Solid Ground

I'm Norma Sullivan. Eighteen years old. Brown hair. Green eyes. And an amazing boyfriend. He loves me so much. The only problem is that I'm not too sure about how mutual that feeling is... He's great, don't get me wrong, but there's always been someone else I've wanted more than him... He’s someone who I’d have to forget about if I ever wanted to work things out between Alex and me.

I left my home in Huntington Beach five years ago when my parents got divorced. Most of the family stayed in California, but I took this as the perfect opportunity for me to get away. School was hard for me there; I had no friends and somehow managed to make a lot of enemies. And home-life obviously wasn't too good either at the time. So I decided to move away with my dad.

So, here I am five years later, still living in Nevada and loving every minute of it, pretty much anyway. Life for me is so much better here, but I have to admit I still miss home every single day...

I do not own any of the famous characters in this, however any one's that you don't already know like Norma and her friends in Nevada are mine :)

- a7x.Sick.Puppie.x