Trashed and Scattered


"Don't touch the body." A male voice yelled as about five military guys came out of the woods and walked over to Franks body to make sure he was dead.

"Are you guys alright." One of the men said coming over to us.

"Yeah just a little shooken up." I said.

"Well come on we'll take you to our safe-house." He said. After cleaning up Franks body they loaded us up onto a jeep, I was trying to comfort a sobbing Hannah.

"We're coming back in and we've got one male two female." One man said into a radio. It only took us about ten or fifteen minutes to get to a two story brick building guarded by military personal and a tall cement wall.

We drove up the driveway after getting through big metal gates. The car stopped in front of the building and we all hopped out of it. A tall slender guy with red hair stood right by the car.

"Hello my name is Henry West." He said. "Welcome to our safe haven I assume you heard our radio cast. What are your names."

"I'm Selena, this is Gerard and this is Hannah." I said pointing to each of them.

"Good to meet you. Well you'll be pleasently surprised to hear that we have a wood burner that provides us with hot water and beds for each of you." He said. "You may go get situated whenever you like."

We all walked into the building, there was a tall statue of a man in the middle of the room and stairs to the left.

"Come on guys. I'm guessing the rooms are upstairs." I said. I lead a still sobbing Hannah up the stairs with Gerard following close behind us.

I found an empty room with three beds in it. "We'll just stay here." I said.

"I think I want to go to sleep." Hannah said.

"Alright sweetie." I said. She got in the middle bed, got under the sheet and closed her eyes.

"I hate to see her in such pain." I said sitting on the window seat, Gerard sat across from me.

"She'll cope just like we have." Gerard said.

"I don't want her to have to fucking cope. Its not fair she's to young." I said feeling tears stinging my eyes. Gerard wiped my eyes as one fell.

I felt an urge come over me and before I could stop it I acted on it. I put my lips onto Gerard's but pulled away the second after I did it. He then leaned in again for a more passionate kiss, I opened my lips letting his tounge explore my own mouth.

After a second I realized what I was doing. I pulled away and walked out the door. Since I walked out I figured I'd go take a shower, I think I smell bad so why not?