Status: HIATUS. Rating subject to change. {Currently R could turn NC-17}

Hidden Agenda

Another mage and another assassin.

“So you and the elf,” Anders began, his hand still clasped around your arm as he led you into the darkness. “Is it very serious?” Your eyes swung from his face to your surroundings. The cellar was circular, the top level curled to fit the cellar’s arc with a statue on either end. The only source of light were a set of torches that somehow burned green, casting an eerie glow on the lower level. “~~~~~~~~~?” Anders pressed. Your attention returned to him, but slid past you saw a dark figure approaching behind him. Following your gaze, Anders glanced over his shoulder. “Oh, that’s a walking skeleton. Don’t mind it. They’re more for show than anything else..” Anders said, releasing you as he started downstairs.
With your eyes finally adjusting to the dark spots of the room, you quickly followed Anders before you could see anything more than the statue. “T-They?” you repeated. The word had barely left your mouth when another skeleton crawled out of a crypt, the green glow of the fire licking at its skull. As it got to its feet, you saw a key clank against its ribcage. You froze but Anders merely grabbed your hand, turning you in a half-circle as he led you past another skeleton to the hold of the stairway. “An-Anders…” you murmured.
“Calm down.” Anders hummed pressing a hand against the rotted wood. “Jowan’s holed up in here. Howe hollowed out the stairway for ‘im..” Lowering his hand, the plank of wood popped inward. The next moment it slid aside revealing a gap just wide enough for someone to walk through. Anders cast a quick glance at you, then stepped forward, tugging you along in single-file. Concealed within the stairway was a room with clay walls, barely big enough to contain a small wooden table and the black-haired man who sat at it. His robes were forest green with burgandy leather, one sleeve rolled up, his arm spread, a dagger pressed against his veins. “At ease friend.” Anders greeted.
Releasing the dagger from his flesh, he set it beside the candle. “Why didn’t you signal it was you?” he asked, his voice haromnic.
“Sorry Jowan, I was a bit distracted.” Anders replied as Jowan flexed his arm. One minute the feeble musles spurred beneath Jowan’s skin, blood leaking from his cut. The next he was healed with a deep scar on the fold of his arm, as if he had done this many times before.
“Oh yeah?” Jowan laughed, finally turning away from the table. “And what….?” Jowan trailed off as his eyes landed on you. They were a shining hazel, somehow deep and bright all at once. “…was it this time?” he finished lamely, his sleeve unrolling itself.
“Two elves. An assassin and a thief.” Anders replied as Jowan slowly got to his feet.
“Oh? And which is she? Where’s the other one?” Jowan asked crossing his arms.
A laugh etched Ander’s face: “You think I’m joking..”
Jowan raised his shoulders, his face a blank slate. “Arent you?”
Anders looked at you thoughtfully before returning his focus to Jowan. “Would I really waste an elf this pretty on a joke?” he replied.
Now Jowan studied you and you felt a streak of pink cross your cheeks. His face was pecuilar, clearly a man’s yet it had the shine of a child. “Who is she here to assasinate?” he asked.
“Actually she’s the thief. But Howe is the target of her…fair-skinned lover.” Anders answered, a flake of jealously clipping his words.
“That’s right.”
“What about the rest of the family?” Jowan asked. Anders looked at you curiously.
“…I think Zevran’s going to let them live. That’s why he drugged the glasses.” You answered.
“And drugged himself in the process.” Anders chuckled, swapping glances with Jowan.
“How long have you two been doing this?” Jowan pressed with a hint of worry.
“I….this is my first time.” You said.
“I knew it. Your boyfriend talks a big talk, but I could see right through him.” Anders replied.
You opened your mouth but Jowan spoke: “So how does this work? You steal the posessions while your lover kills?”
“Does it matter?” Anders answered before you could. “He’s killing right now, we have to hurry.”
“So you’re down here to take the armor from the Avvar.” Jowan half-asked.
“…Yes.” You agreed.
