Dear Marty

one and only

The tears welled up in his eyes as he watched Marty check her bag one last time. She was leaving today. After her family’s beat up Sedan rolled away, she’d be gone forever, at least that’s how Andy viewed reality. She was his best friend for the past ten years of their young lives.
“Are you sure you have to leave?” Andy asked halfheartedly, already knowing the answer. Marty merely nodded her head in a solemn response.
She wasn’t nearly as heartbroken over the current state of affairs as Andy was; she was almost excited. Marty was resilient though; she would bounce back from anything and manage to make it some great adventure.
Outside a slow drizzle slid silently down the window pane and Mrs.Irvine honked the car horn.
“I have to go now Andy.” Marty said, stating the dreadful thought that had lined his brain for the past three weeks.
“Okay, at least let me get your bags for you.” Andy mumbled picking up her suitcase and duffel bag. He walked Marty outside into the drizzle and helped her put her bags in the trunk.
“Bye Marty” He whispered pulling her into a hug.
“Bye Andy, I’ll miss you” She responded.
Andy gave her a soft kiss on the cheek before letting her pull away. As he looked at her one last time, He slipped her a note.
“Promise me you won’t read it until you’re in the car” He said looking into her dark brown eyes.
“I Promise.” She said before climbing into the back seat of the Sedan. Mrs.Irvine pulled away, leaving Andy in the forgotten driveway.
When the car had disappeared from sight, Andy waited a few moments before beginning the walk back to his house. Even though it was only a few blocks away, he walked slowly to try and make the walk last years.
Already a mile away in the car, Marty pulled out her note. It was scrawled out on a crumple piece of crudely torn out notebook paper in Andy’s messy handwriting. She gently unfolded it a slowly read the note relishing the last words of her best friend.
Dear Marty,
When you told me three weeks ago that you were leaving, it broke my heart. Now I feel bad that I’ve been too chicken to never tell you this before now, and now you’re most likely gone. I have to make sure you know this though, even if I may never see you face to face again. For the past 10 years we’ve known each other, I’ve been in love with you. I know you probably don’t return my feelings, and that’s why I sat by your side silently through all the broken hearts, hardships, and good times. I Love you Martha Anne Irvine. I know it was really selfish of me to give you this note, but I had to let you know.
I hope you have a really good life, and I love you,

Tears welled up in Marty’s eyes as she finished reading the note and realized she was driving miles away from the boy she had loved since kindergarten.
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