‹ Prequel: Dreamland
Sequel: Dreamspace
Status: Completed Check out Dreamspace


Airports and awakwardness

I woke up Sophie and Ethan at 7 and got them dressed. I grabbed the keys to the van so I could fit everyone in. I locked the door and yawned and put the twins into the their booster seats. I shut the door, got into the drivers seat and pulled out of the driveway. I stopped at Starbucks to get my coffee and then got on the highway to drive to LA to go get my brother, my best friend and Frank.

"We get to see daddy" Sophie said.
"Yep you do" I said as I drove to the toll and gave them the change. I put in Black Parade and started to sing along with my brother's voice.
"It's Uncle Gee" Ethan said shaking his head and rocking out. I laughed at my cute little boy.
"When I was a young boy my father took me into the city to see a black parade" I sang along. By time we reached LA I looked back and saw Sophie and Ethan sleeping. I turned into the Airport followed the signs and turned into the pick up parking area. I opened up the door and went to the passenger side of the van were the back door was.

"We are here" I said to Sophie and Ethan. Sophie opened her eyes first and yawned and I helped her unbuckle but Ethan was still asleep. I unbuckled him and picked him up while grabbing Sophie's hand. I walked into the baggage claim and noticed their flight just got in. Sophie jumped up and down excitedly.

"Calm down baby cakes" I said to her. I saw Gerard's head and smiled.
"I see Uncle Gee can I run to him" Sophie asked me.
"Go ahead but if any one stops you just keep going" I told her. She let go of my hand and took off toward Gee. I looked at Ethan was still asleep and I saw Gerard pick up Sophie and spin her around. I decided to stay there because I didn't feel like walking over.
"Ethan honey daddy's plane got in" I said to him softly. He mumbled something and just laid closer to my neck. Chelsea saw me and ran over to me.

"Oh my god I missed you" she yelled.
"Shh Ethan is asleep" I said to her.
"Opps sorry" Chelsea said looking at Ethan sleeping on my shoulder.
"Wow he looks like Frank more and more each day" Chelsea said.
"Tell me about it" I replied. Gee walked over with Sophie and set her down.
"I'll be right back I'm going to help Frank find the bags" Gerard said. I nodded and Ethan opened his eyes.
"Daddy" he said.
"Yes daddy is here" I said to him. He got a huge smile and turned to see if he could see him. Of course he couldn't because there was so many people.

"So what's this I hear about you and Zacky" Chelsea said.
"Alicia told you didn't she" I asked. Chelsea nodded her head.
"I don't know, I mean we've kissed and he's been all sweet but we haven't like gone on a date and I mean he has been the first guy since Frank and I divorced" I said to her.
"Well girl get some freak on with him" Chelsea said. I rolled my eyes at her and saw Gerard and Frank coming with a ton of bags.
"What are you doing moving in" I asked Chelsea.
"Remember we are having my wedding on the beach and the reception at your house in October" Chelsea said to me. I smiled and giggled.
"I forgot" I said.
"Thanks for the help babe" Gerard said to her.
"No problem" Chelsea said. Ethan started to wiggle seeing Frank so I let him down and both him and Sophie ran to him.

"Daddy" they said as he set down the bags and picked them up.
"My have you grown" Frank said.
"We are almost four" Sophie said.
"I know you are, my big girl and big boy" Frank said making them smile. My heart ached just looking at him.
"Come on you two let's get back to the house because I'm sure Uncle Mikey and Aunt Alicia are awake now" I said.
"Yay Uncle Mikey" Sophie said.
"Daddy you get to meet Jacob" Ethan said.
"I can't wait" Frank said as he set them down and they ran back over to me. I grabbed their hands while Chelsea, Gerard and Frank grabbed all the bags. We walked to the van and I opened up the trunk so they could put their stuff in.

"Shot gun" Chelsea said as I was putting Sophie and Ethan in there seats.
"What if I wanted to sit next to my sister" Gerard asked.
"She is my best friend" Chelsea said.
"Well she is my flesh and blood" Gerard said. They both stuck their tongue out at each other and as soon as the trunk was closed they both ran to the passenger seat while Frank got in the back behind Sophie and Ethan. I got in the drivers seat and noticed Gee was sitting next to me.
"Let me guess you won" I asked him.
"Damn straight" he said and Chelsea grumbled about being cramped up in the back and not being able to talk to me.
"Sis you look tired" Gee said. I just shrugged my shoulders, yawned and took another sip of my almost empty Starbucks cup.
"Nope" I said starting up the car and backing up making sure no one was behind me. I pulled out of the airport and made the trip back to Huntington Beach. It didn't take as long which was very shocking.

