Trashed and Scattered

A Fatal Drop

We were in the car for about an hour more then we came to a place with tons of cars and a sign that said '42nd Blockade'.

"This must be it." I said. There was smoke rising from the areas around it.

"They must have started a fire to try and get the infected away." Gerard implyed. We drove through the cars and stopped a few feet away from a couple tents. We all got out of the car, I went into one of the tents. It smelled horrid, there were old pans of food that had been left behind.

"Theres no one here." Gerard said.

"We have to leave." I said.

"No there has to be people here we heard it on the radio." Frank said still looking around for any traces of a living human.

"Frank we have to leave this is dangerous." I said.

"No." He said with anger in his voice. "There has to be someone here."

I saw him walk over to be by himself. He walked over by a fence. I looked above him there was a bird picking at a dead infected person.

"Get out of it." I heard Frank say. He kicked the fence. A second later I saw him grab his eye. I thought like particle of dust get in his eye. Hannah walked up next to me, Frank looked over.

"Hannah you know I love you right." He said. She chuckled.

"Dad what are you talking about." She was walking toward him.

"Stay away." He said.

"Dad are you okay." She kept walking.

"Stay away." She kept walking. He pushed her back and she fell to the ground. "Stay away I said."

He started thrashing around. Then I realized what happened.

"Gerard he's infected." I yelled. Gerard had a bat in his hands. Just as I yelled that I looked up and saw Franks red eyes. He screeched. Gerard was just about to hit him and gunshots came out of the woods, Frank fell to the ground. I can't believe what just happened. Even though Frank died we were just saved. Maybe there are some other survivors.