The FMX Couple

Blue Monster

It been two months and you are lying out with Brooke while Cam and Bilko teach Blake how to ride his bike.

“He is just the cutest thing” You said.
“I know right you just want to go and swish him” Brooke said.
“Blair?” Bilko yell a little.

You look at Bilko.

“Can you get a monster?” Bilko ask.
“Yeah sure thing” You said.

You get up and get the fist can of monster you see then go outside you open it seeing Bilko’s hand in gloves. You drop it and go to the side and throw up.

“Oh god Blair that’s sick” Cam said.
“Hit the idiot Brooke” You said.
“Ow that hurt”
“Be nice Cam”

You look and see Bilko looking at you happily.

“Bilko?” You ask worried.
“It was a blue monster see” Bilko said.

He holds it out and you shake your head.

“It doesn’t mean anything” You said.
“You tired for the past two weeks then you been wanting peanut butter a lot and orange juice therefore you are pregnant” Bilko said.

You laugh and look at Blake.

“It was a sign for two pregnancies might be for the third, but we need to leave soon so I can get to America to have it” You said.
“Why do you want it there?” Bilko said.
“Because by the time I’m having this baby you are going to be staying there that’s why. Season will start”
“Ok love makes sense I guess”
“Yes it dose”

You hug him and go inside.

“Sheila” Bilko asks.
“I just threw up” you said.

Bilko laughs as you shut the door. You brush your teeth and get other monster out and hand it to Bilko.

“Momma?” Blake said.
“Yes honey” You said.

He comes and you pick him up and kiss his cheek.

“Bike Bike” Blake said.
“I can’t ride buddy” You said.

He looks at you with question eyes. you smile and kiss his forehead.

“Let’s go change and go see Grandpa and Grandmum”
“Pa Pa”

You kiss his forehead and Bilko grab him.

“I got him Sheila”
“He has to have a bath, he is all dusty”
“I need a shower too, so I guess you can have him.”
“Ok that’s what I thought, bye guys”

Cam came and hugs you and Blake wave at him.

“Be be” Blake said.
“Bye Koopa Troopa, Have fun with Tommy and Sandra” Cam said.
“Pa pa”
“Say bye Brooke” You said.

Brooke kisses Blake’s cheek.

“be be”

You smile and kiss Blake’s forehead.

“Bye Brooke” You said.

You hug her and go inside. You gave Blake a quick bath since he is all dirty then go in his room and change him. He smiles at you and grabs your hair and put it in his mouth. You smile and grab his stuff kangaroo and hold it out to him. He let go of your hair and put it in his mouth. You go outside and see Bilko smiling at you.

“How you feeling?” Bilko ask.
“I’m good Babe” You said.

You kiss his cheek and smile at him.

“You are pregnant again” Bilko said.
“Yes I am, let’s go” You said.
“Dipper bag Sheila”
“In the car”

You guys go outside. You set Blake in his car seat and buckle him up. You go and get inside the truck. Bilko drives to his parents’ house. Sandra came out and took Blake form Bilko once he got him out of the car seat.

“You saw him two days ago Mum” Bilko said.
“He is my little boy aren’t you” Sandra said.

“Pa Pa” Blake said.
“Let’s go inside he is in side”

You kiss Bilko’s lips and pull him inside. You guys go inside and Sandra hugs you.

“Are you feeling better then the last time we see you?” Sandra asks.
“Yeah” You said.

You smile and hug Bilko. Bilko kiss your forehead and put his arms around you.

“Blake that hurts” Tommy said.

You look and see Blake pulling Tommy’s hair.

“Blake Stop it” You said.

He looks at you and holds his arms out. Bilko went and go get him. Blake took his hat and chew on it. Bilko took it and look at Blake.

“No Blake, you don’t eat my hats” Bilko said.

Blake pulls his hair. Bilko hand you his hat.

“Babe” You said.
“What, it doesn’t hurt all that much” Bilko said.

Blake tugs on it and Bilko yelp.

“So you yelp?” You ask.
“Yanked not pull” Bilko said.

You laugh and look at Blake. He smirks at you and lean against Bilko while laughing.

“Let go of Daddy” You said.
“Momma” Blake said.

He holds his hands out, so you take him and look at him. He smiles and giggles. You sigh and hold him at your hip.

“Where the Kangaroo?” You ask.
“In the car he dropped it, let me go get it” Bilko said.

Blake starts fussing. You bounce him and after a little bit he went to bed.

“Cranky” Tommy asks.
“Yeah” You said.

Bilko comes in and hand you the Stuff Kangaroo.

“Here you go and he is sleeping”

Bilko took him and look at his parents.

“Come on in and sit down. Are you guys’ hungry?” Sandra said.
“No I’m good Sandra” You said.
“Me to Mum” Bilko said.

