Status: Hiatus

Annoyed the Ice Until It Melted

The Pansy Prank

I hummed quietly as I levitated the bucket to the perfect angle for maximum goo-age. “And now, for the final touch…” I muttered a spell under my breath and grinned as a small gold wisp erupted from my wand and disappeared into thin air. “Perfect,” I whispered to myself beaming at my creation.

Now, we just need the target to appear…

And as if on cue, Zoey came hurtling around the corner and whispered hurriedly that they were on their way. I looked up once again at the large series of buckets that were hanging on a delicate mechanism above the door and rubbed my hands together in glee. I quickly dragged Zoey into a cubicle in the girls’ lavatory and locked the door, both of us covering our mouths to hide our giggles of excitement.

Pansy walked in with her ‘crew’ of Slytherin bimbos to use the loos before rushing to their afternoon classes and I cautiously peeked over the cubicle wall as they started their usual loud gossip whilst reapplying their overly thick make-up; I rolled my eyes and silently urged them to hurry up. After a few long minutes, I saw Pansy’s ugly shoes head for the exit.

Finally! I cheered silently, and opened the door in time to see a gold streak appear from nowhere and tip the buckets contents all over my unsuspecting victims.

Shrieks erupted from the girls’ mouths that would have impressed any banshee as a never ending flow of goo soaked them. We laughed outrageously as the girls tried to push each over in a race for safety and instead ended up tripping over each other, further soaking them on the goo covered ground.

When the fountains of goo had stopped, Zoey and I opened the cubicle door fully and nodded to each other in a professional manner. Zoey grinned; “Congratulations on your ingenious spell mechanics. It has worked most impressively!” She said, observing the scene before us.

I nodded again in thanks and replied whilst giving a slight bow; “Why thank you darling!” We linked arms and together jumped over the seven glaring Slytherins and headed towards our double period of History of Magic, just as the bell rang.


“And so, Muggles continued to burn suspected witches at the stake throughout the century…” Professor Binns droned on, as most of the class lay slumped over their desk in various degrees of unconsciousness.

Unable to concentrate on the monotone voice of our ghost-teacher, I put down my quill and pointed my wand at it instead. Mumbling a spell under my breath- seconds later, the quill jumped up and starting zooming over the parchment. I took a peek at the parchment and was immensely happy that it was copying the lecture word for word.

“Now… for some entertainment,” I mumbled to myself grinning and took out the super elastic hair tie from my hair, allowing it to tumble in messy waves around my shoulders. I looked around for a target eagerly, and shortlisted my choices to either Hermione Granger or (my favourite), Malfoy.

I looked from one to another, and the thought of the black and white mouse we learned from Muggle Studies appeared in my head. I pointed at each one with each word and sang quietly; “Mickey Mouse was in his house, pulling down his trousers, quick mum, smack his bum, that’s the end of part one.” When my finger landed on Malfoy, I smirked. Of course it would land on him!

I pulled out the eraser from my school bag, and began to break it into chunks. Zoey, who had been picking at her nails beside me, looked up and sent me a questioning look gesturing with her eyes to the growing mound of shredded rubber.

I winked and mouthed ’watch me’ to her as I readied my makeshift sling shot and armed it with a chunk of rubber. I carefully took aim for the inside of Malfoy’s ear, which was an open target due to the fact that his was slumped on the table; his head lay sideways in his arms.

Satisfied with my aim I released the rubber, sending it flying across the room; it flew until it finally made contact with Draco's cheek. Apparently he wasn’t totally asleep as his eyes shot open and made immediate contact with mine, shooting invisible daggers towards me. I waved in response before quickly taking aim with a second chuck of eraser which landed with a dull 'thump' on his nose.

He growled as he stood, rolling up his sleeves. When I saw this I squeaked and I jumped from my chair to dodge an oncoming spell, which ricochet off my chair and hit the ceiling. Both of us stood stock still and threw a cautious glance at Professor Binns, who- as it turns out, hadn’t even looked up from his book.

We looked at each other and simultaneously breathed a sigh of relief then Draco returned to rapidly pursing me. I ducked behind someone’s desk and chucked another piece of the eraser I’d managed to grab from my desk before running off. I snickered as it smacked him right in the eye, causing him to trip over a chair.

The whole class collectively held its breath once again as we all turned to our translucent Professor. Yet (whether on purpose or sheer… deafness?), he continued to drone on about the witch burnings of previous centuries as if two of his students weren’t engaged in a battle of sorts in his very own classroom, right in front of him.

Malfoy feigned movement around the desk and managed to grab my arm with his annoyingly elongated limbs and hauled me closer to him. He leant down and whispered in my ear, “I win.”

I stared up into his icy blue eyes and felt a flutter in my stomach… Oh well, that’s what I get for skipping lunch! He paused as he continued to look at me, his eyes slightly shining with an emotion I wasn’t quite sure of.

Turning around in his arms with a cheeky grin, I launched my knee into the certain area that the sun doesn’t shine on. It wasn’t as hard as someone would normally hit, but it was good enough as I saw his face erupt in pain as he crouched over. I smirked as I bent down and put my lips to his ear; “When will you learn, Malfoy? A Hart doesn’t lose.”

