Status: COMMENT!!!

Is This Love or Merely Lust?


“I’m quite excited to hear you girls sing again,” Jyrki commented as we walked down a hallway to get to the studio. “You have really beautiful voices.” I couldn’t help but blush and put my head down to hide it. His voice was sexy, and when it was complimenting me, it became even more amazing...

“Yeah, you guys should feature on one our songs one day,” Jussi quickly added, determined to get Jane’s attention. Jane smiled at him in return, but I continued to kind of ignore the guys. I still felt slightly insulted by Jyrki. One minute he was saying how he wanted to take things slow, and the next he was staring down my top. I didn’t know what to think of that man. We met our father in the studio and he set us up to record a new song Jane and I had recently written together. I was too distracted by The 69 Eyes to sing well, and Jane was making me look like I couldn’t sing at all. I couldn’t stop being confused about Jyrki, and I soon called it quits.

“Are you okay Jessica?” my father asked as I walked out of the recording room feeling like crap emotionally.

“I’m fine. I just need some fresh air,” I replied as I walked through the group of men and headed outside. I felt Jyrki’s eyes on me, but I ignored him. The last thing I wanted right now was for him to confront me. I text Bam asking if he was still in town, and luckily he was. He was just about to do a little skateboarding show, so I caught a taxi to the place. Unfortunately, the traffic was bad today, so I got there when he was nearly finished. I watched as he performed his last few tricks in the air, looking so graceful and natural as he rode the piece of wood on wheels. He had talent; there was no denying it. I loved to watch him, but I had just missed out. I talked to security and they let me past to talk to Bam as the crowd applauded him. He soon saw me walking towards him and skated casually over.

“Hey Jess!” he exclaimed as he pulled me into a hug while slowing to a stop on his skateboard. I hugged him back, but he could sense that something was wrong. “What’s happened?” He looked at me with a huge frown and his blue eyes were filled with concern.

“Your friends...” I mumbled, looking down at the ground. I watched him kick his skateboard up into his hands and then felt his arm around my shoulders.

“Let’s go somewhere more private to talk,” he suggested, leading me away from his screaming fans. His black limousine with tinted windows was parked around the block, so that’s where he took me to talk. We got comfortable in the back seat and he poured me a glass of expensive wine that was in the wall. It was such a fancy car... I thanked him, then took a sip, as did he, before he spoke again. “Spill. What’s going on?” I sighed.

“Jyrki is one hell of a confusing bastard,” I stated and Bam chuckled.

“Boy trouble? Already? I introduced them to you how long ago?” he asked cheekily before drinking again.

“Yes, already. Jussi just asked Jane out too,” I said and Bam raised his eyebrows with surprise.

“That’ll be over quickly,” he commented and I shook my head.

“They’re both going to take it slowly, they agreed,” I countered, trying to stick up for my sister.

“But that’s off topic. What’s going on with Jyrki?” Bam quickly turned the conversation back around.

“One minute he’s silent and shy and saying he wants a genuine relationship, the next he’s staring down my top and clearly wanting to get sexual,” I answered, finally getting it off my chest. “You know him better than me. I’m interested in him, but I want a serious relationship. I just don’t know what’s going on in his mind... You know him better than me, you tell me.” Bam slowly nodded, thinking about the situation.

“I think he’s just at the point in his life where he wants to settle down, but it’s hard for him to let go of who he used to be in the past, in respect to girls, you know?” he explained and I nodded, knowing what he meant. It’s what Jane was going through at the moment.

“So what do I do?” I asked as he reached for the wine bottle again. We had both finished our glasses, so he poured me some more while he thought about it. “I know there’s an attraction; I just don’t know what to do about it at this point.”

“I don’t really know... I can talk to him if you want?” he suggested while pouring himself some more delicious wine.

“Do you think you could get to the bottom of things?” I asked after I took another sip.

“I can do my best. Anything for you,” he said with a smile. I leaned in and hugged him after giving him a kiss on the cheek. He was a good friend.
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