Trashed and Scattered

Mom and Dad

I woke to someone shaking me. I opened my eyes to see Gerard standing over me.

"If you want to go find your parents we have to leave now." He said. Slowly I stood and looked around.

"Hey," Gerard said getting my attention. "You need to eat something." He tossed a candy bar at me. Slowly I opened it and ate it. After we all ate our candy bars we started to get ready to leave. I saw Gerard had a huge knife, kind of like a machette.

"Is that for killing the infected." I asked.

"Yeah." He said. "Lets go guys." We walked out of the bulding and out onto the street.

After a good two hours of walking we were on my street. We walked up my driveway up to my front door. Gerard got his machette out just in case as I started opening the door. The house was silent as was everything around us. I stepped into the place that used to be filled with so much life. So many memories flooded into my mind, I felt a tear slide down my cheek. I walked further into the house. Looking around I saw no one.

Leaving Gerard and Chris behind I raced up the stairs to my parents bedroom. I ran through their door and saw them lying there lifeless. They really were dead. Tears started spilling down my cheeks. I saw Gerard come in the room, he wrapped his arms around me and let me cry into his shoulder.

After a couple of minutes I lifted my head from his shoulder. I looked at his hazel eyes they held no sympathy. It was just like that to survive this he threw away all of his emotions. I pulled myself away from him.

"Come on lets go I'm ready to leave." I said wiping away the rest of my tears.

"We can't its starting to get dark we have to stay here for the rest of the night." He said.

"Fine." I pushed past him and walked back down the stairs. I found myself in the living room where every year we had christmas. I felt tears threaten to spill again but I pushed them away. Gerard and Chris came into the room. We all sat on the couch.

"So where are we all going to sleep." Chris asked.

"Well you guys can have my room and I'll sleep here." I said.

"No we all need to sleep in the same room just in case." Gerard said.

After a while we all fell asleep in the living room. Gerard and Chris were on the floor sleeping and I was on the couch trying to sleep. It wasn't working very well. I quietly got up and walked into my kitchen. I looked over at the pictures on our refridgerator. There was a picture of me and my mom just 5 months ago. Next to that was a picture of me and my dad that very same day. I smiled for the first time in what seemed like forever. But that happiness was short lived as I looked towards the glass door and saw one of the infected coming straight for me.