Status: Hiatus

Annoyed the Ice Until It Melted

Identical Golden Rings

A cold breeze blew through the Astronomy Tower tossing my untidy brown locks around my face as I sat on the stone ledge of the highest tower of the castle, my feet hanging over nothing but air and a feeling of total tranquillity swept through me. This was my ‘Maddy’ time.

A week of gruelling classes had finished, and it was just a little before midnight. I smiled lightly as I thought about my upcoming class, Astronomy. It was the last class of the day, and it just happened to be with the Slytherins.

My mind began to wonder as I thought of the future (it was a subject I barely breached, even in thought. I liked to think that I lived in the now. But one thing I hated above all was change. Because change wasn’t always good, was it?). I thought about all of my classmates… Will I see them after school finished? Will Zoey and I still have time for each other? Will I have to grow up and be forced to change to enter the formidable force of the ministry’s Aurors?

Would people be hurt in the brewing war against good and evil? Will people have to endure similar torture to Neville’s- Having their parents so close, but… so far away. Or like Harry Potter’s… would the many of the next generation of wizards and witches grow up with the pains of not even having a family?

I smiled at the thought of my pudgy friend. Neville is a bit… apprehensive. But deep down, I know that he was much more than that.

I fiddled with my fingers, but paused as I felt my fingers slide across my golden ring which hugged my pinkie finger perfectly. I looked down at it and smirked as I twirled it around; my mind now going back to our third year and then towards Draco.

I thought of our recent pinkie promise in the Hospital Wing, and still wondered why he‘d gotten all deep on me that day. Our pinkie promises felt important to me despite the fact that almost all of them were pointless, and that half of them were made for my own entertainment.

I grumbled to myself as I sat beside the black lake. It was the second day of our third year, and I hadn’t seen Draco anywhere! I hadn’t seen the dumb bimbo since I left the train station at the end of our second year. It was like he was hiding from me, but I know for a fact that Draco Malfoy wouldn’t do that… even if it may be for his own good. I grinned wickedly to myself.

I felt a presence behind me as I sat by the black lake and smirked- I knew he couldn’t hide from me! I turned around to look at him, though when my gaze fell upon the his platinum blond hair which now hung in neat locks around his face rather than the slicked back approach he’d used before, I burst into fits of giggles.

“Oh Drakie! Did you finally exhaust the world’s supply of hair gel?” I continued to laugh as I pointed at his hair.

He huffed and stepped up to me pulling me to my feet before throwing me over his shoulder roughly. I gasped stopping my laughing fit, and struggled against his bony shoulder. “Malfoy! Put me down this instant!” I stopped struggling in shock as I noticed where he seemed to be moving me, “Don’t you dare! Malfoy! No don’t-!”

With a splash, I waved my arms around frantically as I jumped up drenched in water. I heard laughter and growled towards the source. “I’ll get you for this Draco Malfoy!”

"Oh yeah?" Draco questioned as he stood back and crossed his arms over his chest, his trademark smirk planted across his thin lips. His blue-gray eyes shined in amusement as he looked down at me, my brown hair wet as it stuck against my face.

I wobbled over towards him until I was safely back on the dry ground, “I pinkie promise you!” I declared as I reached up and shoved my hair out of my face roughly.

His eyebrows rose in entertainment and he pressed his lips together. Then he chuckled out; “You still do that?”

I gasped dramatically before huffing and set my hands on my hips defensively; “A pinkie promise is a sacred bond! It‘s the real deal!”

He just continued to laugh, but hastily turned it into a cough when he saw my death glare. I stuck out my pinkie and demanded; “Now are you going to pinkie promise or not!”

Draco clicked his tongue and shook his head, a grin on his face. Looking down at me, he shrugged and linked his fifth finger with mine.

That was the first time we pinkie promised each other. I would swear on a promise that a prank would be pulled on him. And each time, he protested before linking his pinkie with mine. He didn’t have too, but he did. I think it was because he was scared of what I would do to him if he didn’t…

Weeks and months of pinkie promising each other and then I came up with a brilliant idea! It all started when I decided that a pinkie ring would be perfect for our agreements. So when we were allowed to go to Hogsmeade in our third year for the weekend a couple of weeks before the Christmas holidays, I took the liberty to look for matching gold rings for the both of us.

