Trashed and Scattered


I pushed the pastor off of me as fast as I could before getting up and running to the door of the church. I threw the door open and ran out of there as fast as I could. What the hell are these things I thought. I looked back and saw them following me. I ran for about two blocks when I came up to a gas station. I looked over my shoulder to see that the two strange people were still chasing me. Why they were chasing me I don't know but I wasn't going to let them catch up with me. Then I noticed a ball of fire fly past me. When I looked to the direction in which it came there were two people. They were throwing balls of paper that were on fire at the strange people. I noticed we were at a gas station.

"Come over here". One of the people throwing the fire said. I ran over in his direction. He threw a fire ball at one of the gas pumps and it exploded with the strange people right beside it.

"Come on we have to leave now." One of the other people said. The guy next to me grabbed my hand and we started running yet again. But it wasn't far this time. We walked into a small grocery store and the two guys sat down on the ground so I followed suit and sat down as well.

"What the hell is going on." I asked.

"First whats your name." One of the guys said. I have to say that he is very attractive. He has black hair that is cut off just before his hazel eyes.

"I'm Selena. What the hell is going on." I asked.

"About 28 days ago there was an outbreak. A virus, you didn't need the doctors to tell you that. The infection was called rage it infected people with nothing but rage. It spread so fast that no body could do anything about it. Not even the government. If you get bitten or if the infected blood gets in your blood you will turn into one of them. So lesson one, don't go out at night unless you have to. Lesson two, don't go out alone unless you have too." He finished explaining.

"Whats your name." I asked.

"I'm Gerard." He said.

"And who are you." I said looking to the other boy. He had blonde hair and blue eyes.

"I'm chris." I thought about things for a minute.

Then a thought popped into my head. "My parents what if they're not dead. I have to go see." I said getting up and heading for the door. Just as I was about to reach it Gerard stepped in front of me.

"Move." I said.

"No I won't."

"I have to go see my parents."

"They're dead everyones dead." He said.

"I have to go see." I said.

"Oh and what next you'll come back."

"Yeah I will".

"No one ever comes back." He said. "But be my guest." He stepped away from the door. I guess he was right.

"Fine I'll stay." I said sitting back in the corner.

"Good tomarrow we'll go find your dead parents together. But right now we need to sleep." He said. He sat in a corner across from me and closed his eyes. I soon did the same and fell into an unconcious state.