According to You


Cityana sat at the computer in her bedroom, her right leg held close to her chest. Her long black hair that reached her mid waist hung over her shoulder as she moved the mouse of the computer.

On the screen were photos of her and her boy - well ex-boyfriend - Daniel. The recent breakup was hard for Cityana, she didn't understand what went wrong. At first the relationship was going so well, Daniel was nice and sweet, he respected her. But then weeks passed and he started to change. It started off as a joke, calling her a little slow and boring, and that she sucked at telling jokes for always giving them away. Then it ended up with harsh insults; a mess in a dress, a useless waste of space and how he wouldn't be able to take her anywhere, afraid she might "embarrass" him. She didn't know why she took the insults so calmly during the relationship, she would just brush it off and continue on like nothing happen, when with more insults shooting at her, the more hurt she was.

Now as she sits at the computer, she deletes the pictures one by one with anticipation to forget about him. Once in a while she would shake her head, usually at the pictures of them kissing. Ugh, how she dreaded them.

"Cityana!" A voice called from the hallway. She didn't bother answering, she heard the footsteps coming towards her open room, so she knew they would find her anyway.

"Chachi..." Cityana looked towards the doorway at the sound of her nickname, to see her cousin Robbie standing there, a look of worry on her face. She was wearing a simple black v-neck tee with high waist denim shorts and sandals.

"Going somewhere?" Cityana asked as she eyed her cousin.

"Don't tell me you forgot." Robbie said as she placed her hands on her hips.

"I guess I did, seeing as how I asked you."

"Fivel's birthday party? It's today!"

Cityana lightly cussed under her breath and placed her hands on her forehead as she leaned back on the chair. She did indeed forget. She looked up at Robbie as she heard her sigh.

"Oh God," Robbie scoffed as she took a look at the computer monitor. "Please don't bring his face up. I could gag at the sight."

Cityana chuckled as Robbie insulted the digital memory of Daniel. She hated him from the start, she knew he couldn't be trusted.

"Now come on," Robbie said as she lightly tapped Cityana's shoulder. "Get ready, we're going to Fivel's party."

"I can't," Cityana said as she turned the chair to face Robbie. "You know Daniel's going to be there."

"And you know, and he knows that if he come near any of us, I will twist his arm and flip him backwards. And besides...Booboo will be there."

Cityana blushed at the name of Booboo Stewart. The Stewarts were close friends you should say to Cityana and Robbie, and during the time they've known each other, Cityana may have developed a sort of...crush for Booboo. But in her mind, she thought Booboo would never fall for her, with him being a high end celebrity and her, a normal high school student, she came to the conclusion that it just wouldn't happen. However, Cityana never knew Booboo's feelings.

Robbie started to tease and poke at her as the obvious blush was showing on Cityana's cheeks.

"Oh please," Cityana breathed as Robbie ceased her poking. "You know you only want to go to her party 'cause Davin's showing up."

"" Robbie said, though she wasn't very convincing. "Anyways, are you going or not?"

Cityana stared at Robbie for a few more moments while she thought. Robbie's turned her puppy dog face one, her lips pouting slightly.

"Oh my God," Cityana groaned out in defeat. "Fine!"

Robbie smiled as she pulled Cityana up from her seat and started to pick out a simple, yet appropriate outfit for the party.


Cityana and Robbie walked into the front door of the Stewart's house. Cityana was wearing a black romper with multiple colored flowers printed on it.

Cityana was skeptical at first if she would have fun at this party at first, but after a while she warmed up to everyone, especially as how Daniel was no where to be found.

She and Robbie were in the garage of the Stewart home, with Fivel and a few other people hanging around. Cityana nudged Robbie in the arm, pointing her attention to a familiar face across the garage.

"Why don't you go over?" Cityana said as Robbie looked towards Davin. She blushed lightly as her eyes met his.

"I can't," Robbie said as she shook her head. "I'm not going to leave you."

"Please...I'll be fine. And besides, I think he's waiting."

Robbie looked at Davin once again, he was smirking at her, and he seemed to be waiting for her. So she gave in. She gave Cityana a wink and she walked over to Davin. Cityana smiled lightly as she watched her cousin flirt with one of Booboo's fellow friends. She seemed happy.

"Cityana..." She froze in place at the sound of the familiar voice. Slowly she turned to meet the eyes of Booboo, his smile gleaming in the light of the garage.

"Hey," Cityana smiled, not knowing what else to say.

