‹ Prequel: Dreamland
Sequel: Dreamspace
Status: Completed Check out Dreamspace


Phone calls and moving on

Previously from Dreamland
"Hey Bro, guess who said Mama today" I said with cheer in my voice.
"Who" he asked me not as excited as I was.
"Sophie" I replied.
"Aw that's great" he said.
"You should be happy your niece said mama" I said.
"I know but I have something to tell you" Gerard said.
"Okay" I replied.
"It's about Frank" Gerard said.


"What about him" I asked.
"Remember Jamia?" Gerard asked me. Oh Jamia how could I forget her. She has hated me since high school since Frank always loved me and hated me since then and probably hates me more now that I'm married to him.
"Oh how could I forget" I said.
"Well" Gerard said drawing out well.
"Get on with it Gerard Arthur Way" I said growing impatient.
"He is in his bunk with her right now. Don't worry Chelsea bitched him out" Gerard said.
"You mean he is cheating on me with that whore. So that means you guys are in Jersey. Ask Mikey to go send for divorce papers for me and fax them over. Just think he would have been proud that his daughter said his first word" I said. I was angry and I just couldn't wait to hang up and go up into my room and cry. Zacky and Brian looked at me.
"Okay, I'll have Mikey do that. I'm sorry sis" Gerard said. That made me cry.
"He is just an ass" I said and hung up. I went upstairs to my room and cried. Jimmy was right there for me hugging me.

"Oh Stac" Jimmy said. I hugged him back and threw off my wedding band and engagement ring.

Time Lapse Three years

Three years ago Frank and I got divorced. I got custody of Sophia and Ethan. Frank can see them every other month until they start school then it's every other weekend. He was upset that we got divorced but my words to him was he shouldn't have slept with that slut. Mikey and Alicia moved to California with me so I wouldn't be lonely. Chelsea and Gerard stayed in New Jersey so Chelsea could bitch Frank out. Now Sophia and Ethan are three and Ethan looks like Frank and it sucks.

"Hey sis" Mikey said.
"Momma, momma" Sophie and Ethan said running to me. See Ethan didn't talk first but he was the first one to walk. So it was cute watching my two babies teaching each other the things they learned before the other. I picked them up and looked at their ice cream covered faces. There is only going to be two more times that I see Frank besides picking up my kids and have to talk to him and that's Mikey and Alicia's wedding and then shortly after Chelsea and Gerard's wedding.

"Did you have fun with Uncle Mikey" I asked them.
"Yeah momma, he gave us ice cream" Ethan said.
"Oh yeah, before supper. I think momma has to punish Uncle Mikey" I said.
"Do it" Sophie said. She looked like me and like I said Ethan looked like Frank.
"Ello Ello ello" I heard Brian's voice say. Sophie and Ethan wiggled out of my arms and ran to him.

"Hello my little angels" he said to them.
"Ello Uncle Brian, where's Zacky" Ethan asked.
"With Ichabod and Pinkly. We have a surprise for momma so shh" Brian said.
"What's this surprise" I asked him raising and eye brow.
"Yeah I wanna know too" Jimmy said next to me. Yes Jimmy is still here, I don't know for how long and it's going to suck when he is gone.
"You'll see" Brian said. Alicia came downstairs and looked at Sophie and Ethan's face.

"My goodness Mikey, I hope you learn to clean up kids faces when we have them" Alicia said causing Mikey to go Har Har Har. Brian walked in with Sophia and Ethan on both of his legs making him laugh.
"I have no idea why they love you so much and is so scared of Johnny when you are clearly scarier looking" I said to Brian. He stuck his tongue out at me and I stuck mine out back.
"Have you seen Johnny's make up that could explain it" Brian said.
"That's so true" I said. Brian picked up Ethan and set him on the counter and then picked up Sophie and did the same while I went and grabbed a washcloth to wash their face off.

I washed off their faces and heard two little barks and saw Pinkly and Ichabod come in and then Zacky was following shortly behind with a Husky.
"New dog Zacky" I asked him.
"Nope, surprise, and it's a male puppy Husky. I know you always wanted one" Zacky said. I smiled big and ran to the husky puppy. He looked at me and I just pet him.
"Yes I can finally have a dog named Jacob" I said. He seemed to like that name because he jumped up and licked my face.
"Thank you Zacky" I said smiling big and giving him a hug.
"Puppy" the twins said trying to get off the counter.

"Don't worry the owners said he is all potty trained and everything" Brian said getting the twins down as he unhooked Jacob so he could play with Pinkly and Ichabod and the twins.
"Thanks guys" I said.
"No problem, now I got two little kids to chase after" Brian said leaving Zacky and I alone.
"About time I can do this" Zacky said and leaned down and kissed me. I was taken aback and was a little shocked but kissed him back. He pulled away and had a big old smile on his face. I probably had one to mimic it.

"What's with the. Whoa, I feel like I just missed something" Alicia said. I turned around and moved my face from Zacky's blushing bright right.
"Something tells me Luscious Angel is falling for Zacky Vengeance or vice versa" Alicia said. I just shrugged my shoulders and went into the living room where I saw my two kids on top of Brian. Ethan saw Zacky and motioned for him to come over so he did. Next thing you know Ethan is tackling Zacky to the ground.

"My strong three year old" I said to him.
"Almost four momma" Sophie said.
"Yes that's right your almost four in two months. Shit, don't we have a tour in two months" I asked Zacky and Brian.
"Nope, we changed it to record or new CD so Luscious Angel can be heard on new songs" Brian said.
"Turning four is a very big deal" Zacky said making me laugh.

"Okay I missing two people who live in my house are they here" Matt asked.
"Aren't they always" I asked him.
"Uncle Matt" Sophie said getting off Brian and going to him. He picked her up and spun her around. She giggled and laughed.
"See your normal looking that's why she shouldn't be scared of you, but Brian he is one scary Mother f-er" I siad.
"I heard that" Brian yelled.
"He is scary" Johnny said. Sophie screamed and tried to get out of Matt's arms.
"Momma momma momma" She said reaching for me. I grabbed her and put her down and she ran back to Zacky and Brian and her brother.

"Why are your kids scared of me. They should be scared of Gerard" Johnny said.
"You are scary Short Shit" I said to him walking into the living room to see Jacob my puppy laying down. He was so cute. Maybe I was finally getting out of my depression and back to happiness.
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Wow before this story even started I already had four subscribers NICE. Thanks to you who read Dreamland now here is what you've been waiting for.

let me know what you think and please do not hurt me i'm sorry my brain thought of this and just don't hurt me
