Trashed and Scattered

The Infection

So here I was sneaking in a place that does animal testing with monkeys. Me and my friends are trying to defend animal rights. We walked into a room and saw about a hundred different monkieys in glass cages. This really makes me mad. How can people just treat the animals like this. We each started to walk up to a cage when I noticed a guy with a white lab coat on.

"I'm calling security." He said. He started to walk to a phone. I ran after him. Once he got the phone in his hands I had already gotten my scissors out. I snipped the wire. Without saying a word I started walking back to where my 2 other friends were standing.

"You can't let them out of the cages they're infected." The guy pleaded.

"Infected with what." I said walking over to a cage door. The monkey inside it was banging on the door now.

"Rage, its a disease and if you let them out it will spread so quickly and then the whole world will be infected." He said.

"Oh yeah rage is definatly a disease." I said sarcastically.

"Please you've gotta believe me don't let them out." He said. I took a crobar out and was about to bust the door open but my friend Jack put his hand on my shoulder.

"Let me do this." He said. I handed him the crobar and he busted it open. Before anyone knew it the monkey had jumped on him and was bitting him. He screamed. The guy in the labcoat stuck the monkey with a needle. It instantly fell limp. I saw Jacks eyes glaze over and he too fell limp. But his eyes quickly reopened. They were bright red with a black circle in the center. Before he knew it he had attacked me and my world went black.
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It will get better I promise