Status: Waiting for the other author to update

Awful Lot of Running to Do

So it continues

Soon after the last lesson of the morning (Maths), small flakes on snow began to fall, many fell upon Caitlin and Amy as they slipped and skidded toward the shelter under which her friends and herself would shelter from the constantly changing British weather, Amy fell on the ice unable to get up, she called for help from the many people standing around me but due to the bystander effect only Caitlin her great and amazing friend, who would always be there for her helped to her rather large size 9 feet (I know massive feet) "thanks Caitlin" said Amy hugging her "No problem just be more careful next time if you have another dodgy knee episode I will have a heart attack" laughed Caitlin "I do my best" said Amy smiling at her, the two continued towards the shelter and put their bags down "that looks heavy what you got in there a cannon" laughed Amy as Caitlin's bag landed with a thump on the cold metal, "No something a little smaller" laughed Caitlin "I have thoughts in my head" said Amy obviously not in control of her mouth or brain that day "Yes yes you do well done Amy" said Caitlin patronizing her slightly but Amy didn't care she was just glad, she could make her friends smile in any way possible "So did any one catch The Mentalist?" called Amy addressing the group of about 10. "No" they called back "Castle, Bones, NCIS?" called Amy hoping someone watched something worth watching on TV "No" they called again. Amy face palmed much like agent Teresa Lisbon would from the mentalist "what is NCIS?" asked Eleanor another of Caitlin and Amy's many good good friends causing Amy to lift her head "naval crime investigation service" said Amy quickly "I think that just wasted two of my brain cells" said Caitlin "you asked" said Amy taking a bit of a nutter-butter found in the bottom of her bag (who knows how long it had been there) “no I didn’t” said Caitlin smiling "I am hate-able" said Amy smiling as Caitlin took a bit of her Chunky kit-kat "No" yelled Caitlin "AMY SHUT UP" yelled Eleanor somewhere deep within the group. “lol” yelled Lois just for an input, “That’s Lois for you” said Amy glad to be surrounded by such good and fun friends.
But all that was soon to change.
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i hope you like it (Caitlin i have used some of the stupid stuff i say in school so its a bit more real) XD