Dead on Arrival

The Mall

"Oh Piper! Wake up!" Jasper yelled as he jumped onto my bed.

"Go away!" I said as I curled up smaller and pulled the blankets over my head.

"No get up now! Don't make me sit on you!" he threatened.

"You wouldn't." I challenged as I poked my head out from under the covers. Jasper smirked at me then walked across my bedroom. Then he ran at my bed and jumped.

"AH! Get your fat ass off me!"

"Hey! I have a nice ass and you know it! Now get up so we can go to the mall."

"It's a school day though."

"You only want to go to school to see Hayden! Besides there's no school today remember?"

"Okay then. Get up so I can go get ready!" I said as I shoved him off my bed. He landed on the floor with a thud. I left Jasper on the floor and went to go get ready in the bathroom.

"I'm done lets go."

"I'll race you to the Jet!" Jasper yelled as he dashed outside towards his car. I laughed at my friend, he was crazy but that's why we always had fun together. I left mom a note telling her where I would be and locked up the house before joining Jasper in the car. We sang along to the radio on the way to the mall.

"Want to go to Starbucks?" Jasper asked me when we got to the mall.

"Is that even a question? To Starbucks!" Then we ran to the coffee store.

"I'll go order and you get a table." Jasper told me. I picked the one in the corner so I could tell him all about what happened last night.

"Okay here's your coffee now I want all the details."

"From last night?" I said trying to make him wait a little longer.

"No Thursday night." He said slightly confused.

"That's the same thing! Anyways it was amazing! After you left he asked me if I was really watching him in the car and I told him I was. Then he told me that he was watching me as well. Then he leaned in like he was going to kiss me but my stupid phone rang and killed the moment. It was mom telling me I had to get home, but before I left he pulled me in and…"

"And what!"

"He kissed me!"

"It's about time! Didn't I tell you that you two would end up happening?"

"Yes you did. You have no idea how good it felt to be in his arms. I felt safe and like I was in a place where I belonged. It's hard to describe."

"Wow you don't feel like that about just anyone. Have you talked to him since then?"

"No he said he would call me."

"Well is he following a three day rule or something?"

"It has only been a few hours! What are you talking about?" I asked starting to get confused. This was the second comment he'd made about it don't being Friday.

"Whatever the day that it is doesn't matter. Let's go shopping now I need to get some new clothes and stuff and you need to give me more details about your man!" Jasper said. I laughed at how eager he was.

"Well then let's get out of here and start shopping!" I said as we walked out of Starbucks.

Shopping with Jasper is awesome. We went to most of the stores in the mall except for the few that I refused to go in. After a few hours we decided to go into a calendar store, I don't know why but that's beside the point.

"Piper there you are!" I heard my mom's voice from behind me.

"Mom? What are you doing here? Who is he?" I asked having no idea why they were here.

"Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Chester, Hayden's uncle." The man said.

"Hello. Why are you both here?"

"Well Piper, There's no easy way to say this but…"
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