Status: Hiatus

Beautifully Written

Remember Spring Break?

You’d think that Christmas break would have been horrible, being separated for two weeks like that, but actually it was bearable. We weren’t dating (despite that one kiss we shared, two if you count me kissing you when you were sleeping) and we were just really good friends so we just missed each other like any other friends would.
Spring break, which isn’t even as long as Christmas, felt like such a scary thing. We were a newer couple and we were in that honeymoon phase where being together is just the best thing. The day I got home I went right to bed, it was late at night, and I was wishing that the vacation would just end so I could hold you again. I woke up wishing for the same thing.
My parents and little sister were all dying to meet you, remember during our first (and last) webcam session? It was the second day of spring break and we were already missing each other and decided to webcam. We said our hellos when my family randomly appeared in the background. Remember, my parents started rambling about who beautiful you are and when you started blushing my sister had to explain to them how you could hear what they were saying? You were so cute, blushing madly and laughing shyly at every compliment they gave you, but you deserved them all.
After they left the first thing out of my mouth was, “I’m sorry.”
You shook your head and laughed, “No, no it’s fine. I really like your family.”
I smiled, “So how’s it feel to be home?” I asked slightly leaning towards the camera.
You frowned and sighed, “I’m not home.” You said sadly.
“What?” I asked surprised.
“Well apparently my mom forgot,” You made air quotes when you said forgot, “To tell me that she moved to Italy.” You rested your chin in your hands and your frown deepened, “I’m beginning to think she hates me.”
“No she doesn’t hate you. You’re impossible to hate.” I reassured.
You sighed and appeared to shrink down in your seat, “I beg to differ.” You said then added, “But anyways, my mom gave me access to her bank account so I can do whatever I want over vacation.”
“That’s good?” I questioned.
You shook your head, “My only plans are to sit in this hotel room until vacation’s over.”
And then a brilliant idea popped into my head, “Annabelle,” I said slowly, “Do you –do you want to come spend your spring break here with me?”
“In North Carolina?” You asked.
I nodded, “Yeah, I don’t want you to be all alone.”
You smiled, “I’d love to.” You said shyly. “Would your parents mind?”
I shook my head, “No they’re dying to meet you in person.” I said and I couldn’t keep the excitement out of my voice.
You laughed, “Ben, I’m going out on a limb here but are you excited to see me?” you asked smiling.
I nodded eagerly, “Of course I am. I miss you.”
You rolled your eyes, “Make sure it’s alright with your parents.”
“I will, I will. I’ll go ask them now. I’ll call you after?” I said quickly.
You laughed once more, “Okay, okay! Calm down.” You said in between giggles, “Call me.” You finished and ended our webcam session.


“Where is she?” I muttered pacing around my house. You were late. I had insisted that I pick you up from the airport, but you declined and decided to take a cab instead. I never liked cabs, but I complied with your wish.
“Ben, calm yourself.” My younger sister told me as she watched me from her seat on the stairs.
“Lyra I can’t. She’s late.” I groaned.
“Ben she’ll be here.” My mother said walking into the foyer. “My goodness, I’ve never seen you so worked up about a girl.”
“Ben’s in loooooove!” Lyra teased in a sing-song voice.
“Shut up, Lyra.” I growled narrowing my eyes.
“Ben,” my mother warned then said, “Look, a cab’s here!”
I whipped around towards the door and saw you stepping into my driveway. You were wearing a tank top and some shorts that showed off your curves. You looked so damn sexy. I watched as you grabbed your bags from the trunk, paid the driver, and started towards the front door.
I swung the door open and quickly walked over to you and took one of your suitcases. “Hi.” I greeted.
You smiled as we started walking back to the house, “Hello.” You laughed. When we were almost to the door and turned and stopped in front of you, dropping your bag to the ground. “What are you doing?” You asked with a raised eyebrow.
I shrugged then replied, “Come here.” Before putting my hands on your waist and pulling you into me, pressing my lips to yours.
“I missed you.” You whispered burying your head into the crook of my neck.
“I missed you too.” I replied placing small kisses on your bare shoulder.
“This is real cute and all, but seriously, can we keep the PDA down to a minimum?” I heard my sister’s voice.
I sighed and pulled away from you and glared back at her. “Was that necessary?” I asked picking your bag back up and taking your hand.
She shrugged and was suddenly pushed aside by my mother who scurried out to meet you, “Oh, you’re even more beautiful in person!” She cooed and pulled you into a hug.
“Mom…” I sighed.
You laughed, “Thanks. Mrs. Parker.” You said cutely.
“Mrs. Parker is my mother.” My mom laughed pulling away and looking at you, “Call me Portia.”
“Portia as in Shakespeare?” You asked.
“You’re a fan?” my mom asked surprised.
“I’m not a huge fan of Shakespeare, but I’ve always appreciated good literature. The Merchant of Venice was one of the few plays by him that I really enjoyed.” You said and I stared at you in awe. You just kept getting more and more amazing.
My mom laughed, “I can already tell you and I are going to get along wonderfully. My parents were big Shakespeare fans and they decided to name their first born after a character in one of his plays. Their favorites are Romeo and Juliet and The Merchant of Venice and since they didn’t want their daughter to be like Juliet they went with Portia.” She said leading you inside, you never let go of my hand.
“I never understood Romeo and Juliet.” You replied, “Pardon my word choice but Romeo was nothing but a man-whore and Juliet was just desperate to get laid.” You finished with a slight blush gracing your cheeks.
My mom laughed, “Ellie, we are going to get along just fine.” She said making you smile. My family never liked Emma, so I was ecstatic when I realized that they loved you.
Almost as much as I do.
♠ ♠ ♠
'Cause no one loves you more than I do

I'm thinking of a title change. Any suggestions?

OMG. Two stars! Woo :D! *happy dance*

The Pulchritudinously Hideous Exception <-- You know what needs to be done. I've already got 10 subscribers! YAY!


(Mostly comment, I need to be given a reason to keep writing.)