“Then let’s get started.” Jowan said, sliding something silver off the table. “I’m sick of ‘defending’ that damn thing.” The something silver turned out to be a necklace which he slipped over his head. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Anders exit, but your attention was drawn to Jowan’s necklace. On it hung an ornate sword with a curved handle. “Andraste’s silver sword of mercy.” Jowan said, noticing your gaze. His head turned down to look at it himself. “It was my Lily’s….before….” he trailed off, a frown tugging at his lips. As Jowan’s eyes met yours again, they suddenly resembled a drum – hollow covered with a film of sad innocence.
“Am I interrupting something?” Anders asked from the doorway.
Jowan glanced from you to him. “…No.” he answered.
“Good. Come on.”
Slipping out of Jowan’s hidey-hole, you saw the skeletons lying immobile. “I got one of the locks already,” Anders was saying, pointing to the left of the door. “~~~~~~~~~ grab that key,” You paused glancing down at the skeleton feet from you. “Jowan and I will handle the ones upstairs.”
When you just glanced at them blankly, Jowan explained: “Howe uses four separate locks to protect his precious Avvar.”
“Bit paranoid aye?” Anders said as he started up the stairs with Jowan in towe.
You took a hestiant step towards the key you were supposed to collect. The skeleton was small-boned, the length of the key taking up half of its ribcage. Was it an elf once? Your eyes squinted closed as your hand neared the key. When your fingers grasped cold metal, you gave it a little yank. You heard a cracking noise as the key met your palm. Releasing the breath that had built in your chest, you jogged to the door. On either side, barely visible, was a rectangle with an indent for a key hole. You glanced at the key briefly than inserted it. Turning, you saw Jowan and Anders standing behind you.
“Was that so hard?” Anders greeted.
“…About the skeletons…” you began. An uncomfortable look twisted on their faces.
“…They were here before I was.” Jowan replied softly.
“And you wondered why we don’t care what happens to Howe,” Anders added with a playful laugh.
Jowan swallowed a lump in his throat. “We need to speak stragety.” He said.
“Have an idea then?” Anders pressed.
“Yes. I was thinking I could transform into a bear…” Jowan began.
“..Wha?” you started.
“Hold on.” Anders interrupted, though his gaze was on Jowan. “You know I’m the bigger, more powerful bear.”
“Yes but you know more spells than I remember?” Jowan replied.
“Yes but we’re bound to get hurt, if you’re hurt, you can use your blood magic.”
“It’s settled then.” Anders announced as they finally glanced at you again. “~~~~~~~~ do what you can with the bow. Just stay back, I’d hate for anything to happen to you.”
“….Did you say something about transforming into a bear?” you blurted.
“We know shapeshifter magic.” Jowan explained.
“We learned it from a mage in the Korokai Wilds. She didn’t like me much, but Jowan on the other hand…” Anders elbowed him. “She was practically smitten with.”
“Please. She didn’t believe I was a blood-mage!” Jowan responded.
“Well once she got over that…”
“Can we just get on with it?”
“Fine.” Anders chuckled. “~~~~~~~~~~ watch this,” A slightly clawed hand unparted his robe, revealing broad shoulders and a rippled chest as the fabric fell to the floor. A tense twitch moving your body told you he wasn’t wearing anything beneath his robe though your gaze was stuck on his face which had begun to change. He knelt on the floor, arching his back as he went on all fours. He seemed to grow as fine hazel hair started to sprout along his spine….then your gaze traveled to his dimpled rear and you were forced to look away, biting your lip as your cheeks blazed. There was a flash of light and then a great bear stood between you and Jowan. Even on all fours, it was taller than you by about a foot and nearly reached Jowan’s shoulders. The bear looked at you curiously and though his jaw didn’t move, Ander’s voice rang out. “Want a ride?” You just gawked. “Suit yourself.” With that, Anders the bear lurched through the door causing it to spring flat on the floor of the next room. You exchanged glances with Jowan than followed him inside.
