Bella Nouvelle.

Jae + Company.

The next morning I woke with absolutely no recollection of the nights previous events to save my life and a headache that made me think of someone with a jackhammer trying to break up concrete. My eyes blinked open and slowly adjusted to the sun seeping through my windows, allowing me to lift my head and scan my surroundings, slowly, of course. From the window, to my vanity, to my closet door, to Jae sleeping on a small sofa, to my room door, to- wait.

Jae sleeping on a small sofa?

My head snapped back to the scene, which I regretted a second later when my head throbbed. But after the pain passed a little I wondered when that sofa even got there. Jae lay on the very princess looking sofa with his feet propped up on the opposite arm rest, his arms crossed over his chest as he took even breaths. He wore what he had yesterday, and I guessed he’d simply fallen asleep in his attire. I wondered why he was there.

I sat up in my bed and let my thick duvet pool around my waist, the taste of sleep still thick on my tongue. The door of my room was halfway open and from it floated the sound of talking that must have come from the kitchen. I thought about waking Jae, but decided against it; instead I took the thin sheet from my bed and threw it over him then went on to make my way downstairs, trying to ignore the pounding headache as best I could.

I followed the voices into the kitchen, pushing the door open to reveal dad and Scarlett sitting at the island, still in their pajamas, Julian by the stove cooking, what smelled like, breakfast. All of their eyes rested on me as I stood in the door way, I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, giving them a small smile.

“Caro buon mattino.” Good morning dear, dad smiled before he brought his mug to his lips.

“Buon mattino papà.” Good morning dad, I said to him, “Good morning Scarlett.”

Scarlett sent me a smile in return, “Good morning Aspen, come have a seat next to me. Julian was just starting breakfast. Tell us, how did you sleep your first night here?” She asked as I followed her instructions and took the seat next to her. She smelled like vanilla, mixed with the coffee sitting in front of her, it created a most pleasant aroma.

“Very well thank you.” I said as Julian set down a glass of orange juice for me.

“And your night?” Dad asked, “How was it?”

I gulped and tapped my fingers on the cool glass filled with the orange juice, “I really don’t remember it.” I said sheepishly, giving my father a glance of embarrassment. "But my head hurts entirely too much to bear." How discouraging of a daughter I must be, that on my first night in America I can’t even remember what had happened. I could only wonder what my father was thinking right now, even more so, what my mother would think if she knew.

But instead of a scolding, laughs from my father, Scarlett and Julian filled my ears. My posture straightened as I looked at them in confusion, my eyes curiously wide as I waited for their explanation because true to word, I was baffled.

“Oh Pen, don’t look so scared.” Dad smiled, “You’re a teenager, it’s expected. Julian, get her something for her head would you? You probably just had a little too much to drink last night Nouvelle. Nothing serious." Dad winked.

“We’ll just assume you had fun since Jae had to carry you in the house last night.” Scarlett winked. How embarrassing! My cheeks flushed violently as they began to laugh again. “Oh sweetheart,” Scarlett said, “It was just harmless fun, and nothing in the slightest happened to you so don’t worry about it.”

For some reason that didn’t sit right. I hadn’t a clue why, but ‘nothing in the slightest happened to you’ just sounded wrong. Like a small alarm was going off in my head but I couldn’t pinpoint where it was coming from. It was disturbing and had me a bit suspicious.

“Now, what will you have for breakfast Nouvelle?” Dad asked as he opened up his newspaper.

Though he had asked the question, it was Julian who looked at me for the answer. I thought about it for a moment before finally deciding on, “Pancakes with bananas slices and cinnamon?” Julian gave me a wink and nodded.

“That sounds lovely!” Scarlett smiled, “Me too please Jules.”

“Of course,” Julian answered, “And Mr. Leon, the usual?”

“Yes, thank you.” Dad answered.

I took a sip of my orange juice and took the pills Julian handed me just as Scarlett began talking about what was happening today, “Since its Saturday, both Chris and I have to go to work around eleven. We thought maybe Jae could show you around town today.” She explained, “And then maybe if we get home in time we could all go out for dinner.”

“Only if I get to pick where!” Jae’s voice suddenly came out of nowhere.

We all turned to see him stroll into the kitchen, hair a mess, yawning, and missing a sock. I tried to contain my laugh at the scene, but it was just too funny to even try. Jae gave us all a toothy grin before greeting us a good morning, then took the seat next to me at the island, thanking Julian for the glass of orange juice that’d just been set down for him.

“Well where did you want to eat?” My dad asked him.

“Guess.” Jae challenged with a smirk.

“PF Changs.” My dad answered triumphantly.

Jae picked up his fork and pointed at him, “You, my friend, are good. Congratulations! You win the honor of buying Pinkberry for desert! Woo hoo!”