"I'm glad you made it."

"Wouldn't miss my best friends party for the world."

"So...h-how are you? I mean...I heard about you and..."

"Oh, that. Like a weight was lifted off of my shoulders."


"Trust me, I'm better off."

"Well Chachi, I'm proud of you."

Booboo smiled as Cityana sighed in relief. He was friends with Daniel, but he hated how he treated her. They all did, and they thought that Cityana and him were to stay that way. Booboo lifted his arms and embraced her in a hug, Cityana wrapping her arms around him as well. They both blushed as they held each other softly.

"Well, what do we have here?" They suddenly let go of each other, Cityana turned around to see Daniel standing there, what seemed to be an evil smirk in his face.

"What do you want?" She as she crossed her arms, annoyance clear as day in her voice.

"You sure work fast, don't you Chachi?"

"Wasn't that hard to get over you."

Daniel looked at her, his teeth gritting a little bit.

"Daniel!" Suddenly a short brunette walked over to him, hugging him from behind.

The ditzy brown haired girl was giggling widely as tiptoed and kissed him on the cheek. Cityana's eyes went a little big in surprise at the sight and she coughed out a small laugh.

"Well," Cityana said. "Who's working fast now?"

"Who are you?" The brunette asked, a little bit of an attitude in her voice.

"Not a rebound girl, that's for sure."

"Scuse me!? Who do you think you're talking to?" The girl started stepping closer to her.

"A little slow aren't you? Way to pick them Daniel! Looks like you two are perfect for each other."

"Hey," Daniel growled stepping towards, a look of anger in his eyes. "Choose you're words wisely, you'd be nothing without me."

"Look Dan," Booboo said, stepping in front of Cityana. "Why don't you just go and take you're little vodka bottle with you."

"Oh? And what are you going to do about it, karate kid. Don't be a hero shorty, this girl isnt worth the time. She’s just gonna wind up on the streets like every other worthless two cent whore.”

Something in Booboo snapped; in a blink of an eye Daniel wound up on the floor of the garage holding his jaw with blood seeping down the jaw line. Daniel spit on the floor as a tooth had fallen out. The eyes of the company in the garage went wide as everyone looked in shock.

“Big mistake,” Daniel growled as he quickly rose from his feet. He lifted his fist and swung forward, only to be stopped when someone grabbed it and held it there.

Davin suddenly appeared there, his hand tightly wrapped around Daniel’s fist.

“Is there a problem here?” He asked his eyes dark with anger as he protected his friend. Daniel started to get nervous. He looked at Booboo’s father and then at Booboo, who stood there smirking. Daniel forcefully snatched back his fist and turned to the brown haired girl.

“No,” Daniel said. “Let’s go Ashley.”

He wrapped his arm around the girl’s shoulder and they left the building in a huff. As soon as they were gone, Booboo turned back to Cityana.

“You okay?” Booboo asked as he read her face; distraught written all over it.

“Y-Yeah,” Cityana stuttered. “I’m fine.”

“Come on, I’ll walk you home.”

Booboo wrapped his arm around her shoulder and he escorted her home. The walk was quiet, none of them spoke a word. The way Daniel hissed at her, calling her a worthless two cent whore irked her. It really dug down into her skin. As they arrived on her porch in front of her house, they stood in front of each other.

“Listen,” Booboo said as Cityana looked at him. “Don’t listen to what he says, you’re not worthless.”

“I know I shouldn’t,” Cityana said. “But it’s been like this every since we’ve gotten together. Constantly putting me down like I was a rock and I could take it but I couldn’t. I’m a mess in a dress, I can’t take care of myself…just a waste of space.”

“Daniel could never know how to treat a person like you the way they should be. He’s a spinelss and clueless zombie who wants to fuck anything that stands.’

“And how should I be treated? According to him im a waste of time.”

“Well according to me you’re so much more. You’re beautiful, so incredible, everything that a guy could want…even me.”

Cityana was in shock at what she was hearing, Booboo’s words were overwhelming her.

“Chachi…you deserve so much better than him….”

“You’re right…” Cityana agreed as they stepped closer to each other. “Maybe if I saw what was in front of me…”

Booboo leaned down closer to her until his lips met hers. Cityana sighed within the kiss as they wrapped their arms around each other. Now Cityana knew the right thing; according to Danile she was worthless and stupid, but accordign to Booboo she was beautiful and incredible. This was how she should be treated from now on, with the right guy that would treat her right.
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