Status: Hiatus

Beautifully Written

Remember Playing Questions?

After break our group decided to go out to eat to catch up and apparently, catching up means starting an intense game of Questions. Questions, the over-the-top game of truth or dare formed into questions. It’s always seemed like a controversy: is it harder to complete a dare, or is it harder to tell the honest to God truth? The game of Questions is like the Switzerland of Dare and Truth. Neutral.
The game is hard to explain, remember how much trouble we went through trying to explain it to Kyle? Thankfully, it’s easier to catch on than some other games.. We all went to some sports grill and bar and shared appetizers and talked about our holidays when Brooke brought up the idea.
“Anybody up for a game of Dare?” she asked challengingly.
“Only if we set some ground rules.” You said from beside me.
“Ground rules?” Brooke replied incredulously.
“Yes, like no stripping, no perverted things, no incredibly disgusting things, and if you drag any random person into this game I will leave.”
“That’s no fun!” Brooke pouted.
“Fine, then.” You sighed, “Let’s play Questions.”
“Questions?” Kyle asked from across from you.
You nodded, “It’s like an über game of Truth or Dare.” You explained.
“I love this game!” Brooke said clapping once and scooting forward in her seat, “Let’s do this!”
You rolled your eyes, “Teams or no teams?” You asked and looked over at me.
I opened my mouth to answer but Brooke butt in, “No teams! It’s so obvious you and Ben will pick each other and then I’ll be stuck with an idiot. It’s every person for themselves in this game!”
“Fine.” I sighed and under the table, away from everybody’s eyes, I grabbed your hand.
You leaned into me slightly, “What’s Questions?” Kyle asked.
We tried explaining it to him multiple times until finally you let out an aggravated groan, “Kyle just shut up and let us play, you’ll catch on as we go.”
He nodded and everyone looked at Brooke. “I’ll go first.” She said, “Then we’ll go clockwise so Kyle will be last. Hopefully his small brain will compute all this by the time it’s his turn.”
We all agreed and then the game started. Brooke asked Stacy questions, then Stacy asked Tony, then Tony asked me. When it was your turn I had to ask you something. “Category?” I asked smirking at you.
“Is your favorite hobby spraying Silly String at people?” I asked.
You laughed and shook your head, “Nope.”
“Good. I hate that stuff.” I muttered and you rolled your eyes before looking at Kyle.
“Kyle, you ready?” You asked with a smirk.
He nodded slowly.
“Love life.”
You held back a laugh, “Mood?”
“Look around this room right now and point out the people that you think could be the love of your life.” You told him.
He sighed, “Crap.” He muttered and scoped out the area, “Her.” He pointed at a blonde haired girl across the room, “Her.” He gestured to a model-like woman behind us, “And…” He looked at Bridget, “You.”
She almost choked on her drink. “Oompaloompa you better be shitting me.” She said seriously.
He shrugged, “I was just saying, you are my type.”
“Since when do you have a type?” She asked.
“Hey!” He wiggled his finger in her face, “It’s my turn to ask the questions, now hush!”
She sighed and sat back, “Fine.”
“Horrible moments.”
“Is right now in the top ten list of horrible moments that occurred in your life?” he asked.
She looked at him, and then glanced at us –we were all staring intently. “No, Kyle. It’s not.” She sighed.
And then the game continued. This letter may seem pointless, but do you want to know why I wrote it at all? The last round we played, we had mixed it up so we all got to ask each other questions and you were going to ask me. It was my favorite part of the night.
“Category?” You asked looking at me.
“Love.” I said with a shrug.
You raised an eyebrow at me, a smile tugging at the corners of your mouth. “Mood?”
You rolled your eyes and laughed, “Dare?”
You sighed in thought. “Do you love her?” Brooke said from across the table.
I looked at you and you shrugged, “Do you love me?” You asked cutely. Your eyes were wide and curious. I was never one of those people to just jump into relationships, and even though your eyes looked hopeful I had to answer truthfully.
“Maybe.” I said and I saw some unrecognizable emotion pass through your eyes.
After that everybody decided to get back to our dorms and get some sleep, exhaustion was taking over. I was walking you to the door of your dorm when I suddenly grabbed your wrist and pressed you up against the brick wall.
“What?” You asked looking at me oddly.
“I lied.” I whispered and kissed your forehead.
“Excuse me?” You asked.
I smiled and gently touched the tip of my nose to yours, “I lied.” I repeated, “Well I sort of did. I don’t love you yet, but I’m definitely on my way to loving you.” I said.
You smiled at me, “I think I’m on my way to loving you too.”
“You seemed upset that I didn’t say that I loved you.” I whispered and kissed you gently.
You shook your head, “No. I was relieved that you didn’t say that you loved me. If you did, I don’t know if I would have been able to say it back.”
I smiled and we kissed once more, “I like you, Annabelle.”
“I like you too, Benjamin.” You said pulling away and moving out of my grasp and towards the door, “Goodnight.” You said about to head in.
“Goodnight.” I replied and watched you disappear from my view.
I liked you then.
But I really do love you now.
♠ ♠ ♠
No song lyrics, I'm too lazy for that.

I'm having boy issues so I don't feel like it -.-

I suck at making games up hahaha.
