Status: check out the sequel. (:

A Summer to Remember


The next day, Lexie and I went to school. We both were wearing our Allstar Weekend shirts. Neither of us could believe that we actually spent a few hours with our favorite band.


Days passed. I heard nothing from Zach. Lexie hadn't heard anything from Cameron either. We couldn't understand how we could have such a good time, but not even hear from them for a week.

It has been three weeks since the concert. Three weeks since I saw him. Three weeks since he sang to me. Three weeks since he texted me.


Lexie and I went back to normal life. The excitement from the concert has finally worn off. I was at Lexie's house when I got a text message from a number I didn't recognize.

"Hey Sarah! I'm soo sorry I haven't talked to you! A fan stole my phone at a concert, and I haven't been able to find a way to talk to you. Please forgive me. -Zach"

"Hey Lexie, I just got a text from Zach!!" I exclaimed.

"Thank god," She said. " I heard from Cameron like a week ago! It's about time Zach texted you!"

"Wait, Cameron texted you and YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?" I shouted. "YOUR SUCH A POOP FACE!"

"Hey Zach! I was wondering if I would ever hear from you again! Great concert, I never had a chance to thank you. - Sarah" I texted him.

"Thank you so much! That means so much to me! I've missed you. I had a great day with you in Pittsburgh. Thank you for that. -Zach"

"It was no problem.(: It was fun. -Sarah"

"Okay, I'm going to call you. -Zach"

A few seconds later, my phone rang. Zach and I made easy conversation, talking about everything and anything. He was so easy to talk to. Pretty soon, he knew more about me, than Lexie did.

I stayed up late that night thinking. I can't fall for this guy. He is a rock star. He is on tour. I am just a girl from a small town in Pennsylvania. This is never going to work out.
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