‹ Prequel: Dreamland
Sequel: Dreamspace
Status: Completed Check out Dreamspace


Trouble and Sibling bonding

I woke up and saw green eyes looking down at me and I looked around and saw Zacky's arms around me. I thought that he hated me but I guess he doesn't. I had to find out for sure.

"Do you hate me" I asked him. Zacky chuckled.
"Of course not, I could never hate you" Zacky said as he kissed my forehead. I didn't feel so well. I ran to the bathroom for my lovely morning sickness and then I realized it was more then that.
"What happened" I asked him holding my head.
"Well, if I remember correctly you said to your brother before I brought you up here and before you tried having your way with me. That's why your in my shirt" Zacky said as I looked down and realized I was in his shirt and he was shirtless.
"Go on" I said as I took the medicine Zacky gave me.
"Hey, Gee Gee guess who I ran into today our old friend Mary Jane. After the fact you tried to go swimming saying you were flying. You were completely out of it, I'm sorry I made you so depressed you had to go to that" Zacky said. I walked up to him and put my hands on both of his cheeks and kissed him.
"It was completely my decision which I am regretting. Oh Gerard is going to hate me" I said as I put my head forward onto Zacky's chest.
"Oh, I forgot one little detail. You also kissed Brian" Zacky said. My eyes and mouth went wide.
"It's the Jimmy thing all over" I said.
"Don't worry, I knew you were out of it. I don't know how Brian is going to act today but if he thinks of touching you in any way, I will punch him even if he is my best friend" Zacky said as he hugged me.

"You should put a shirt on" I said randomly. I felt Zacky laugh.
"But don't you like me shirtless" Zacky asked.
"Yes very much so but if I want to face Gerard, I don't want to get distracted when he is yelling at me" I said pulling away and took off his shirt.
"Just leave it on" Zacky said putting it back on me. I nodded and went to my dresser and put on some shorts. Zacky grabbed a shirt and we walked downstairs hand in hand.

"Morning momma" Sophie and Ethan said. I leaned down and hugged them.
"Morning kiddies" I said to them.
"We are going to have a cousin did you know that" Sophie asked. I nodded.
"Yeah, I hope it's a boy" Ethan said.
"What would you say if you were going to have another brother and or sister" I asked them. They got huge smiles on their faces.
"I would love that" Ethan said.
"Me too" Sophie said.
"Well you are" I said. They smiled and cheered. I looked up and saw Zacky smiling and then I heard someone clear their throat.

"Uncle Gerard, momma is having a baby like Aunty Chelsea" Sophie said.
"Yeah, I know why don't you take Uncle Zacky and go play" Gerard said.
"Okay, come on Uncle Zacky come play dollies with me" Sophie said taking Zacky's hand and pulling him away from me. I looked at Gerard and casted my eyes down.

"Yeah you know your in trouble, but one thing I want to know is after all these years being clean while your pregnant do you ever think it's smart to go back down that road" Gerard said to me.
"I didn't want to think. I just wanted to be relaxed and not worried about it. I fell bad putting mine and Zacky's baby in danger" I said.
"So you are convinced it's Zacky's. What if it isn't are you going to go out there and find hardcore shit after the baby is born" Gerard asked.
"I would never do that, yesterday I just wasn't thinking. All of the yelling, all of the crying, I couldn't take it any more" I said looking down.
"You could have talked to me" Gerard said picking my chin up.
"Yeah and have you worry about my problems while Chelsea is pregnant and you are writing new songs" I said.
"You are still my little sister who I love, I wanna know what is going on before I go off on my honeymoon with Chelsea and then go back to record" Gerard said.
"I'm in love with three people" I said.
"Who" Gerard asked.
"Zacky, Brian and Frank. Well I don't know about Brian but deffinately Frank and Zacky" I said. Gerard hugged me.
"Who do you feel most connected to" Gerard asked me.
"Zacky and Frank" I said.
"Be with whoever makes you happier" Gerard said. I smiled and hugged him.
"Thanks Gee" I said.
"You're welcome, now promise me you won't meet up with Mary Jane any time soon" Gerard said.
"Of course I won't" I said and hugged him again.

We hugged once more and we walked into the kitchen and there stood Brian with a smirk on his face.
"Hey, can we have a repeat" he asked me. I backed away from.
"Brian, I was high" I said to him.
"So you still kissed me" Brian said.
"I kissed you the last time I was high and look what happened" I said and backed up into someones body. I looked up and saw Zacky glaring at Brian.
"Leave her alone" Zacky said.
"Fine, by the way someone is here to visit" Brian said stepping aside to show Frank. Just when things were getting good. Ray and Bob were there too.

