Leave It Up To Fate

Chapter 17

That night it was so hard to sleep. There was so much running through my mind. Tyler was going to propose to me? He has has a ring for 2 years but I up and left him before he even got the chance to ask. I honestly didn't know what to think.

That morning I woke up and Tyler was still asleep. I knew he was going to have a massive hangover when he woke so I careful slid out from his embrace to not wake him, grabbed my phone and walked into our bedroom. I sent a text to Taylor.

To: Taylor

Starbucks, half hour?

Almost immediately she responded and I began to get ready, throwing on a pair of shorts, Tyler's hoodie, and converse. I grabbed my keys, some money, and walked out the door.

When I got to Starbucks, I ordered Taylor and I both a green tea and sat at a table. Soon after, she walked in and sat down.

"Thanks, girly," she said when I handed her the tea. "What's going on?"

"A lot," I sighed.

"Oh no, what happened?"

"Tyler... ahhhh." I groaned in frustration, "he came home last night completely drunk out of his mind. I wasn't mad or anything, it's not like he does it all the time, actually he never does. It was whatever, and I was just going to get him and bed to sleep it off, but then he decided he wanted to give me something," I said and looked down. "He gave me an engagement ring."

"WHAT?!" Taylor yelled.

"Shhhh! He was not proposing but he had it from 2 years ago. Taylor, he was going to propose to me before we even were going to have a baby. He had it all planned, and last night he just spilled it all. Then, he goes off on how we should go to Vegas and get married right now, and I told him I would marry him when he was so sober."

"Is that what you want?"

"Of course, I want to marry him... someday! I mean I'm not saying years from now. If he proposed to me when he was sober I would say yes. I just feel like last night proves how we still aren't completely over what happened."

"Maddie, I think that you guys are over it and have moved on. I mean yes, you didn't know he was planning on proposing but that doesn't change anything about what happened back then, what is happening now, or what is going to happen in your future. He loves you and yeah everything slipped out last night and not how it was meant to, but it's okay. It's really not a big deal." Taylor calmed me.

"Yeah, I guess you are right."

"Why don't you go home and talk to him?"

"Okay, and you go and tell Luke."

"Okay..." she sighed.

"Promise me." I gave her a look.

"I promise."

"Everything is going to work out." I gave her a hug.

"Same to you."

With that we went our separate ways. I drove home thinking of what was to come once I got there. I had no idea if Tyler was awake or if he would remember last night at all.

I walked through the door, and saw him sure enough awake, sitting on the couch where he fell asleep the night before. I put my keys on the table and slid off my shoes by the door as he watched me.

"Can we talk?" he asked in a raspy voice.

I nodded and walked over as I was about to walk passed him to sit next to him he grabbed my hand and pulled me in front of him before pulling me down so my legs were on either side of his, sitting on his lap. I let my knees rest on the couch.

"Madds," he sighed, "I-I'm so sorry about last night."

"It's okay."

"No, it's not okay. I didn't want you to find out like that. To be honest, I didn't want you to find out at all. I didn't want to bring our past back into this relationship,"

"Tyler, there is no way we can escape it. We had a daughter together, nothing will ever make us forget that, and I don't want to."

"I know, I know, I just don't want to upset you."

"Ty, do you really want to marry me?" I whispered looking down.

He brought his hands up to cup my face and make me look him in the eyes.

"Madison Rose Davies, there is nothing in this world that I want more than to make you officially mine, Maddie Adams," he smiled. "I love you so much, and want forever with you, but this and last night...that's not how I want to ask you. You deserve so much more than that."

"I love you," was the only thing I could seem to think of to respond and leaned in to kiss him. He turned and laid back on the couch pulling me on top of him all of the while never breaking the kiss. After a while we just laid there, me laying on his chest listening to his heartbeat.

"What are we going to do once you get signed?" he asked after a while of silence.

"We aren't going to change, I will still be right here. I'm not moving away, and I'm not going to change who I am."

"I know you aren't, I'm just saying once you get big you are going to tour and paparazzi will start following you, it's going to be a lot of pressure on us."

"I know your right. It's going to take a lot of getting used to, it's going to be tough at sometimes," I admitted, "What is your plan? Do you want to go pro?"

"I have no idea, it all depends on the scouts if they like me or not, my future isn't as set as yours," he said, "the only thing for sure is that you will be in it, no matter what. I promise, I'm never going to leave."

I smiled at him and leaned into give him a kiss. "I can't imagine anyone else being with me besides you, for the rest of my life."

"I don't know how soon we are going to be married or anything like that. Once your career kicks off we can talk about when a good time is to get married but in the meantime I still need to propose and hope you say yes." He smirked.

"Like I would say no." I laughed at him.

"You better not," he said and kissed the tip of my nose. "Is that my hoodie?"

"Yes, you just noticed?"

"No it's the first thing I saw actually. You look hot in my clothes," he winked, and I laughed back giving him a kiss.

"I hate to do this, but I have to leave, I have a game tonight." he said as I began to sit up. We walked hand and hand into our bedroom and I sat and watched as he got ready in a suit and tie.

"Wear this tonight?" He asked throwing me an orange jersey.

"Of course."

He came over pulling me off the bed and into his arms kissing me passionately. "I love you baby," he said.

"I love you too, good luck tonight," I smiled before giving him one more peck before he walked out the door.

I sat down and started writing

He is good, so good
He makes promises he keeps
No, he's never gonna leave
♠ ♠ ♠
Here is Chapter 17!
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