in a sea of white, looking down at me, almost as if to taunt me. “Look at me,” it said. “I’m just like you. No one notices me unless they look hard, and then I stand out; you can always find me. But look how lonely I am. I’m so lonely. Wont you pretty please give me a friend.”

Leave me alone! I wanted to scream, but I stopped myself. Rolling onto my side I glared at the pure white wall beside me. At least there were no more annoying red dots to harass me. And thank god I had stopped myself from screaming at that dot. Last thing I need was a schizophrenic diagnosis on top of everything else. I might actually die from OD this time.

A slow, sick smile fell onto my lips at the thought of the drugs carrying me away. I closed my eyes, imaging the feeling of relief I could get, closing my eyes and letting the dark consume me. No more medications, no more watching what I say, no more Mr. Shrink-My-Head, and no more feelings. Period. The End. Done.

I must have fallen asleep cause soon I was groggily lifting my head, squinting as an attractive nurse told me it was time for dinner. Rubbing my eyes roughly I sat up and yawned, trying to fix my wild hair. “Already?” I asked as I pushed myself to my feet.

“Yes, you’re running late. The rest of the clients are eating,” she told me, stepping aside as if to tell me to hurry up and get moving. Apparently this was her lunch time too. “I suggest you stop off and talk to the nurses station about you’re medication before you go. You’re due for more.”

Rubbing my eyes again I walked pass the nurse and into the hall. “Thanks,” I called as a formality and jogged my way back to the nurses center. Different colored ribbons of paint were a directory to all the main places in the institution. Red was the hospital wing, blue was the nurses station, dark green to the boys wing, light green to the girls wings, yellow to the showering station, and purple to the dinning room. Other places were not of as much importance and if they were a nurse often led the way, or someone else was asked to take you.

I followed the Blue Ribbon to the nurses station and smiled lightly when I saw Fiona talking to Kelsey as she took her medication. They both seemed to be in a good mood and laughing together. I had to admit, part of me wanted to go over and start laughing too, but instead I walked to the other side of the window and stood in front of another nurse.

“Jinx had no clue what to do,” Kelsey said. She must have just been finishing a story because her and Fiona bother erupted laughing.

“Poor thing,” cooed Fiona, smiling. The other nurse was about to help me when she interrupted. “I can get him Doris. Why don’t you go take you’re break?” she smiled.

One thing you should know about Fiona is that everyone loves her. She is a very popular nurse, and a very lovable one. So when she told Doris she could take her break Doris smiled and stood up, grabbing her lunch. She thanked Fiona and left without a second thought.

“Hey Axel! How have you been?” Kelsey asked smiling at me. Her ice blue eyes pierced mine and she pushed her platinum blond hair from her face as her white teeth attempted to blind me. “We missed having you around. And you missed Mario getting kicked out,” she said giggling. Kelsey is a lot like Fiona, only a little denser. She’s a sweet girl, and she’s not mean, but sometimes she just doesn’t get things.

Mario, however, had been a sex addict who often harassed the girls. His leavening was a relief to me. He always got a little too close to Fiona for my liking.

“Yeah, I missed you guys too,” I lied. No need to dash the poor girls hope. She wasn’t a bad person. “Glad to hear that they finally helped someone.” My voice was liquid venom.

Everyone knew about my hatred for this place, and how I believed it never helped anyone; only taught them to hide away their real thoughts and emotions.

“Yeah, the rumor is they carted him off to juvie,” Kelsey said, trying to update me on as much as she could. I almost didn’t have the heart to tell her I didn’t care. Almost.

“You should go to lunch,” I told her, a little harsher then needed to let her know that I was serious.

“Okay,” Kelsey smiled. “I’ll save you a spot,” she called, waving as she rushed off towards the cafeteria.

“Someone’s a little snappy,” teased Fiona with a smile. She gathered my pills and a glass of water. “You must have avoided pills wail with your mom for the weekend.” She kept the conversation light and airy.

No Fi… I always take my pills… you of all people should know that… “Yeah, I suppose so,” I said softly, taking the pills as she handed them to me. I tossed them down the back of the throat and gulped down the water with it.

After the routine check I tossed gave her the cup and she went back behind the window, tossing it out. Taking a seat again she smiled at me. “You have a meeting with Dr. Simes after you’re meal. Please don’t be late. He has a full schedule today,” she said, looking in my file.

“Okay,” I said, watching her finger dance over the words of my file. Looking up at me she stopped mouthing what it said and smiled. Her smile was contagious and I flashed my own back.

“And you get to go out with group tonight. They will be going to Dairy Queen after you’re meeting with Dr. Simes. It should be a good way to end the day.

“Thank you Fi-Fi,” I said smiling. I placed my hand on the glass.

For a moment Fi-Fi pressed her own back against the glass and smiled back. “You’re welcome Axel. I’ll see you around,” she said. Gathering up her things she exited through a back door and went to have her lunch. With a heavy sigh I started off as well.

Time for my big entrance. Axels back. A smile lightly fell over my lips. I really did like to make a scene.
♠ ♠ ♠
:] I'm going to try and update a chapter a day.
I have creative writting and assist the first two periods of the day.
Both are on computer.
I hope you like how the story is comming along :]