Status: Up and Running Again

Moved To Fast

Chapter 2


Everybody else was at the house by the time we reached there and I could tell they were eager to see if Alex’s talk to me had helped, unfortunately for them, it didn’t. They were all standing there talking in hushed tones; could they be any more obvious? Well I Feel so sorry for them since they set their expectations oh so high.

After I cut the engine off, the silence around us was too overwhelming to handle so I just started walking away from the car into that stupid summer house of ours. I entered from the back door. It was glass and it had one of those fly screens as well so you could let the cool summer breeze in. Even though I didn’t want to be here, I couldn’t deny how much I truly did love this place. The soft sounds of the waves crashing as you drifted off to sleep late at night, the lovely green grass you ran across before you got to the warm golden sand. I missed all the times I spent here with the boys as a child, but that was history now, no point in dwelling on the past.

I decided I needed a drink so I went through the “chill room” as we called it. There was chair’s, X-box, Wii, PS3 practically everything for a teenage heaven. I walked up to the fridge and was about to get the jug of water out, when I heard them all talking again.

“I still don’t understand what’s wrong with her?” asked Rian

“Just give her some time she’ll come around,” replied my mother.
“Meanwhile you guys take your stuff to your rooms and settle down. You all should remember where everything is. After all it hasn’t been that long.”

That’s when I lost it I stormed outside so furious as to why they thought it hadn’t been that long and why they couldn’t understand what was wrong. I mean did I have to spell it out for them. The door closed with a loud bang and they all turned and looked at me like I was an alien.

“So I’m guessing you heard all that?” asked Zack

“Are you guys insane!” I screamed, waving my arms around like a lunatic. “How can you not know what’s wrong? My best friends, the ones that promised they will be there for me forever. Go away and don’t have any form of contact with me for five years. Five bloody years, where so much stuff happened and I needed them there, but no they weren’t there were they?” by now I was crying and everybody had a concerned look on their faces. “And now you come back expecting everything to be the same? Well I have some news for you guys, it’s not! So just go back to your glamorous lifestyles and leave me for good.” The tears couldn’t be stopped now they were pouring down as I ran to the beach not looking back, coughing, and sputtering as the just keep flowing. I hated this so much and I had no clue what to do about it.

I had no idea how long I had been sitting there on the beach, I was just watching the wave’s crash on the shore and having flashbacks of the past when I heard footsteps coming towards me. A tall shadow finally came over me and I looked up and saw Zack standing there, with no shirt on off course. He sat down and we just stayed there for what seemed like eternity but were really only a couple of minutes.

“Come here,” he said wrapping his arm around me.

“No get your hands off of me Zack! It’s not the same anymore ok! It will never be.”
I got up and walked away leaving a heartbroken Zack sitting on the beach alone.
The path back up to the house is amazing. The way you have to first go through a stretch of sand that slowly gives away to the long grass which finally gives away to the freshly manicured lawn. I didn’t want to see anybody so I quickly slipped in through the side door and went up to the second floor where my supposable safe haven was; my room. One of the walls used to be white but now had photos, quotes and all sorts of things from over the years spent here with my friends. There was also a chalkboard area that had all sorts of things scrawled across it from lyrics to messages from the little notes we all wrote each other. I just sat there on my bed looking up at the wall of history as I liked to call it, when I heard the screen door close and a girly laughter floated up through the air.

I quickly bounded down the stairs and ran into Natalia’s arms making her drop all her luggage.

“Nat, oh my gosh, your finally hear! Where are the others?”

“Risa, I know! Kristi and Tiff are outside getting their things from the car.”

I grabbed Nat’s hand and we both skipped outside, laughing and once we reached the car we tackled Kristi and Tiff into a gigantic hug and we all collapsed onto the lawn.

“Guys I have missed you so much, Facebook and phone calls is not enough contact.” I said as I was laughing along to god knows what.

“Hahaha I know! But let’s not worry about that at the moment it’s time for the chant!” replied Tiff with the smirk that we all loved.

We quickly stood around in a circle and started our chant/handshake.

“Kick, kick karate chop, we got all the things you want. Stomp, stomp ring a bell, you know that we’re hot as hell. Snap, snap look out, cause we are gonna rock this town.” We all screamed and laughed as we chanted along complete with the actions. At the end of it we all collapsed in giggles and looking up at the clouds when the boys came over, wondering what was going on.

“Ummm, are you guys ok?” asked Rian with a concerned look on his face.

Then all of a sudden Kristi leaped up and started screaming and running around everywhere.

“OMG, OMG, OMG it’s All Time Low! This is like a dream come true!”

We all sat there looking at her, then looking at each other wondering what is going on.

“Relax guys, I don’t have amnesia or anything, I was just making a joke since we haven’t seen them in all these years, got too busy to remember us aye.” She light heartedly punched Rian in the shoulder and came back down and sat on the grass with us.

“Well actually I think they did.” I remarked right before I got up and walked away for what seemed like the millionth time today.