"Whats Pinkberry?" I asked.

Jae looked at me with an expression of pure horror, "Oh god. Julian, you better speed up breakfast, Aspen needs to get dressed and we need to get out of here before I have a heart attack."

I looked at Scarlett in confusion but she only laughed and shook her head, averting her eyes back to the newspaper in front of her. I sighed contently and then looked at my father, he gave me a wink and took a sip of his coffee just as Julian began setting our plates full of food in front of us.

From the minute I picked up my fork Jae was coaching me through breakfast, as if I was training for a food eating contest. I couldn't stop laughing which cause me to cough as I tried to swallow, orange juice nearly poured out of my nose, and I was eating so fast I could hardly taste any of it... but it had to be one of the most interesting breakfasts I've had by far.

Soon enough the table was cleared, Jae and Scarlett left to get dressed at their house and left my father and I to do the same. Dad was ready nearly instantaneously and left just as soon, leaving me with a kiss on the cheek and the wish for a wonderful day.

I went up to my room and took a shower, the hot water felt lovely against my skin and along with whatever Julian had given me for the headache, I had almost forgotten it even hurt at all. After drying off I walked over to my closet, diving straight into all the new clothes rather than be busied with the ones I'd brought.

Seeing how beautiful it was outside, added with the warm breeze flowing through my window I settled on a nice summer dress, jeweled gladiator sandals, and a cute head band with a bow. I found a light cardigan to bring along just in case and picked out a pair of aviators from the sunglasses dad and Scarlett bought for me.

After getting dressed I walked back into my room to find my bed made and the sofa Jae had slept in gone, I stood in the doorway of the bathroom where I first noticed it and tilted my head in confusion. That was odd, I thought.

I walked into the bathroom and looked for a blow dryer but couldn't find one, or even a brush for that matter. Sighing, I parted my hair with my hands and decided that my long wavy hair would just have to do today. I heard the front door open, so I grabbed my messenger bag and made my way down the stairs to find Jae just walking in the door.

He looked up at me and smiled, "Hey, good you're ready." Jae looked behind him then, "Look I hope you don't mind but-"

Before he could finish talking the door pushed open further to reveal Liam, Noah, Quinn, Logan and Ruskin. I blinked as I looked at them all, suddenly feeling a bit uncomfortable. From the suggestive looks Liam & Noah gave me, to Quinn's sweet smile, the look of concern from Logan and..... Ruskin, I tried to pinpoint what his look was but, I couldn't.

"They kind of invited themselves." Jae said sheepishly.

"Oh, it's fine." I said quietly.

Jae clapped his hands together, "Alright then, everyone in the car!"

I followed everyone outside and watched as they got in the jet black Tahoe, Noah and Quinn took the very back, Liam took front seat, Jae was driving which left.... Ruskin getting in the middle passenger seats and Logan holding the door open for me to get in next.

I got the uncomfortable feeling where your ears feel like they're filled with water and there was an intense pressure pressing down upon you. I tried to shake it off as I walked toward the car and murmured a 'grazi' to Logan, forgetting to speak English I was so jumbled.

All the doors shut and everyone got settled in, I sat between Logan and Ruskin, I was noticeably shorter than both of them but our sides still touched. I sighed and tried to keep my eyes from becoming too wide, which happened a lot when I was nervous.

"So," Ruskin said to me then, "how was your night Aspen?"

Jae and Logan stopped shifting then, and I could see Jae looking at me through the rear view mirror. I glanced between the three of them as Liam was busy talking on his phone and Noah and Quinn were emersed in their own conversation.

"I-I don't really re-remember anything." I said shakily, uncomfortable with the attention I couldn't help but cross my arms over my chest. Frankly I was surprised I even remembered all of their names on account of the fact that I hadn't a clue what I'd done last night.

"Oh?" Ruskin asked, "Must've had a fun time then."

His voice was innocent and I really didn't think much of it except that I could feel Logan tensing beside me, and I could see Jae's knuckles turning white as he gripped the steering wheel. Obviously Ruskin sensed something too, "There a problem Jae? Why aren't we going?" He asked, then turned to me and gave me a small smile. I looked down and fumbled with my fingers, any attention Ruskin gave me caused some sort of bubbly feeling to coarse through my veins.

"No." Jae answered in a less than pleased tone, "No problem at all."

He turned on the car then and we pulled out of the drive. I knew already there was something going on here that I should be, but wasn't, aware of. I was undeniably curious, but the fear of what I might find kept me from questioning anything. Instead I kept up a steady conversation with Ruskin as best I could and tried not to wonder why Logan and Jae looked so grim.

This was bound to be a long day.
♠ ♠ ♠
A bit of filler. Hopefully more soon.
No promises.

Xox, Roux