The bell rang, signalling the end of the school day. I happily grabbed my things and skipped out of the classroom, just as Binns disappeared into the blackboard.


After hurriedly resetting the trap I’d made earlier in another part of the castle, I sprinted towards the dungeons so I could catch Draco before he left for dinner.

As I arrived at the corridor just before the entrance to the Slytherin common room, I saw Malfoy appear. Perfect timing...

I withheld my grin as I grabbed his arm and rasped; “Malfoy…” I took a deep breath, feeling the consequences of running all the way from the first floor, down to the dungeon. “Pansy… she’s looking for you…” I heaved in another deep breath and rested my hands on my knees, whilst I sneakily peeked up at his face which I took great pleasure in seeing that he’d paled a few shades.

“What does she want?” He asked cautiously, with slight fear in his eyes. He grabbed the hand I’d rested on him and was crushing it in his own. Then I choked on my saliva… I growled internally at myself… yeah, it turns out I didn’t think that part through enough…

“Umm…. Apparently she was going to test a potion,” I blabbed, desperately trying to sound honest, “Yeah-that really strong love potion! Ugh, what’s it called? Ammor- something...” I rambled as I tried to ‘explain’ I continued with this; “I overheard some girls from your house mention that she wanted to test it, so she tested it on herself- which sounds stupid, but yeah, and now she’s trying to find you to make you all really crazy in love.”

“I don’t believe you!” He looked at me weirdly, oh, I knew this was going to happen so it’s a good thing I came prepared!

“Did you hear that? I think I heard her!” I stated loudly, thanking God I’d bought Zoey in on the plan.

He paused for a second to listen, just then the voice of Pansy (who was really Zoey) shrieked, “Drakie poo!” I almost laughed once I saw Draco’s face pale a few more shades and turn green as his eyes darted around frantically. I grimaced as his hand tightened around my arm. I prised his arm off of my mine and massaged it carefully. “Calm down, I know the perfect place where you can hide-“

“Why the hell are we here then?!” He pushed me forwards and gestured for me to lead him there. When I didn’t move he exclaimed loudly; “Take me there!”

“Well!” I scoffed as I turned the opposite way, “If you’re going to be like that-“

He ran a hand through his hair as he pleaded; “No, no, no! I’m sorry!” He grabbed a hold of my shoulders causing me to step back towards him; “Show me!”

I grinned, this was going too well. “Come on...” I led him towards Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom barely concealing a grin as we hurtled through the corridors.

“Quick, in here!” I grinned, as without question he ran through the door. Just as I stepped back about ten feet and hid behind a suit of armour, a massive ‘Boom’ shook the walls of the castle.

"You evil little witch!" Screamed Malfoy, bursting through the door, having been plunged in an unknown concoction of goo that I had laid out for him- Although admittedly I was sad that I couldn't work the plan to include his followers also getting gunged.

"Ha-ha ha-ha!" I cackled wildly, pointing with one hand and holding onto the suit of armour for support. The rest of the students who'd heard the commotion had gathered and laughed along with me, some holding on each other for support.

Zoey ran up besides me and mimicked; “Drakie Poo!” Loud enough for him to hear us, he glared as we both burst out into laughter once again.

"You two litt-," He started, making his way towards us. Well… that is until he slipped and fell face first into the lovely green goop splattered on the floor. He was now well and truly soaked.

I stopped laughing enough to taunt; "How appetizing Malfoy... green goo? Totally you!" -before erupting again in laughter. I glanced towards the crowd and I saw the little boy who’d paid me, push his way forwards.

“Oh my god!” He cried as he ran towards me, when he was beside me he grinned up at me, “I can’t believe you did this!”

I stopped chuckling and smirked down at him and tussled his dirty blonde hair, “I take it you like?”

“Like?” He questioned cutely, “I think you should charge way more than a galleon for this kind of action!”

Zoey nodded from beside me; “I agree!” She grinned as she went to give him a high five, which he gladly returned.

I couldn’t help but allow my ego inflate a couple of notches. Grinning I looked down at the little boy and said; “Well, kid... There are more important things than money… like pure entertainment!” I giggled again at Malfoy, but did a double take as I now saw that he was pointing his wand at me

“Eek!” I squealed as I shoved passed the boy, waving as I ran away from the general direction of Malfoy’s wand.

I smiled, as I sprinted away from the scene of the crime. Oh, this was pure bliss; back at Hogwarts, back to taunting Draco Malfoy...having a good laugh. Ah, definitely pure bliss...
♠ ♠ ♠
We would just like to say that we are very thankful to those of you who commented diamants de charbon
Sierra Kusterbeck;
Dulcis Somnium

and broken wings
.. we highly appreciate it!

Anyway, as always... please comment for chapter 6 and here’s a 'clip' of the next chapter..

Preview for Chapter 7
“Oi fatty!” I shouted at Draco, slapping his hands as they reached for the hundredth time for more sweets. “Those are mine!”

I glared at him as he sneered at me, turning his nose up in the air; “Sharing is caring, cheapskate!”

“Ahh!” I let out a war yell, and leaped towards him to repeatedly slap his head, “How’s that for cheapskate!”

We yelled at each other as we wrestled all over the hospital cot, screaming profanities at each other. Soon enough Madam Pomfrey came bursting out of her office with her wand at the ready.