Soon we were pulling up to my house and I saw Brian and Zacky standing at the door yelling at Mikey and Alicia to open the damn door. I laughed as I turned off the car. I noticed Frank had been quiet the whole time and just ignored it. Gerard got out and opened the back door as Frank and Chelsea unbuckled the twins. They got out and ran to Zacky and Brian.

"Hey you little munchkins" Brian said picking them up.
"What you can't get in" I asked.
"They won't let us in they're in there laughing at us as we are yelling to open the door" Zacky said.
"Poor you, help with the bags and I'll let you in" I said.
"With pleasure mi lady" Zacky said making me giggle. I stood up and kissed his cheek and walked to the back of the car. Brian was entertaining Sophie and Ethan while we got all the luggage.
"Damn Chelz how much shit did you bring" Zacky asked as he lifted up the bags that had all our dresses. Mine being the dark purple maid of honor dress. That's right I'm maid of honor.
"My wedding dur" Chelsea said.
"Oh yeah" Zacky said laughing. I gave Brian the keys to unlock the door and he opened it up and covered Sophie and Ethan's eyes.

"Dude your niece and nephew do not need to see that" Brian said. I heard them groan and walk out. Alicia's hair was a mess and Mikey was just looking at the ground.
"Way to make out" I said to Mikey who just flipped me off.
"Now come help your older brother out" Gerard said as they both walked over and grabbed bags and started to bring them in. I walked in with Chelsea's stuff with Zacky and we walked to the room they were staying in. We set the bags down and he pulled me closer to him.

"What do you want Mr. Baker" I asked him.
"To kiss the most beautiful girl ever" he said and I blushed. I leaned up and kissed him softly. Before it could get heated we pulled away.
"Morning" he said.
"Best morning ever" I said to him hanging up all the dresses in the closet before walking out. Zacky slapped my ass and I glared at him.
"Sorry" he said and I just laughed.
"Where is our room" CHelsea asked.
"Follow Zacky" I said pointing to him. She followed him and I went back out to grab more things.
"You would think Chelsea was moving in" I said.
"Trust me I stopped her from packing the furniture" Gerard said.
"Typical Chelsea" Alicia and I said. We finally had the van unloaded and all the bags in the right place.

"Beach" I asked.
"After coffee" Gerard said.
"Here here" Mikey and I said walking into the kitchen.
"You get the maker ready and I'll get the cups ready" I replied. I looked down and saw Jacob at my feet.
"Sounds good" Mikey said as he put the coffee and water in the pot and hit the button. Jacob looked hungry.
"Did you forget to feed my dog" I asked Mikey.
"Shit" He said. I rolled my eyes grabbed his dog dish and filled it with food. He ate it happily. I heard footsteps and thought it was Zacky so I was about to say hey good looking when I saw it was Frank.

"I see nothing changed" Frank said.
"Haven't had time" I replied as I pet Jacob. Frank looked at him and he looked up and did a little growl.
"See he doesn't like me" Frank said.
"If I was him I would do the same thing" I said and walked out of the kitchen and into the living room where some how Sophie and Ethan had cereal.
"Okay are you two magical" I asked them.
"No momma" Sophie said and laughed.
"Uncle Brian made pour us some when you were getting the things" Ethan said.
"Oh and I thought you were magicians" I said. They giggled and continued eating while watching Spongebob.

"Thanks Bri" I said and hugged him.
"No problem" Brian said and hugged me back. Brian was definitely my best guy friend then it was Zacky and then Matt. Johnny scared my kids but he was still cool.
"Do you still feel weird with him being here" Brian asked. I nodded my head and just stood there.
"Hey, off my girl" Zacky said.
"We never made it official so Bri can hug me all he wants" I said and stuck my tongue out at him.
"Touche" Zacky said and laughed. I heard the coffee maker go off and I left Brian's arms and pretty much leaped for the coffee. Gerard was shortly behind me.

"Them Way's and their coffee" Brian said shaking his head.
"Dude coffee" Matt said walking in.
"Mine" Mikey, Gerard and I all said.
"Nope" Matt said taking my cup from my hands.
"Oh no you didn't" I said and he moved the cup so I couldn't reach it.
"Mikey he took my coffee" I said pointing to Matt. Gerard instead of Mikey reached up and plucked it from his hands.
"Never take away a Way's coffee" Gerard said sipping his. I took a drink of mine and melted into it. When my best friends were here I completely forgot Frank was standing in the kitchen too.