Status: Up and Running Again

Moved To Fast

Moved To Fast: Chapter 10


“Okay seriously we need to do something I’m so fucking bored,” said Jack as we all lazed around watching MTV.

“Why don’t you call the girl who gave you her number.” I replied with a smirk.

“Oh Camillia? Yea I already called her, speaking of which tonight we are going to a club.”

“You did?”

“Wait, wait hold up who is Camillia? Kristi asked.

“A girl who gave Jacky her number.” I replied

“That’s it? girls give us numbers all the time,” remarked Alex with a bored expression.

“But how many of them do you call back?” piped in Tiff.

“Burn!” shouted Zack and Rian at the same time making everybody crack up laughing.

“Hey, hey, hey why don’t we play truth or dare,” piped in Jack.

“Umm… I don’t know remember last time that happened,” replied Nat with a glance at Jack.

“Haha oh yea you and Jack had too…”

“Oh shut up Zack! What about you and Kristi aye.”

“Ok, ok calm down why don’t we actually play,” said Rian.

“Risa, truth or dare?” asked Jack.

“Why me?”

“Because, now truth or dare?”

“Hmm… dare.”

“Ok I dare you and Alex to kiss.”

“Ok…” I didn’t like where this was going but I had no choice, I shuffled over to Alex as we were all sitting on the floor and leaned in and pecked him on the lips.

“Awww Risa that was the weakest kiss ever but anyway Rian truth or dare.” Zack asked.

“Your such a wimp you know that! But have you ever kissed a guy?”


“Ok then…” replied Zack.

“Alex truth or dare?” asked Rian


“Go play 7 minutes in heaven with Marisa,” replied Rian with a glint in his eye.

“Guys…” Alex said glaring at them.

“Come on kiddies get up and go.” Zack nudged us towards the closet while the others started giggling in the background.

We walked into the closet, looked at each other and collapsed on the floor in fits of laughter. We were literally rolling on the floor laughing, because last time we played truth or dare it was exactly like this.

We suddenly heard banging on the door then I heard Nat’s voice.

“You guys do know how to play 7 minutes in heaven, right?”

I heard her walk away and start talking to the others; I turned and looked into his mesmerizing brown eyes as he cupped my face in his hands. Our heads inched closer and then our lips touched I was about to pull back when my body didn’t let me. The kiss got stronger and more passionate as my arm slung around his neck like a snake with my hand in that gorgeous hair of his.

“Alex! Wait I can’t do this.”

I quickly got up just as Jack opened the door for us as 7 minutes was up. I ran out past everyone sitting on the floor and ran straight to my room, locking the door and collapsing on the bed as the tears started trickling down my cheek.

“Risa open the door,” said Alex as he knocked.

“No, go away Alex.”

“Risa I’m not going anywhere, I promised you that when we were…”

“Oh really Alex? Cause I’m pretty sure you broke it!” I screamed as I cut him off.

I heard him retreating from the door as he made his way down the stairs, after a couple of seconds I heard the front door slam. I looked over at my window and saw his figure walking down the street.

I turned around and saw the big box sitting at my table, I knew I should open it but I was scared at the same time. Before I knew it my legs had made me walk over and sit down at the table.

I carefully pulled the gold ribbon and started taking off the silver wrapping paper. I was deliberately un-wrapping it slowly because I was scared of what was in there. When the wrapping paper came off there was a black plastic box. I hesitantly opened it up and inside I saw a scrapbook/collage of him and me. There were pictures there of everything; us kissing, at the park, at his shows, the beach, the shops absolutely everywhere. On the last page there was a slot that contained a letter.

Dear Marisa,

Happy birthday babe, you should know that I miss you so much and that I’m always watching over you. But I don’t want you to live your life crying over me. Move on, live your life, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I found out I am the reason you couldn’t get on with your life.

I put this present together for your 22nd birthday before I died and I asked Sydney if she could give it to you on your birthday.

There’s one really important thing in here. Remember how on the 10th I said we were gonna go somewhere on the 20th well I was going to ask you to marry me.

I stopped reading the letter and dug through the box till I found a little box in there and I opened it and found the most gorgeous ring ever. Tears started slipping down my cheek as I put it aside and I continued reading the letter.

I hope you like the ring, but don’t wear it as an engagement ring, wear it as a last present from me. Like I said earlier move on, but no matter I’ll always love you Marisa.

As you can see I’m hopeless at writing letters, like always c: These are all just things that I needed to tell you, they aren’t exactly structured. There are a few more in here with the other things as well.

I hope you never forget me Risa, I’ll never forget you, I’ll always love you.
Forever and always…

Logan Zane Virgo Spence
17th of June 2010

I love you…
I finished off the letter and ran down stairs with the ring in my hand.

“Mom! Mom!” I screamed with tears in my eyes looking around for her.

“Risa, Risa what’s wrong honey?” she came over to me.

“L…L…Logan” I said as I pointed to the ring.

“I know” she whispered as she pulled me into her arms. I just stood there with her holding me as my tears trailed down my cheeks onto her dress.

She led me over to the couch and we sat down.

“When did he tell you?” I asked

“On the 9th because he asked me before he proposed the whole idea.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“He told me not too, he told me he’d do it his own way.”

“I’m guessing she opened the present” I heard Sydney’s voice as she walked in.

I got up and ran to her as she pulled me into a hug.

“Shh it’s okay Risa, everything’s gonna be ok” she whispered in my ear.