The moment you entered, a sense of foreboding overcame you. Flickering torches lit the room with their yellow-orange glow. A dark fog coursed above the ground. Both the torches and the fog showcased a large crypt in the middle of the room. Anders the bear started towards it slowly. An earsplitting scrapping noise sent shivers up your spine. The cover of the crypt slidded off, thudding loudly as it hit the ground. “Get ready.” Anders warned. An absolute terror rose out of it, tall as a quarni with slanted red eyes and shiny black skin that appeared as hard as ore. In its hand was a sword, practically as long as the Avvar itself.
Fear clogging your throat, a numb part of you was aware the ground was shaking. The next moment the a lump of rock crashed against the Avvar’s chest. Your eyes jumped from it, to a hole in the ground to Jowan with his hands spread out. Anders the bear rushed forward. The Avvar swung but Anders managed to duck as a zap of lighting rokceted against the Avvar’s skull. Anders’s claws screeched against the Avvar’s stomach causing it to buckle. A burst of fire sprang from Jowan’s fingertips setting the Avvar ablaze. “Freeze it, quickly!” Anders ordered. The next instant ice enclosed the Avvar. “~~~~~~~~~ soon as I charge it, use your bow.” Anders said. You glanced down at your forgotten crossbow blankly. “~~~~~~~~~!” Anders called as he lumbered towards the Avvar. His claws connected with the Avvar’s side just as your arrow shattered the ice of the Avvar. The Avvar staggered sideways, a giant spiderweb clinging onto its chest and arms. You cast a quick glance at Jowan and screamed. In his place was a spider as big as you! The next moment Anders the bear roared and a sickening crunchlike snap pierced the air. Forgetting the spider, you saw the Avvar’s head was separate from it body and Anders the bear was shrinking and shedding into just Anders. Your eyes hestiantly darted to the spider, watching as it slowly transformed into the hunched form of Jowan, his extra arms crinkling into dust. A small part of your brain acknowledged that unlike Anders, Jowan had remained in his robes which had resulted in the spider taking on the green and burgandy colors of it.
There was an embarrassed hilt to Jowan’s eyes as he straightened up. “..That was easy.” He murmured.
“Yeah we did well,” Your eyes returned to Anders but your flaring cheeks reminded you he was nude. “Just hope we didn’t scuff the armor too bad. Now would one of you mind fetching my robes? It’s chilly in here..”
A haze clouded Nathaniel’s vision as he stumbled towards Howe’s study. Though it would be an immense sign of weakness, Nate had to tell him how he had randomly passed out. “Father…I don’t feel well…” he panted. Resting his weight against the doorway, Nate hestiantly lifted his gaze from the floor to his father’s desk. On Howe’s desk was Howe’s head, in Howe’s chair was the rest of his bloodied body. Standing between Howe’s desk and Nathaniel was Zevran. “..Oh.” Zevran noted. “This is unforunate.” The drowsy feeling that had consumed Nathaniel melted away into rage. “As difficult as it must be for you, I’d prefer you just walk away. ~~~~~~~~~ seemed sweet on you and I’d rather not…” Zevran’s words were lost as a lunging Nathaniel instantly managed to close his hands around Zev’s throat. As both of them tumbled down, Zevran’s sword clanked out of his grasp, skitting across the marble floor. “…Didn’t…want to…do this…” Zevran wheezed. He thrust his dagger into Nathaniel’s side causing him to cry out. Headbutting him, Zevran managed to roll ontop. Retracting the dagger, Zevran raised it high….but a flash of your concerned face plagued his mind halting him. Noticing Zevran’s distraction, Nathaniel clasped his hands around Zevran’s wrist turning the dagger aboutface. “Bruhshadig!” Zevran cursed struggling not to stab himself. A thought clicking in his mind, Zevran’s knee connected with Nathaniel’s wounded side. Nate curled in pain, and wiggling the dagger out of his grasp, Zevran pinned the steel into Nathaniel’s shoulder. “Learn to play well with others yes?” Zevran scolded as he stood. Nathaniel steamed, his hands clumsily grasping the dagger embedded in his flesh as Zevran retrieved his sword. Zev paused noticing Nathaniel’s attempt. “You don’t quit do you?” he said. Nathaniel yanked the dagger out of his shoulder. Shaking his head, Zevran leaned down and thrashed the butt of his sword against Nathaniel’s nose knocking him out cold. “If you did have a relationship with ~~~~~~,” Zevran mused, taking the dagger out of Nathaniel’s hand. “It is at least good to know she favors the strong.”
