Sequel: Worthy
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I Won't Say I'm in Love


Calypso Kinnear has been lost for a long time.

Since her fifth birthday, her life began falling apart. She decided to never love again. It was easy to do...

Until she met Jacob Black: a charming, handsome boy who seemed bent on making her love him.

As time goes on, Calypso finds it harder and harder not to fall for the irresistible, lovelorn boy. But Calypso knows that love is just a fairy-tale. The same as werewolves and vampires...

Who believes in that stuff anyway?

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse or Breaking Dawn, or any of the original canon characters from those books. They belong to Stephenie Meyer. Nor do I own the picture of Calypso.
  1. Prologue
    Calypso's life without love.
  2. The Runaway
    "It's so hard to smile when your heart is broken."
  3. Imprinting
    Jacob finally imprints on a very special girl.
  4. "Can I Drive?"
    Calypso needs a car.
  5. Pinky promises
    Apparently, pinky promises aren't so sacred in La Push, Washington.
  6. Purple Eyes and Motorcycles
    Meet Kyle Wakefield. He has purple eyes.
  7. Black Skirts and White Shirts
    Such a simple outfit. Such an outstanding response.
  8. This Is Not Snuggling
    When you're cuddling with a friend, it doesn't really count as cuddling...right?
  9. Reunited
    You guys remember Emmett, right?
  10. Yellow
    A person's favorite color says a lot about them.
  11. "I'm (Not) A Believer"
    Everyone believes in love? Only if everyone doesn't include Calypso Kinnear.
  12. It's A Date
    Calypso and Nate really hit it off. Jacob doesn't seem to like it that much, however.
  13. The Perfect Night
    Beaches...spaghetti...what could be more romantic?
  14. "Freak Week"
    What ELSE could this chapter about? ;)
  15. Soulmates
    Soulmates are hard to find...even when they're right under your nose.
  16. Avoiding Kisses just something one has to do sometimes. Purely for the sake of sanity.
  17. Ignorance Is Bliss
    You know what they say. Ignorance is bliss. But what if that isn't always the case?
  18. Cold Fire
    Parties aren't always so fun.
  19. Playing Games
    Games are always fun, aren't they?
  20. Waterproof Mascara
    "Thank God for waterproof mascara, huh?"
  21. Blackmailing and Kidnapping
    A dangerous combination.
  22. Taking That Next Step
    Developing a relationship can be terrifying.
  23. There's No Place Like Home
    Dorothy knew what she was talking about.
  24. "A Perfect Day"
    Everyone deserves a perfect day.
  25. Promises and Implications
    Sometimes the two seem to go hand-in-hand, don't they?
  26. Norma Jean
    Calypso's fear of her past threatens her future in Forks.
  27. A Night in Fiji
    Nate and Calypso have their own birthday celebration.