I walked slowly into the only jewellery shop in Hogsmeade, and up to the desk where a friendly looking witch stood waiting.

“How can I help you dear?” she smiled politely.

“I’m looking for two matching gold rings. To fit on our fifth fingers.”

The clerk looked at me strangely and seemed to be silently inspecting me. “Well, that’s certainly a strange request but I’m sure we can help you.” I smiled gratefully and heaved a sigh of relief, my shoulders relaxing as the lady busied herself with opening display cases around the shop and pulling out a variety of velvet lined trays.

Half an hour later, I made my way out of the small shop with two small boxes in tow and began to make my way back up to the castle.

- - -

Maddy, behave! It doesn’t need to be perfectly wrapped for him, I mumbled to myself as I walked down the corridors to the dungeons, my hand tightly holding the identical golden rings. I was leaving Hogwarts for the holidays tomorrow, along with everyone else who was to go home for Christmas, and I wanted to give the ring to Draco before we left… in case I was too lazy to look for him on the train.

When I turned the next corner, I grinned. Perfect timing. “Malfoy!” I shouted, my voice echoing in the dingy corridor.

Upon hearing my voice Draco tensed, and then tipped his head back and groaned loudly. I narrowed my eyes at him and then shrugged, deciding that I would ignore his rudeness in honour of the Christmas spirit. After all, it’s not like his reaction was undeserved. I skipped towards him, a big smile on my face and shouted merrily. “I got you something for Christmas!”

Hearing this Draco’s head snapped back up as he turned around and looked at me. He appeared to be surveying me carefully as multiple emotions flashed across his aristocratic features. At first he looked sceptical, then curious, which suddenly evolved into confusion and finally... annoyance.

“Oh Drakie, there’s no need to worry! It’s not going to bite you, or turn you into a toad. Or explode, showering you with an unknown gooey substance.” I said cheerily waving my hand dismissively at him, “That’s for after the holidays!”

Malfoy turned his head slightly to look around him, expecting something to fall on him or fly at him from a distance. When he was satisfied that there wasn’t anything waiting to hurt him or cause him certain embarrassment, he relaxed his muscles and crossed his arms, gray eyes staring at me as I watched him with evident amusement.

“What is it?” Draco asked uninterested, looking bored. I felt my eye twitch, and was ready to smack him upside the head- but I remembered that, for the Christmas spirit, I would be patient. I closed my eyes briefly before smiling and opening them once again.

“Stick out your hand.”

Immediately Draco shook his head and backed away, “No- last time you-”

“Oh shut it Malfoy!” I snapped impatiently, “We can do this the easy way, or the hard way.” I finished with a growl and withdrew my wand. Screw the Christmas spirit, this boy needed an education in manners!

It took a minute then, finally, he slowly stuck out his pale hand and waited for whatever I had for him. I grinned happily and dropped the ring onto his hand. Immediately he tipped his hands sideways and dropped it onto the ground.

I gasped, "What the heck Malfoy!" I groaned and bent down to pick it up, "For God sake's it's just a dang ring!"

"A- a ring?" Draco stuttered out puzzled, and then he laughed. "A ring? What- you're already proposing to me Hart?"

I rolled my eyes and reached up so I could smack him upside the head, "No you dumb buffoon! It's a pinkie promise ring, to seal our wondrous agreements!" I finished gleefully.

"You-You're joking right?" He doubled over and laughed, "Why would I wear a ring for pinkie promising? Are you mental? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard."


"But- but..." He sobered as he heard my whispers and stood straight again. I felt my lip quiver as looked down at the ring, and looked back up into Draco’s eyes with my well practiced tears, "I bought them for us."

Draco rolled his eyes and let out a frustrated noise and grabbed one of the rings, "Damn baby!" Then he angrily walked off towards the dungeons. I grinned, wiping away the tears that changed his mind.


