Sequel: You Are Loved, Baby.

Shattered Secrets


I took Bronx's hand and we walked down the stairs a little while later. Brian stood in the living room and he had his black jacket back on. He was patting his pockets, searching for his keys I assumed and when the two of us descended the stairs he looked up and grinned.

"Hey little man," Brian greeted, smiling at Bronx who stood with his little arms firmly crossed over his chest.

"Hi," Bronx stated coldly.

Brian sent me an amused look and I shrugged, letting go of Bronx's hand as he went to put his shoes on.

"Well Niss," Brian murmured, glancing back to the little boy to make sure he was out of earshot, "I've gotta go. Michelle threw a fit because I didn't come home and the guys and I have some radio interview about the tour today, or something." He shrugged, stress in his voice.

I nodded. "Okay. I'll see you around, yeah?"

Brian walked towards me and placed a quick kiss on my lips, "Yeah." He turned to go, eyes on Bronx who was sitting facing the door, and then he turned back and pushed his lips against mine, hands holding onto my hips as he crushed me against him.

A few moments later he pulled away, opened his eyes and smiled. "Yeah. Now I can go."

He ruffled Bronx's hair before he left. I watched from the front window as his SUV pulled away, the music loud enough that the whole car shook. I smiled to myself and then turned to Bronx. I stopped abruptly when the five year old was giving me a confused look. I shook my head so that he'd know not to question it.

Bronx and I grabbed out things and loaded our stuff and us into my car. Finally we were off to Bronx's school. The school parking lot was filled with cars and parents and kids just trying to get to class. I parked the the closest spot I could find and helped Bronx out of the car with his bright red Power Rangers backpack on his back and his left hand clasped with my own.

I walked beside Bronx as he led me to his classroom, his little black converse slapping against the floor with every excited skip. My own slightly high heeled shoes clicked against the scratched marble. Soon enough we were standing outside of his classroom and Bronx was tugging me down to his level for hugs and kisses. I pulled my only child into my arm and placed soft kisses into his cheek, leaving red marks from my lip stick that I hated, but had to wear for work.

"I'll see you later, babes." I told him, releasing him and holding him at arms length. Me still crouched on the floor.

Bronx nodded eagerly, "I'll see you Momma! Don't fall in love with Greg, okay?"

I chuckled, my nervousness about seeing Greg again heightened now that Bronx had brought it up.

I nodded. "Have a good day, babes."

Bronx ran off into the class and I could hear his teacher greet him, causing me to smile, bite my lip and walk away knowing that he was in good hands. I walked out to my car again, smiling at all the kids who scurried off to class before the bell rang and all the parents who looked worn out and annoyed and the ones who were glowing, the first time parents who were excited for their child to be experiencing another day of life. I unlocked my car when I got to it, and hopped in. I turned the radio on to JRock hoping that I would hear the Avenged Interview that I'd known about for a little while.

"Morning all you working class American folk, this is Ian Murphy here with the guys of Avenged Sevenfold. How are you guys?" There were rounds of 'goods' from the guys and I smiled when I heard Brian say, "Great".

Now why's that Synyster? A good night with future wife?" The interview hinted jokingly. I sucked in a breath, waiting to see what he would say.

But it was Matt's booming laughter that sounded through my car speakers. "We wouldn't know, man. Syn here disappeared yesterday after we left the studio and showed up again about a half and hour ago." I chuckled nervously, metaphorically on the edge of my seat.

"I went to visit some friends. It was fun." I wasn't sure if I was the only one who could hear the double meaning in his words, but I figured that it was because I was the double meaning. I was the reason he took off. The interviewer laughed to himself before continuing the interview.

I listened on my way to work my small smile prominent on my face the whole ride. When I pulled up outside the law firm my nerves picked up and I was reluctant to turn the radio off, to go face Greg and Maggie, Nadine and especially my father. But I did turn the radio off. I walked into that building with my head held high.

I carried my work with me, things that I didn't get done over the weekend. I rode the elevator to the second floor and when the light for the right floor lit up I took a deep breath and walked into my father's office.

"Morning ladies," I greeted Nadine and Maggie. They looked at me with shocked smiles and then composed themselves, offering me hellos.

"How was your weekend, Nissa?" Maggie asked genuinely from her desk.

I shrugged, not wanting to let anything go.

"Greg says you dumped him for Synyster Gates!" Maggie squealed, jumping up, "And all you do is shrug?"sShe questioned angrily.

I shook my head in disagreement. "No. I dumped Greg because he's an ass."

Maggie looked crestfallen and she asked, "So, there was no Synyster Gates?"

I laughed at her childlike tone. "Oh, Brian was there. But it's not like that with us," I told her flat out, taking a seat at my own desk and booting up the computer. I smiled to myself, a secret smile, when the background on my computer popped up and the five faces of Avenged Sevenfold stood staring at me.

I glanced a Maggie, wondering why she hadn't said anything and I groaned when I noticed the 18 year old intern staring at me with wide eyes. "What?" I whined, tossing my hands into the air.

"Do you think I can meet him?" she blurted, her eyes still wide.

I shrugged. "I make no promises." Before I could finish Maggie screeched loudly, catching the attention of everyone around. My father came walking out of his office with Greg at his side. I froze and then smiled at my dad.

"What is all the commotion about?" my dad asked with fake anger in his voice.

Maggie grinned at me and then at him. "Nissa just promised me that I can meet Synyster Gates!" she shouted.

"I don't make promises!" I corrected, I heard Greg scoff, but I just ignored him, too caught up in Maggie's bliss.

"But it's a possibility!" she told me, excitedly.

I smirked at the girl and nodded, keeping my eyes far from Greg. I wouldn't feel bad for talking about Brian with him around. Nothing had happened between us until after he walked out.

She screeched again.

"Wait a minute! Who's Synyster Gates?" my asked with a confused look on his face.

"A douche," I heard Greg mumble under his breath. I glared at him and turned my computer screen around so that my dad could see it. I pointed to the man with the shaggy dark brown hair and the fedora covering most of his head. He had a tough look on his face, like he always did when the camera's were out, "That's Syn, Dad."

My Dad did a double take. "Isn't he from that band you like?" He looked at me suspiciously.

I grinned. "Yup. He's been hanging out with Bronx and I."
My Dad nodded slowly. Confused. But let it go for now. It wasn't a work topic and we were at work. My father's logic was on point, and he told everyone to get back to what they were supposed to be doing before he turned towards his office, mumbling about something important.

I looked up from my computer after turning it back the right way and met Greg's glaring gaze. I eyed him right back, wondering what I had gotten myself into, and how I could possibly get past it without any turbulence.
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^^ Listen to those and then comment on my story. :P