"Wonderful" I said walking away. I walked to Gerard and sighed sitting down next to him.
"Wanna color my hair" Gerard asked me. I smiled.
"Hell yah" I said.
"Let's go" Gerard said and we got up and walked out the door past the three guys who were most likely fighting over me and into my car.
"Can we talk my mini cooper" I asked.
"Sure" Gerard said walking toward it. Mikey saw us.
"Where you going" Mikey asked.
"Want to have a sibling bonding day and get your hair cut" Gerard asked. Mikey nodded his head and got into the back of my mini cooper. Chelsea stood with a confused face.

"Make sure those three boys don't break anything and can you watch Sophie and Ethan. I'm spending the day with my brothers" I said.
"You need it. Have fun" Chelsea said waving goodbye to us. I pulled out and we drove to Wal-Mart instead of the mall for once.
"Yes, Wal-mart" Gerard said laughing as he got out of the car and we both laughed as Mikey tried to get out. I stepped between my two brothers and linked arms with them. People pointed at us and stopped and talked to their friends but we just walked in.

"To the hair dye" I said as I jumped into the cart and Mikey laughed and pushed us toward the hair care.
"You want a different color Mikes" I asked as I looked at the dye. I looked at the dye in from inside the cart.
"Mikey, hand my that purple one" I asked him. He handed me the purple and it was Burgundy.
"You like" I asked my two brothers. They looked and nodded. I put it in the cart and Gerard held out a wicked bright red.
"Pwease" he said with a pout.
"It might make you less pale so sure" I said as he put it in the cart while Mikey grabbed blonde.
"No one will recognize us" I said as Mikey pushed me through the isle.

"Excuse me ma'am" a worker said to me.
"Yes" I said.
"Are you injured" she asked me.
"Yes I am" I lied and Mikey and Gerard giggled. It wasn't the first time, someone asked me if I was injured. Last time I didn't lie and I had to get out of the cart.
"I don't see a cast" she said.
"My foot hurts and it's because I'm wearing a brace you can not see now excuse me while I shop" I said and motioned Mikey to go on ward. We walked up and down the isle and grabbed a few things and put it in the cart. We went to the check out and paid for everything. We then went to the local comic shop so Gerard could see what they had. He was happy that he found some he liked and he bought them. Then we went to an amusement park. For the first time all day my phone went off.

Where are you babe, are you okay-Zee
I'm fine, I'm just spending a day with my brother's before we can't hang out-S
Oh about that, the guys agreed and they said we should do a tour with My Chem-Zee
Love it-S

I put my phone away and smiled.
"What's that about" Mikey asked.
"Well as soon as we are done our CD and you guys are done with yours we can go on tour together" I said.
"Yes" Gerard said picking me up and spinning me around. I laughed and begged him to put me down.
"Nope, we are going on this ride and you can't see it yet" Gerard said as he carried me to the ride. I heard screaming so I knew it was some ride that causes you to scream.

"Gee are you sure I can go on this ride with my being preggers" I asked him. I heard mumbling.
"Yeah you can, it doesn't say anything about it" Gerard said as I felt us moving closer.
"Dude, she is going to piss her pants on this" Mikey said.
"Whole point" Gerard said. I smacked him in the back.
"Ouch" Gerard said.
"You deserved that" I said as we kept moving forward.
"Sir your going to have to put her down" a guy said. So we must have been at the ride. Gerard set me down and I looked around. It was the ride all the guys have been trying to get me on.
"Oh no I am not going on this" I said as I tried to walk away but Mikey and Gerard stopped me.
"I can't wait to tell Matt, Johnny, Brian and Zacky that we got you on this" Mikey said. It was one of those wicked crazy roller coasters like it's fine at first but then it goes in the dark and other things and it was just terrifying. I shook my head no as they pushed me to the seat and I was glad that there were three seats in a row.

"Not the front" I said as Gerard and Mikey pushed me to the front. Don't get me wrong I love Roller Coasters but I hate being in front and this roller coaster I didn't like.
"To bad" Mikey said putting me in the middle seat and Gerard getting next to him. They took my flip flops and put them on the other side of the track. I closed my eyes as I felt the thing start to move. I grabbed Gerard and Mikey's hand and they laughed at me. I pouted and it started going uphill.
"Oh come on just open your eyes for the picture" Mikey said.
"Fuck you" I said as we reached the top. It went down and I screamed while I flipped Gerard and Mikey off.
"Hows that for a picture" I yelled closing my eyes. Gerard and Mikey laughed at me and soon the ride was over and I was running for my sandals and running down to look at the photo. Gerard and Mikey smiled and told them the number and bought it.
"Bastards" I said walking back to my car. Mikey got in the back as Gerard got in the driver's seat not wanting me to kill them.

We drove back to the house and we went upstairs to my room avoiding everyone.