‹ Prequel: Dreamland
Sequel: Dreamspace
Status: Completed Check out Dreamspace


It's not one guy, not two, but Three guys for all after 1 girl

After Chelsea walked out the room and shut the door, I just sat on the ground and started to cry. I felt Zacky's arms around me.

"I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to react the way I did" Zacky said as I put my head against his chest and cried.
"You hate me now" I cried.
"I could never hate you, we made this baby and I'm damn proud to be a soon to be dad" Zacky said to me. I looked up at him and stared in his green eyes and realized it was true. He took his hands and wiped away my tears.
"I love you" I said.
"I love you too baby" Zacky said and kissed me. I kissed him back and pulled away to see a smiling Zacky.
"I'm going to be a daddy" Zacky said.
"Yeah, but we should go to the doctor and see how far along I am and to make sure it's doing alright" I said.
"Okay, I'll call and we can go later since it's only" Zacky said looking at my phone, "7:30 not a good time to go to the doctors, let's make the appointment for tomorrow."
"Okay" I said as Zacky dialed the doctors number. We sat there and I stared at the two test feeling happy.
"Hi, I'm Zacky Baker and I was wondering if I could set up a doctors appointment for my girlfriend to determine a pregnancy" Zacky said. He paused nodding a couple of times.
"Her name is Stacie Way. Okay tomorrow at 10 okay see you then" Zacky said.
"Yuck that means I'm going to be up earlier then that" I said.
"Oh well I'll be there with you" Zacky said picking me up and carrying me to the bed. He set me down on and and laid down next to me.

We heard footsteps coming up the stairs and talking. There was a knock on the door.
"Come in" I said and in came Gerard.
"What does Chelsea mean your pregnant" Gerard asked.
"Exactly what it means" I replied.
"When" Gerard asked.
"Two weeks ago during our alone time" I replied looking at Zacky who still had a big smile on his face.
"You sure it's Zacky's" Gerard asked.
"What do you mean by that" I snapped.
"Exactly what it means" Gerard replied.
"Zacky is the only person I had sex with and we did it two weeks ago that's when I was starting to feel sick around last week" I snapped again.
"Not from what I heard" Gerard said. My attention went right to Chelsea and I glared at her. She hid behind Gerard.

"Don't you fucking hide on me, you promised you wouldn't tell any body" I said.
"I'm sorry he wanted to know" Chelsea said.
"Yeah doesn't give you the right to tell him. Plus I saw a condom wrapper and a used on in the trash when I ran back here. If I was pregnant with any one else's child it would be impossible" I said. Zacky was rubbing his hands up and down my sides trying to cool me off. It wasn't helping. I got up and went to the bathroom and pulled out my cell phone and called Bri.

"Hey Stac, what's up" Brian asked as soon as he answered.
"Are you next door" I asked.
"Yes I am" Brian replied.
"Okay, I'll be right over" I said and hung up and then walked out hte door pushing past Chelsea and Gerard. I walked down the stairs and Jacob followed me all the way next door. Brian was standing at the door with his arms opened. I went to them and cried.

"What's wrong babe" Brian asked.
"Fucking everything" I said as he walked us over to the couch.
"No, I don't want people walking in and hearing this" I said. Brian nodded and we headed toward his room.
"What's up" he asked.
"Well, you know how I've been sick in the morning" I asked him.
"Yeah I do" Brian replied.
"Well, I took a pregnancy test and found out I was pregnant, so I told Zacky who at first was shocked but now he is happy" I said.
"Congrats" Brian said. I smiled and then took another deep breath to continue my story.
"Then Gerard came up asking about my being pregnant and I told him I was, then he said are you sure it's Zacky's and I said of course it is he is the only person I've slept with. THen he said that's not what I heard and friggen Chelsea told him about what happened at the party" I said bawling.

"The reason why Zacky got so wasted that night. Yeah I know I saw you too I just acted drunk and pretended not to remember it" Brian said.
"But it's like I just that I told Chelsea so she wouldn't tell any one and she does. The fact that it was my own brother was even worse. I mean it's Zacky's, I know it is because if it was Frank's I would have been getting the symptoms sooner you know" I said as I leaned on Brian and cried even more. He just sat there and rubbed my back and then I fell asleep.
Brian's Point Of View

As soon as Stacie was asleep, I laid her down on my bed and pulled out my phone and called Frank. I felt terrible since I am her best friend but he needed to know this too.

"Hey Brian what's up" Frank asked.
"Hey, nothing really. I just have some news you aren't going to like" I said to him shutting the door to my room.
"What's the news" He asked, "shut up Ray and Bob."
"Stacie is pregnant" I said.
"So that means it's mine right" Frank asked.
"Don't know, but just because you hooked up with her that night when you were drunk doesn't mean its yours, she started puking two weeks ago after her and Zacky had sex" I said.
"She slept with him" Frank growled.
"They are dating and you aren't married to her any more" I pointed out.
"I'm going back there soon to try to win her back" Frank said.
"It might be too late" I said.
"It's never to late" Frank said.
"Fine, do whatever but it won't be my fault if she gets pissed off at you" I said to him. Zacky walked in as I was on the phone. He looked at me.

"I gotta let you go, but I'll talk to you later" I said.
"Let me guess the asshole walked in but alright later man" Frank said and I hung up with him.
"She in your room" Zacky asked me.
"Yeah, she is a total mess" I said shaking my head, "congrats."
"Thanks, yeah, I had to listen to Chelsea say I should go over and say sorry" Zacky said.
"Stacie fell asleep from crying so much. If you want to bring her into your room you can" I said to him. Zacky nodded and headed toward my room. Why does he get all the girls he doesn't deserve. He walked out carrying her and headed toward his room with her.
New Jersey
Frank's Point Of View

"What the fuck" I yelled as soon as I was off the phone with Brian.
"What" Ray asked.
"She is pregnant with Zacky's kid" I said.
"Whoa, that just throws the plan off" Bob said.
"But it might not be his" Ray said.
"Let's just hope" I said sitting down. Well I ever get my wife and kids back. I looked at the pictures of Stacie, Sophie, Ethan and I. I wondered if they will stop calling Zacky, Uncle Zacky to dad and I'll be uncle Frank.
"Wanna make that trip a lot earlier" Ray asked me.
"Yeah, let's see if we can get tickets to Huntington tonight" I said as I grabbed my bag that I packed a while ago. Ray nodded and grabbed his stuff too and Bob also. We walked out to Ray's car and got in it and drove to the airport.

It took us a while to get to the airport in New York and once we got there we traded our tickets for tonight to go to Huntington to be there by tomorrow.
"I need to find out if it's mine or not" I said.
"Understandable" Bob and Ray said as we went through all the security and crap like that. We got to our terminal and sat down in the hard plastic chairs. Soon they were calling all passengers to Huntington California please board now and we all got up and showed out tickets and walked down the tunnel to the plane. We found our spots and sat down. I leaned up against the head rest and buckled up. As soon as the plane started to take off the air hostess handed me a pillow and blanket and I fell asleep.
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Oh yeah I'm throwing Brian into this love square now