Simple and Sweet

You Will Never Be Alone


Let’s burn a hole so we can climb out

Cassie packed her bag has quickly has she could and locked her door, barricading herself in her room.

She prayed they would just leaver her alone.

Of these paper walls in this empty house

Kevin ran like hell to his care and sped off has soon has he could.

He prayed she would still be okay.

Where the only thing that’s real is visions we have of ten years ago

Cassie sat with her duffel bag at her feet next to her bed.

She had her phone in her hand, ready to press Kevin’s number if she had to.

So far she was sage……

So far…….

Of stars in the sky and us down below

Kevin cussed and slammed his hand into the steering wheel has he was forced to stop at yet ANOTHER stop light.

He just wanted to get to her……


With streets and east coast lines we keep this scene alive

Cassie sat still has she heard someone move outside her room.

But they kept going.

She hadn’t realized it but she had actually been holding her breath.

She let out the breath she was holding and waited quietly.

Here I am I still hold on to this dream we had I won’t let go of this
Here me now you will never be alone

Kevin tried to keep his mind on the road but he couldn’t help but think about how much he wanted her to be okay.

He knew that one more fight would break her and she would be gone.

He just knew it.

And he wasn’t going to lose her AT ALL.

They had plans……

So many plans……….

Don’t listen to close, they’re words are like guns

Cassie sat starting to cry has she gazed longingly at the photo of her with her mom, dad and big brother.

The photo from years ago……

Before he died……

With bullets that fly and kill what you’ve won

Kevin gave a quick sigh of relief has he pulled up to the light right before Cassie’s housing development.

He couldn’t wait to get to her.

To grasp her in his arms

Some love to hate and some tell you lies

Cassie had to force herself to stop looking at the photo before she cried herself to insanity and let it all go.

She was close to escaping the hell she had been living since Sean, her big brother, was killed by a drunk driver in a car accident.

Everything had been fine until that day….


So let’s make a toast and kiss them goodbye

Kevin ran down the street to Cassie’s house. He had parked the car a block away for safety.

When he reached her house he threw a small pebble at her window.

We’ll kiss them all goodbye

Cassie ran to her window and opened it slowly when she heard the pebble clank against her window.

She smiled down at Kevin who simply smiled back.

She knew he was relieved that she was okay.

Carefully Cassie tossed her duffel bag out her window to Kevin who caught it and set it on her ground next to him.

Then she tossed out her backpack/purse and slowly started to climb out.

But not before she took a quick look around the room she was leaving and grabbed the photo of her brother and her not long before he died.

She ticked it safely in her jacket pocket and proceeded to climb out her window and down the side of her house.

Here I am I still hold on to this dream we had, I won’t let go of it.
Hear me now you will never be alone

As soon as Cassie was within arms reach Kevin grabbed her and held her close.

He quickly planted a kiss on her lips before grabbing her bags and hand in his and ran back to his car.

He wanted to get her away from here has fast has he could.

Here I stand won’t turn back again

Cassie climbed into Kevin’s car has soon has she could.

Has Kevin sped away Cassie watched her house disappear in her rear view mirror.

She cried tears of joy has they pulled onto the main road.

She was finally free.

Won’t leave you know how hard it’s been

When they arrived at Kevin’s house he led her into it and up to his room where he let her collapse crying into his arms.

He just let her cry has he held her close to him.

So close he could hear her heart beating.

Hear me now you will never be alone

Once she was done crying Cassie took a step back and looked up at Kevin only to see that he had been crying too.

She managed a weak smile has Kevin pushed her hair out of her face.

Cassie let Kevin lead her into his bathroom.

She sat down on the side of the tub and carefully pulled off her hoodie.

She shed a few more tears when Kevin flinched at the sight of her arms.

Let’s take what hurts and write it all down

Kevin shut the door to the bathroom and carefully cleaned up Cassie’s arms

She had dried blood all over them.

He couldn’t believe her parents.

He couldn’t believe that they were STILL blaming Cassie for her brother, Sean’s, death.

On these paper walls in this empty house

Once Kevin had cleaned up Cassie’s arms he offered her a pair of his flannel pj bottoms and a wife beater which Cassie gratefully accepted.

She changed once Kevin had left the bathroom.

Once she was changed she looked at herself in the mirror and gripped the sides of the sink.

Her make-up was smeared, her nose red, eyes puffed and swollen, and tear streaks all over her face.

She washed off her face and went to Kevin’s bedroom where he sat on his desk in his pjs waiting for her.

And when our ink runs out,
We’ll burn it to the ground

Kevin jumped off his desk and walked up to Cassie. He brushed her hair back and held her close.

He didn’t pull away until she started to shiver.

He walked to his closet and pulled out a hoodie which Cassie pulled on quickly.

He smiled at her.

She looked so happy to be here.

Here I am still hold onto this

Cassie watched as Kevin shut the door to his room and sat down on his bed.

Immediately she sat down next to him and allowed herself to cry herself to sleep.

Dream we had I won’t let go of it

Kevin lay Cassie down onto his bed and placed a blanket over her.

He knew she missed her brother.

But he knew she sometimes thought it was her fault.

Her brother, Sean, had been on his way to pick her up from his house when he was hit.

Automatically her parents blamed her and in a way Kevin too.

Their philosophy: If she hadn’t been there, Sean would still be alive.

Hear me now you will never be alone

Kevin watched Cassie sleep until his eyelids started to drop and his head started to not off.

Here I stand won’t turn back again

Kevin laid down next to Cassie facing her. He pulled a blanket over him and placed his arm around her waist.

Won’t leave you know how hard it’s been

Cassie rolled over and cuddled up against Kevin.

“I love you Kevin”

“I love you too Cassie”

“You won’t leave me right?”

Tears filled Kevin’s eyes.

Hear me now you will never be alone

Kevin kissed Cassie’s forehead and pulled her closer to him.


Hear me now you will never be alone
♠ ♠ ♠
done to "Paper Walls" by Yellowcard
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