Dead on Arrival

Cruel Fate

"Well Piper, There's no easy way to say this but…"

"But what? What is going on here?" I asked more confused then I was before.

"Hayden's dead." As soon as those words left mom's mouth I felt my world come shattering down around me.

"No that's not possible! We were with him last night and yesterday he sat behind me in science! This can't be happening!"

"Oh Piper, I'm so sorry." Jasper said as he hugged me. He knew that I was on the verge of a breakdown.

"Piper when were you two last together?" Mom asked calmly.

"We were both at his house Thursday night"

"What day do you think this is Hun?" Jasper asked me. There was so much concern in his voice.

"It's Friday," I said looking at their faces but they were looking at me strangely, "isn't it?" I was becoming more scared by the minute.

"No Piper it's Monday."

"What how is it Monday? The last thing I remember is coming home after being at Hayden's."

"Come here," Mom said as she pointed at one of the calendars in the store, "look at the date on your phone then look at the calendar. You'll see that it's Monday." I started to panic.

"Why don't I have any memory of the past three days? What happened?" I was terrified at this point.

"We're still not sure how he died, but we know that it was Thursday night." Chester told me calmly.

"No, no! This can't be happening! We were together, we…" My voice broke and Jasper held me closer. Why did they pick to do this in the mall of all places?

"Piper it's true. I was with Hayden's parents and Ava when they walked into their house and found him on the floor. We thought he was asleep, crumpled up on the floor as he was, so Ava went to wake him up and she noticed that something was wrong. We rushed him to the hospital and the doctors pronounced him dead on arrival." Chester explained to me.

"Stop!" I yelled, and then my voice went into a whisper, "Just stop, please."

"Okay, just take this," Mom handed me a small section of the newspaper, "read it later. You need too." I took the newspaper from her.

"Come on my dear, let's get out of here." Jasper said as he led me out of the store. We walked towards the exit of the mall and out towards his car. I got into the passenger seat and closed my eyes. I was being haunted by that phrase. The one that sealed his fate, dead on arrival. I must have looked like I was in serious pain, well I was, and the whole of it hadn't hit me yet. This just can't be true.

"Piper, are you okay? Piper, speak to me! Please say something!" Jasper sounded desperate, like he was about to cry.

"It's just too much. I don't understand how I have no memory of the past three days! Why didn't anyone notice that I wasn't in school? Or that I didn't answer my phone! How could this happen?" I didn't bother trying to hide the sorrow in my pain in my voice; Jasper knew me too well. I looked over at him and saw the deep concern etched in his features. I couldn't stand to look at him knowing that this look was because of me, so I looked down at my hands instead. I noticed that I had all but crushed the newspaper Mom gave me. I flattened it out and started to look over the pages searching for whatever it was mom wanted me to see. As I read Jasper started talking.

"I don't know how this happened, but I do know that there was nothing you could have done…"

"Oh my God. It's true." I interrupted when I found Hayden's obituary.

Hayden Penn (1989-2008)

He was an amazing son, brother, and
friend. He will be missed.

I read this out loud so Jasper could hear.

"What was that? Hayden deserves more then two short meaningless sentences! There's nothing in here saying that he was loved! Why did they do this?" I was angry, how could they think that this would suffice?

"Calm down Piper, your right. Hayden should have had more written about him."

"Take me to his house please; I need to talk to Ava."

"Okay but only if you stay clam. This has to be hard on her too."

"I promise. You know I can't stay mad at Ava for long. She's one of my best friends." It was true; Ava and I have been friends for years. She knew that Hayden and I were close, why didn't she try to tell me sooner? What went on during those days I can't remember? I was finally realizing how bad this situation really was and it scared the shit out of me. I stared out the window as we drove thinking about what I was going to say to Ava. Jasper pulled into the driveway and we both walked up to the familiar doorway. I got a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach and all I could do was stand on the porch staring at the doorbell. Jasper reached out and rang the doorbell after noticing that I couldn't. We heard steps coming towards us before the click of a handle turning. Ava answered the door.

"Piper!" She said as she flung the screen door open, I immediately hugged her then we went inside.

"I take it you heard about Hayden?"

"Ava, why didn't you tell me?"

"You didn't answer your phone and I couldn't bring myself to go to your house and tell you."

"I always answer my phone though. Ava I'm so scared, I have no memory of the past three days and now I find out that Hayden's dead!"

"No memory, how is that possible?" she asked.

"I have no idea. Can you tell me how he died? Please."

"The doctors don't know, they said this was an extremely strange case. When I found him on the floor that night, I didn't know what to think." Ava had tears in her eyes, so did I.

"I need to tell you something," I said looking at her, "I was here Thursday night. Jasper was too. We were just watching a movie and Jasper left, then…" I have having a hard time getting the words out and my sobs couldn't be held back much longer.

"It's okay Piper, you can tell her." Jasper said while placing a comforting hand on my back.

"I know," I said wiping away the tears, "we kissed Ava. We finally kissed and now he's gone. How can this happen to us?" I had finally lost it. I didn't bother trying not to cry anymore, there was no point.

"Oh Piper come here." Ava said as she hugged me.

"I knew you two were inevitable. He told me he liked you, but I think it was more then that." Ava was crying with me now. Jasper stayed right by my side. He knew I needed him here.

"Hayden's funeral is tomorrow. You have to come."

"I'll be there. I really did love him Ava."

"I know you did. Are you going to be okay tonight?" She asked.

"No I'm not okay. I doubt I will be for a long time." I answered honestly.

"You can stay here with me tonight if you want. I'm sure my parents won't mind."

"No!" I nearly yelled out, "I mean thank you for the offer but I can't."

"Okay then. I'll see you tomorrow morning. Be at the funeral home by 10."

"We will be there. Bye Ava." Jasper answered for me.

"Bye" she called after us as we walked out of her house. Once we got to his car I decided that I couldn't be alone tonight.

"Jasper will you stay at my house tonight? I can't handle being alone and there is no way I could stay with Ava, everything there reminds me of him."

"Of course my dear. I'm always here when you need me."

"I know." I replied trying to smile at him but I ended up crying instead.

"Let me go home to pick up a pair of pajamas and clothes for tomorrow first. Then we can go back to your house." Jasper said calmly.


When we got to Jasper's he told his mom abut what happened and grabbed his stuff. He drove us to my house.

"Mom, Jaspers staying overnight." I told her as we headed towards my room. When we got there he took his pajamas into the bathroom and I changed in my room. I felt like my heart was in shreds. Everything that happened today took a lot out of me. I climbed into bed exhausted as Jasper climbed in after me.

"Are you going to be okay?" He asked me.

"Honestly? I don't know. Hayden's gone and I feel like he took apart of me with him."

"Aww. It will be okay. I miss him too, but life will go on." He tried to tell me as he pulled me close to him.

"You don't know that Jasper." I said, my voice weak and full of sorrow.
♠ ♠ ♠
poor Piper. Her lovers gone and now time for the funeral.

Comments needed please!!!!