Dead on Arrival

Good Times

Days Like these were what I lived for. Hayden, Jasper, and I had left school at lunch in my car just so we could hang out together. I had missed these boys so much.

"So what is there to do at ten o'clock at night?" I asked as we drove around town. I was riding in the front seat next to Hayden and Jasper was sitting in the back.

"Well Piper, you've got a pretty big backseat here the three of us could…"

"No Jasper! We are not having a three way in Piper's car!" Hayden yelled out while laughing. Jasper and I joined in.

"We could go hang out at my place for a while, my parents aren't home tonight." He continued.

"What about Ava? I saw her at school today. Shouldn't she be home?" I questioned.

"She had a basketball game tonight, remember?" He replied.

"That was tonight? I knew that. Okay then to your house!"

I kept stealing looks at Hayden from the corner of my eye. He looked so handsome when the moonlight hit him; then again I always thought he looked good.

"Hey Piper?" Jasper said in a sing-song voice.

"Hey Jasper?" I said in the same tone.

"What, or should I say who, are you looking at?" He caught me looking at Hayden.

"Well Jasper I believe I was looking at YOUR MOTHER! Burn!" I said before I started
laughing. Then Hayden started to laugh with me.

"Haha. You were really looking at Hayden again weren't you?" Jasper accused. Then I noticed that Hayden turned red.

"And if I was?" I asked.

"I don't know I just wanted to point it out!" He said rather enthusiastically.

"Thanks for that Hun." I replied. Jasper was such a goof, but he was also one of my closest friends. I told him everything, including my feelings for Hayden.
After about ten more minutes of driving, we reached Hayden's house. He parked my car in his driveway and we all went inside.

"Want to watch a movie?" Hayden asked as I sat down on the couch.

"Can we watch The Little Mermaid?!" I asked since it was one of my favorite movies.


After he put in the movie he sat down besides me on the couch. Jasper sat on the floor in front of us. Half way through the movie I started to get a little tired so I decided to lean on Hayden. He was already right by my side so I laid my head on his shoulder. Jasper noticed what I was doing so he decided to help me out.

"Hayden do you have any candy?" Jasper asked.

"Yeah in the kitchen." He answered as he moved the arm I was leaning on to point towards the kitchen.

"You do realize what you just did right?" I asked.

"No, what did I do?" He asked as he laid his arm around my shoulders.

"You just gave Jasper sugar!" I said with a huge smile on my face, but my smile was because of him not the joke. Hayden laughed. I could listen to that sound all day.

"What are you two doing in there? I hear noises!" Jasper yelled from the kitchen.

"What do you think we're doing?" I yelled back. Then I heard Jasper start running.

"Dang I missed the action!" He said when he saw Hayden and I cuddled together on the couch. Then he sat down on the floor again and we watched the rest of the movie.

"I love that movie." I stated after the credits started to roll.

"Me too. What time is it?" Jasper asked.

"It's close to midnight, why?"

"Oh crap I was supposed to be home by eleven! I have to go; I'll talk to you soon okay?" Jasper said in a rush to get out the door. Before he left he gave me a kiss on the cheek but that was a normal thing between us.

"Bye Hun!" I said after him.

"Bye Jasper."

"You two don't do anything I wouldn’t do okay?" He said jokingly as he walked out a door
with a wink.

I looked up at Hayden. His features looked strained, like he'd been deep in thought.

"What's on your mind love?"

"Hmm? Oh I was just thinking."


"About what Jasper said earlier in the car, about you watching me. Were you?"

"Yes I was." I told him. I was nervous when I said it, but I hate lying to him so I might as well
say it.

"I knew it!" he started to lean closer to me, "I was watching you too." He said in almost a whisper.

"Were you now?" I started to lean closer to him as well.

"Pick up the phone! Pick up the phone fucker!" my cell phone screamed out ruining the moment.

"Damn it" I cursed under my breath, I was so close to finally getting to kiss him.


"Piper! Where the hell are you? Do you have any idea what time it is?"

"Yes mom, I'll be right home.

"You better or else there will be hell to pay!" and with that I hung up on my mother.

"What's wrong Piper?" Hayden asked.

"Nothing that was just my mom. I have to get home soon."

"Okay then I don't want you to get in trouble." Hayden said his arms still around me.

"Don't worry about it dear. I'll talk to you tomorrow okay?" I said as I got up off the couch and looked at Hayden. He stood up as well, with a strange look on his face. I think it was a mix of worry and thought. I turned away and headed towards the door.

"Piper wait!" Hayden sounded urgent as he grabbed on to my arm.

"Wha—" I started to say when he pulled me in close to him and kissed me hard on the lips. I kissed him back with just as much passion. Then we pulled apart but I didn't leave his arms. I looked up at him happier then I had been in a long time.

"I couldn't resist any longer." Hayden said with a smirk on his face.

"I'm glad." I hugged him close and laid my head on his chest, I felt him place his head on top of mine. We stood like that for a few minutes.

"I have to go now Hayden. Mom won't like it if I'm much later."

"Okay. I'll call you tomorrow."

"Cant wait." I said as I hugged him tightly for the last time then walked out the door.

"Bye Piper."

"Bye Hayden."

I got inside my car and started the engine. I waved at his silhouette in the doorway and started the short drive home. It's a good thing too since Mom is going to be mad that I'm late as it is. When I arrived home Mom made a fuss about how late it was and on a school night none the less. Then she told me that I had to go straight to my room, then straight to bed! I didn’t care though I was so happy.
I went up to my room and got ready for bed. I was dying to tell Jasper all about what happened between Hayden and I but there's no way I could reach him tonight. His parents aren’t going to let him near a computer tonight and his cell phone battery died today. Oh well I can tell him in school tomorrow. Then I went to bed my thoughts more full of Hayden then normal.
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