Status: active

Little Remains

Things Moving Back To Normal

The funeral was interesting and of course sad. I talked to Sam's sister, they looked so similiar.

Her name was Grace and she had the same raven black straight hair as her dear sister, her eyes weren't those twinkling hazel ones like Sam had though. Instead she had baby blue ones instead, they both had a light tan but Grace was somewhat short unlike Sam who was tall.

They did have a lot of similarites though.

Things became normal for many people by the time, Christmas had been finished with. I loved Christmas, I spent it with my family. I put up the tree and cooked just not the meat because that makes me sick.

I wasn't a huge fan of the dinner, I wouldn't eat any of it really and fill up on chocolate instead. I went to Christmas mass, it was really nice. I prayed for the Grey family, who didn't have Sam with them this Christmas.

Christmas totally flew by. New year's eve was so wonderful too, I didn't have new year's resolutions though.

I went back to school in a very good mood, ready for a work like atmosphere. I was positive but there was feeling telling me that this new year wasn't so happy.