The smell of decay rolled off the Avvar’s armor. You were thankful you were only carrying its sword. As the three of you stepped into fresh air, the first thing you saw was Samuel. “~~~~~~~~~?” he asked in all the glory of his withered yet whimsical voice. “Where in Maker’s name did you find….who are they?” he interrupted himself, weary eyes on Anders and Jowan.
“Uh…” you stammered.
A stern look crossed Samuel’s wrinkled face. “~~~~~~~~~ are you assisting thieves?” he demanded.
Suddenly a man appeared behind Samuel. “And what if she is?” he greeted with a sliver of an accent. Before Samuel could even turn around, the stranger connected his elbow with Samuel’s head. Your jaw dropped as Samuel sprawled onto the ground unconcious. With messy brown hair and scruff encircling his chin, the man either had tan skin or hadnt bathed for some time. “You must be Zevran’s new girl. Hm. Not nearly as pretty as the last one.” He greeted.
“Who are you?” Jowan asked before you could.
“My name’s Taliesan, and I’m Zevran’s partner.” Tal answered stepping forward.
“Let me guess, you’re an assassin too…” Anders hummed.
“I’m an Antivan Crow.” He confirmed. “And if you know what’s good for you precious, you’ll hand over that sword.” Tal extended a hand in your direction.
“Wouldn’t threaten her if I were you.” Anders warned.
“Yeah, we mages might not like that.” Jowan agreed.
“I could kill you both before you cast a single spell.” Tal sneered.
The clanking of metal and a fresh whif of decay signaled Anders had dropped the armor he was holding. “That right?” he challenged.
A smug smile spread on Taliesan’s features and before you knew what happened, you were pressed against him with the Avvar’s sword inches from your throat. “Yeah. Mage. That’s right.” He replied.
Jowan dropped his armor too. “Let her go. Take the armor and leave..” he spoke up.
“Jowan!” Anders hissed.
“I don’t want that stinky armor..” Tal said. Wrapping an arm around your shoulders, he slowly raised the blade to examine it. “I’ll take the sword…” You squirmed and Tal tightened his arm to keep you in place. “…for me,” he continued and you could hear the smirk in his voice. “And the girl for Zevran. Now be on your ways.” Tal finished pointing the sword at them. Eyes landing on Samuel, your elbow connected with Taliesan’s hip bone. You expected him to buckle but he merely grunted in your ear. “Like it rough do you?” he whispered.
“That’s it!” Anders snapped. His arm sprang out and a burst of purple energy lept from his fingertips to Taliesan’s face. Tal staggered and Jowan quickly grabbed you, tugging you behind him and Anders.
Taliesan laughed, wiping the squirt of blood from his mouth. “You’re going to wish you hadnt done that blondie.” He sneered.
“Enough Taliesan.” Zevran greeted appearing out of thin air. “We must leave before the rest of the Howes awake and learn what happened.”
“Fine. Let’s slay the mages and be done with it.” Taliesan replied giving the Avvar sword a twirl. Zevran’s bloodstained hand closed around the blade.
“No.” he breathed.
“You’re going soft Zevran!”
“Now is not the time. Come let’s go!”
With a final leer, Taliesan followed Zevrann towards the front gate. Exchanging looks, Jowan and Anders swiftly scooped up the Avvar armor and followed. You hestiated glancing at Samuel. He had been like a father to you and now you were just gonna leave him laying there like that? “~~~~~~~~~ c’mon!” Jowan called.
“Forgive me.” You whispered then dashed after them.
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Soooo whaddya think of Taliesan? Keep in mind I had /very/ little to work with...