"I pinkie promise that you have gum in your hair." I promised evilly whilst sticking up my pinkie, waiting for Draco to close his around mine.

Gasping, he looked horrified and stepped back and urgently ran his fingers through his hair. "No there isn't!" he growled.

"Oh whoops!" I laughed and stepped towards him, taking the gum out of my mouth and smashed it into his blonde hair, "My bad, now there is!"

I grinned and brought my finger up high, waiting for his finger to close around mine. He groaned, and brought his hand up to mine, threading his pinkie finger through mine. I was expected the solid ring to smash against mine, except… He isn't wearing it!

"Draco... where's the ring I gave you for Christmas?" I frowned at him, awaiting his explanation.

"You didn't think I was actually going to wear it, did you?" He laughed down at me, but when he saw my bowed head, he hesitated; “H-Hart?"

"Fine!" I shouted ripping my hand away from his and walked out of the potions classroom, slamming the door on the way out.

Back in the classroom, Draco sighed and reached his hand into his shirt and touched the gold chain, which held the golden ring, fit for his pinkie. He ran a hand through his hair sighing and then grimaced as he remembered her promise and what she did. He slowly reached up, and his hand came in contact with the sticky substance in his hair.


"Drakie, it's your lucky day... I'm too tired to annoy you!" I sat my thirteen year old self down at the desk across the row from his. Draco hummed in reply, not paying attention as he laid his head on the desk.

He then sighed and sat up, holding his head up with his hand under his chin. He closed his eyes and mumbled. "Where is Professor Snape?"

I shrugged and looked at Draco, before looking away, only to snap my head in his direction as something shiny caught my eye, I squinted and grew curious.

I got up from my desk and walked over silently and grabbed a hold of the expensive looking gold chain that hung around Draco’s neck. Quickly pulling it the full way out of his shirt before he could react, I spotted a familiar looking ring hung on the chain and blurted; "Hey! Is this...?"

He jumped back his eyes shooting open, and yanked my hand off of the chain then shoving it under his shirt. He sneered at me, "Back off Hart!"

I narrowed my eyes at him and put a hand on my hip, "Is that the ring I gave you for Christmas Malfoy?" I reached for my wand inside my cloak, gripping it tightly in my hand. "Is it?"

He glared at me, before sighing and nodding. "I wanted to see what your face looked like when I told you I wouldn't wear it." I continued to stare him down and he looked away only to keep looking back at me. After noticing that I didn't take my eyes off of him, he sighed loudly expressing his annoyance.

"After you cried because I said something about it being a dumb idea, or whatever. I decided that it would be funny when you saw that I wasn't wearing it. So during the holidays I went to Diagon Alley and was looking for the most exclusive jewellery store.”

“’Exclusive’…?” I questioned.

“Well, I can't be seen wearing something cheap or common, like those damn Wealsey's!"

I reached out and flicked his nose, causing him to growl and smack my hand away before continuing, "Parkinson had seen me, so I ran into the closest store, which so happens to be the store I was looking for…"

"Okay, look. I need a long gold chain." Draco Malfoy told the sales clerk at the most expensive looking  jewellery store in Diagon Alley. Draco looked out the window of the store cautiously and began to tap his fingers convulsively on the counter as he began to lose his patience.

Pansy had spotted Draco and had called out to him, but he had continued to walk on and pretended not to notice until he’d managed to barge in front of a large group of wizards, then he ran into the nearest store, which was luckily the one he was looking for.

The man grinned behind the desk, "Of course young sir..." He proceeded to pull out a selection of the finest goblin wrought gold chains which glinted impressively from their velvet cushions. Draco looked at the man icily, before looking back out of the window. Draco heaved a sigh of relief, as he saw Pansy walk past the window continuing her quest to find him.

He turned his head back at the selection and pondered as he carefully scanned the chains before him. Finally, he pointed at one that he liked enough to wear every day and told the man not to bother wrapping the chain as it wouldn't be needed. Draco handed over a small fortune in return for the exquisite gold chain.

