Status: One Shot :]

Coffee Shop Heartbreak.

Chapter 1.

Walking into the coffee shop, I sat down on the old leather seats. Sinking lower than normal, I place my head in my hands, groaning softly at whom is across the posh table from me. I look down at my black trainers, concentrating on the deep purple laces, how each lace is folded. I avert my eyes to everywhere but his face, trying not to alert him that I’m here. Hopefully he won’t notice me, I’ve changed a bit since he last saw me; my hair is now raven black, with a full fringe and a bob cut. I have contacts in, green coloured and have snakebites. I used to have a light brown hair that cascaded down my back in a straight form, no curves, I had blue eyes, that went an electric colour when I was excited, and my skin was smooth and clear of any piercings.

He defiantly won’t recognize me. I hope. He did mean a lot to me once, but he blew that big time. So big, that it made me cry, heart wrenching sobs, for a day. He didn’t care, by the time I’d stopped crying, he was already out with other friends, well, a girl, to the Italian restaurant under my flat. I was looking out of my bay seat window, picking at the decaying green seat, staring out down into the street. I saw him running up, a slight, dark browned hair in tow, and her glorious hair was flying in the wind, making her even prettier. I could see why he went for her; he normally went for the pretty girls. Must’ve been a rebound, poor girl.
I remember thinking; you aint the only ones who want to live it up how ironic.
Just thinking about it makes my heart stutter, and ache painfully, and tears to well up in my eyes and threaten to spill over down my cheeks. I flop my overgrown hair into my eyes, and pretend I’ve got an itchy eye. Tilting my eyes up, I see he’s got a book out, and is reading intensely. He tilts it up as he gets to the bottom of the page, and I see it’s Romeo and Juliet, should’ve guessed, he loves that book. Rising fluidly, I walk neatly over to the long queue and decide what I want. It’s not that hard as I practically live in Starbucks. I remember when I met him.

I walked into the stuffy Starbucks, holding my head high, keeping the tears in, and keeping it all in until I could get to a toilet. Getting into the short line, I decide what I want, a normal coffee, nothing on top, just normal. After ordering, I plonk onto my favourite seats; large, brown leather sofas. Urgh, they gave me cream. The leather is cracked on the side, forming small patterns on the arms. Taking small sips from my coffee, I stared into space, wishing he’d at least come looking for me. Someone sits next to me, on my left, disturbing the peace. I look up and see it’s a boy with light brown hair, with blonde streaks and a massive fringe. He has a black beanie on and his hair stuck out from underneath it. His eyes are a deep brown, and have a thoughtful, kind tinge to them. His perfect lips are set in a cocky grin, showing me his white teeth.

He sticks out his hand promptly, almost making me spill my coffee. I don’t have quick reflexes, but luckily he does. He grabs it and sets it down on the low table, saying “Stay” to the cup, which makes me giggle like a stupid school girl. I mentally slap myself and smile, mentally telling myself to not show so much teeth like a beaver, or anything stupid. I put my hand up to my hair, checking if it’s okay, it’s piled on top of my head in a scrunchy.
He’s gorgeous, and he knows it. Nodding gently I sit up from my slouching pose. He’s smirking and I give him a questioning look. He lifts his hand, long delicate fingers, and swipes away some cream. I laugh and duck my head, embarrassed. He laughs and lifts my head with his fingers. I look down, going slightly cross eyed and see bits of pink nail varnish on his nails. He sees me looking and laughs softly, the laugh echoing softly around the room.

“My band friends gave me a makeover the other week, it was disastrous.” Laughing softly, I turn to take a sip of my coffee, and that’s when we start talking.

Now, his name brings a tug to my heart, not love. A painful, heart squeezing, tug. He’s the reason I stare into space.

The tears start to prick in my eyes at an alarming rate, they stream down my face, I bolt for the bathroom door, not caring about being silent. I don’t know why I don’t just leave.

Alex’s POV

The movement of the girl jumping up made me lift up my head. I swivelled quickly on the deep chair, just catching the back and side of her as she rushed to the loos. Well, she must feel sick. I carried on reading my book, thinking about the girl. She had shiny black hair, that clung the back of her neck in a bob style. She was wearing a slightly big t-shirt, and grey skinny jeans with a waist coat. She looked pretty, maybe I could ask her if she was okay when she got back. God, I sound like a player. Flashbacks course through me at those words, Keri standing in front of me, crying and screaming. Broke my heart, that did.
Returning back to my book, the girl returns too. I look up at her face, just catching a glimpse of it before she realizes and ducks her head. She has snake bites, and her eyes stand out on her pale face. Her hair is swirling around her face beautifully. My eyes drop back to my book, and I realize I recognize something about her. She looks familiar, but I’ve never met someone like her, I would remember her. A familiar stranger. She sits back, sipping her coffee and staring into space. Distracted, I focus on her face, and space out, which I always do.

I concentrate on her and realize, she looks like Keri, except without the brown hair and blue eyes.

I remember when we split up;

I flew into the room, knocking over several books in the doorway. I see Keri sitting on the bed, crying, her head In her hands. Her brown hair was spilled onto her arms and face, covering them up. She looked up when I walked in, three emotions passed on her face; First, sadness, then anger, then furiousness. She stood up, and stormed towards me.
“Jack said he saw you with some blonde groupie” She screamed, angrily wiping tears away.
“I was not with some groupie, we went out for a chat” I say.

“Well, what’s going on between us? One minute you act all loved up, the next you’re with some groupie ‘having a chat’” She says, putting quotation marks around the having a chat.
I laugh, sarcastically, and her face falls, she’s hurt.

“You’re such a user, there were about a million girls before me” She yells.
I lose my temper, spinning and slamming the door shut with a loud bang. Racing down the stairs, I run over to Jack’s house. I see some groupies there, and grab the closest one. I am a user.
After weeks, I still didn’t contact her.

Tilting my head to the side, I see her staring at me. Her eyes are sparkling from unshed tears, so I place my book on the low table and shift to sit by her. At my movement, she moves as far as the sofa will let her. She scowls at me and I wonder what I could’ve done.
“Stay away from me” She says in a deadly calm voice.

I recognize that voice. It is Keri. Well, she’s changed a bit. More than a bit. She looks amazing. I hadn’t spoken to her in two years. I gape at her and shift towards her, placing my hand on her shoulder. “I’m so sorry.”

Keri’s POV.
And that’s when I forgave Alex Gaskarth. I’d always forgiven people way to easily.
♠ ♠ ♠
One shot :]
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