You guys sit in the living room and talk a little about what Bilko is doing and how Blake is riding.

“So when is other one coming?” Sandra ask.
“Soon” Bilko said.
“Are you guys sure, I mean it’s harder when there two?” Tommy said.
“We don’t have a choice anymore” You said.
“What do you mean?”

Bilko looks at you and smiles you nudge him a little. Bilko kiss your forehead.

“She pregnant again” Bilko said.
“What really, how far along are you?” Sandra ask.
“I’m not sure since we haven’t gone to a doctor’s appointment” You said.
“How do you know you are pregnant?”
“When she’s pregnant the blue monster makes her throw up”
“Um interesting”

Bilko smiles at you and kiss your forehead.

“I want peanut butter” You said.
“Peanut butter” Sandra asks.
“Do you have any?” Bilko ask.
“Maybe” Sandra said.
“Let’s go see”

Bilko stood up and hand you Blake. You smile and kiss his forehead. He smile in his sleep and turn so he closer to you.

“Are you guys sure you can handle having other one. You were burnt out at x-games, and don’t you still want to do both jobs?” Sandra asks.
“Yeah I do and I can handle it since I was burnt out form the wedding. That is a lot of stress more than a kid has” You said.
“Even with riding a bike”
“Yeah and you seen Blake his is all padded and just learning how to move nothing big”
“That’s true but I just worried about you since I notice Bilko doesn’t have a worried”
“He worries but he just handles stress better than I do”
“Ok, we always here to help”
“I know”

Bilko comes and hands you a bowel and a cup of orange juice”

“Thank you” You said.
“No worry” Bilko said.
“Do you want bread Crackers?” Sandra said.
“No I just want peanut butter”

“Is this a craving thing?” Tommy asks.
“Yep, with Blake it was Gummy bears, so I figure this kid its peanut butter” Bilko said.

You smile and kiss his cheek then start eating the peanut butter. Bilko and his parents talk for a while and there is a knock on the door. Tommy got up and got it.

“How you doing?” Bilko ask you.
“I’m good” You said.

You smile and lean on him. He warps his arm around you and kiss your head.

“Dadda” Blake said.
“What Koopa?” Bilko ask.

Blake sat on Bilko and smile at him. You kiss his forehead.

“You awake aren’t you?” You ask Blake.
“He is awake” Sandra asks.
“Mum” Blake said.

You smile and kiss Bilko cheek.

“He calls someone mum” You said.
“But not his mum” Bilko said.

You laugh and sat Bilko on the ground. Blake walks to Sandra but fell down a little bit and smile at You. Tommy comes in with Sammy. You smile and she looks at Blake.

“He can walk?” Sammy asks.
“Yeah not well but better than normal” You said.
“When did he start crawling?”
“Um January”
“He is a little late don’t you think” Sandra said.
“It’s fine. The doctor said it’s the fact that we were outside and Blair didn’t want to put him down on the ground” Bilko said.
“He would have gotten hurt” You said.
“He would have gotten hurt being on the ground but let’s put him on a bike” Sammy said.

You pout and Bilko warps his arms around you.

“Stop making fun of my Shelia Sammy” Bilko said.
“Fine fine, it was a nice wedding anyways” Sammy said.
“We got kicked out” Bilko said.
“They didn’t like the cake fight” You said.
“Cake fight?”
“When did you leave?”
“After they severed I wasn’t feeling the best”
“Really why?”
“The food didn’t agree with me”
“I know wait how did I get gummy bears?” You ask.
“I made sure to had some on me” Bilko said.
“Oh ok”

You smile and Kiss Bilko and get your phone since it was ringing. You look and see its Jacko telling you about Crusty dates.

“Wait Crusty goes on this late in the year?” You ask.
“Yeah it’s four stops why?” Bilko ask.
“Jacko send me the dates. Are you doing it?”
“Not any more since we have to leave to American pretty soon”
“Are you mad?”
“No I’m perfectly happy”

You smile and Bilko kiss your lips softly. You smile and cuddle up to him. You guys talk a little more till Blake start getting mad and not being home.

“Ok Koopa let’s go home” Bilko said.

Bilko grab him from the floor and wave to Sandra and Tommy.

“Bye” Bilko said.
“Be” Blake said while waving.

You hug them and go to the truck. Bilko drove home again. You put Blake down in his play pin and lay down on the couch.

“What you need?” Bilko ask.
“Caramel” You said.
“With chocolate?”
“Ok I go get something ok”
“Come on Blake let’s go”
“NO” Blake said.
“Ok stay then”
“Um what do I do?”
“Take him if you want” You said.
“Ok come on” Bilko told Blake.

You smile as Bilko grabs Blake and leaves. You end up falling asleep before Bilko comes back.
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The Williams