Trashed and Scattered

Frank and Hannah

We walked in silence through the silent streets of the once crowded city. I looked up at one of the buildings and saw lights flashing.

"Gerard look." I said grabbing his arm to stop his walking. I pointed up at the lights.

"Lets go check it out there might be people in there." He said. Once again he took out the machette and we walked in the front door of the building. We saw stairs and started walking towards them. About half way to the stairs I heard a noise I turned around to see two infected running after us.

"Run Gerard." I said as I started running. He also started running. We started running up the stairs with those horrid creatures following us. After five flights of stairs a guy that was about 6'2 and looked in about his late thirty's stepped in front of me.

"Go to the end of the hall and knock on the door. I'll take care of them." He said motioning to the infected. I ran to the door and knocked like crazy. The door opened and there stood a girl teenager, she looked about fourteen years of age. She stepped out of the way and I ran in Gerard running in after me. I bent down and grabbed my knees trying to catch my breath, Gerard did as well. Soon the man in his thirty's came in. I stood up straight and looked at him.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Frank and this is my daughter Hannah." He said motioning to the little girl. "What about you." He had a strong Brittish accent.

"I'm Selena and this is Gerard." I said.

"Well why don't you guys come into the living room." He said. We all walked into the small living room of the appartment. I looked at the little clock on the wall. It said it was 8:30 at night.

"Well dad I think I'm going to get ready for bed." Hannah said. "It was nice to meet you guys." I smiled and nodded as she walked out of the room.

"So where did you guys come from?" Frank asked.

"Well we were in Manchester but we came out here to see if her parents were dead." Gerard said. Frank nodded.

"You know I'm really tired too." I said.

"Oh you can sleep in my room I'll take the couch." He said.

"Oh no I could-." He stopped me.

"No you two can have it." He said. I nodded as did Gerard.

"Well goodnight." I said. "Thanks for rescuing us."

"Your welcome." He said. I walked out of the living room and walked down a hallway. There was an empty room with a queen bed in it. I walked in and collapsed on the bed. Soon I fell asleep.

I felt the weight shift on the bed, someone layed down on the other side. I felt a set of lips on my cheek.

"Goodnight." They whispered. The voice was Gerards. I smiled to myself and fell back into a dreamless sleep.
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This is not the Frank from my chemical Romance.