Trashed and Scattered

Anywhere but Here

After all the men had run out of the room we all got up from the table and followed out to the lobby type room. We walked up to the doors and looked out the windows, there were about twenty infected running toward the house. Gunshots rung out in the air from above us. I saw a few of the infected fall to the groud.

"If those infected get past that fence we're as good as dead." I said. Thankfully the gunshots were still going off and the infected were falling. Soon all of them were dead and I was thankfull that none of them got past that barrier fence.

Turning around I looked to my left and saw the machette that Gerard had used when I first met him. I walked over and grabbed it.

"Gerard tonight I'm keeping this in our room just in case." I said.

"Alright." He said. Just then all of the army men walked in and saw me holding the machette. One guy with red hair came up to me.

"Come on sweetheart you won't be needing this to protect you anymore." He came up and took the machette out of my hands.

"Give it back." I said trying to reach for it.

"No, like I said I'll protect you." He tryed to put and arm around me and pull me to him.

"Get the fuck off me." I said pushing him.

"Well your fiesty aren't you." He dropped the machette to the ground so he could grab me with two hands. Thats when Gerard jumped in, pushed him to the ground and grabbed the machette. Just as he was about to stab the bastard

"Stop." Henry yelled. I looked around and noticed that Hannah was gone. I had to go find her. I ran out of the room because truly I didn't want to see anymore.

I ran up the stairs and into the room. Hannah was in there.

"Hey hon." I said. She was sitting on her bed curled up in a little ball. As if protecting herself from the world.

"Why did this have to happen?" She asked. I walked over to the bed and sat next to her, I put my arms around her to comfort her.

"I don't know but I promise I'll protect you. I won't let anyone hurt you." I said.

"Really." She said.

"Yes." I said.

"Thanks." That night I let her fall asleep in my arms. Soon after I closed my eyes and fell asleep as well. Maybe coming to this house wasn't a good thing becuase so far I'd rather be anywhere but here.