Vampires can Love Too


As soon as I got home I told my parents that Ren and I had exterminated the vampire hunter and that Ren had fixed the younger vampire hunter’s mind so he didn’t think vampires existed anymore. My parents smiled and told me over and over again that they were so proud of me. Even Felix looked proud and amazed.

Three days later the vampire hunter, who Ren and I had killed came to my house and told us he was craving blood. Say what? He had been accidently turned into a vampire when I had drained him of his blood? That didn’t always happen, because to turn someone into a vampire you had to make sure they had some blood left in their system, meaning that their heart would still be beating but not as strongly. I told him he was now a vampire and he nearly fainted but then he seemed to accept it. I told him to go ahead and still pretend to be a vampire hunter but to be a spy for all us vampires. He seemed happy about his new mission and left immediately. After I had told my parents about what had happened they laughed and told me that was great. I nodded and then left to go tell Ren and his family. Ren laughed a lot when I told him and his family what had happened when I woke up this night.

“That works out perfectly, they won’t suspect a thing now.” Henry said and I had to admit it had worked out in our favor.

Everyone was happy to hear the unexpected news . So I guess vampire hunters really do exist. I had never thought they did but now that I knew I wasn’t afraid. I had handled two vampire hunters with Ren and we had kicked vampire hunter butt. As for Victor Sinclair, the uncle of the vampire hunter, he was keeping vampires a secret pretty well and he played the role of vampire hunter well. Ren and I were doing well and we were getting closer every day. Life finally was not as complicated, well as non-complicated as a vampire’s life can be.

I was still dreaming every week, and I had grown accustomed to dreaming about random and insane things. Karin and I were still good friends and she and Kenta were still going out. I had accepted them and Karin seemed to accept me dating her big brother. I was still working at Julian’s and enjoyed working there. As for my brother, well he was getting a lot better at finding his blood’s affinity. I was proud of him and told him so. He could even transform into a bat. He was vastly improving his vampire skills.

I loved this undead life like never before because I had come to embrace humans as being equals to vampires. Kenta Usui and my manager had shown me that humans are just as capable as vampires. I had finally overcome my egotistical attitude and embraced a level headed view about others. I felt as if I had shed a skin and grown a new one. My new life was just beginning and I was ready to embrace new changes as they came along. Life was changing for the better.
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Hey guys!! Here's another chapter!! This isn't the end. Far from it!! I'm putting up another entry after this one so enjoy!! :D