Carefully he extracted the golden ring Maddy had given him from a small pouch in his pocket and slipped it onto the chain before placing it around his neck and securing the clasp. Looking down at the ring he smiled and squeezed it tightly, stuffing it underneath his shirt before muttering under his breath; “The things I do for that nutter.”

“Excuse me sir?” The store clerk asked politely, thinking that he’d been spoken to.

“Nothing!” Draco snapped, and with a swish of his cloak he slipped out the door and back into the cold streets of Diagon Alley.

"... then I put the ring on the chain and said that I couldn't wait to see your face when I told you that I wasn’t going to wear it." Draco lied easily about the last bit.

"So…” I began, “You lied to me!?" I exploded and jumped from the chair I had randomly sat on in the middle of his story.

Draco rolled his eyes and leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest, and shook his head at me, "No, you idiot. I didn't lie... I just didn’t tell you the truth…” he muttered pathetically. “It was worth it."

After that… well, being honest, I don’t even remember raising my wand. But I remember the true feeling of satisfaction as I left the classroom. Let’s just say that I was more than satisfied with my punishment for Draco. I was halfway down the corridor and began to snicker as I heard Draco yelp in disgust.


“That damned bloody bimbo.” I mumbled to myself as I smiled lightly. My light smile grew into a triumphant grin, after he confessed about the chain he started wearing the ring. I looked down and swung my feet a little. I ran a hand through my hair as the wind gently blew my hair in front of my face and tilted my head upwards, towards the starlit sky. I sighed in contentment and again reached down and started to twirl the ring around my finger subconsciously.

Then suddenly, I felt a rough arm grasp me around my waist and push me forwards. My heart leapt and I screamed. Oh Merlin’s beard, I’m gonna die! I squeezed my eyes shut and was sure I was about to fall to my death, so I let out a surprised yelp when the strong arm around my waist hoisted me backwards and onto solid ground.

The arm was removed from my waist and then laughter filled the air. I leant heavily against the wall as my shaking legs couldn’t support my weight and brought my hand up to my chest, as I tried to calm my breathing and racing heart. I turned around and glared murderously when I recognized Draco Malfoy’s laughter which penetrated the night.

“You- you, what- you crazy- Draco Malfoy!” I spluttered over my words and stomped over to him. I pushed him as hard as I could and although he fell, he continued to laugh. “Are you mad!? I could have died, though possibly not from falling because you caught me, but I also could have died from a heart attack. What’s wrong with you! You stupid bloody bimbo!”

He sighed and wiped his eyes as he finally stopped laughing, and clutched his stomach as a few chuckles escaped his thin lips. I growled and reached for my wand but he saw this and jumped to his feet, grabbing a hold of my hand.

“Okay, okay…I’m sorry. But seriously, you can‘t deny the fact that you loved the feeling of my arms around you.” He tilted his head and smirked down at me.

My eye twitched and I yanked my hand out of his grasp. “Shut up. You ruined my Maddy time, and you’ll have to pay!”

“Whatever.” He scoffed sobering up, but I could still see the edges of his mouth turned up in amusement.

I opened my mouth but paused. I gulped and looked away feeling slightly embarrassed as I said; “Pinkie promise me you won’t do something like that to me again…”

I looked up and met his blue gray eyes, and as I had carefully examined him that day in the hospital wing, he seemed to do the exact same to me here. Eventually, his eyes softened and he nodded. “Only if you promise me to be more careful. After all you were being a total nutcase sitting so close to your death.”

Rolling my eyes, a small smile made its way onto my face, “I pinkie promise.” I stuck out my fifth finger, waiting for his. When he silently brought his finger up to mine, I pulled away giving him a look.

He blew out a breath and gave a small smile. Then, with a surprisingly soft voice, he said; “I pinkie promise.” We linked our ringed fingers together.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh.. my god. Does this mean? Yes, I think it does. What- I mean.. you- you're-

Yes it's true, we're back in action! :D
Ah, I missed our characters, and you guys of course!

Yasmin is done studying and doing whatever with her exams.. I think. I haven't talked to her about that. LOL, we talk about anything, but not school. xD I'm.. well.. still doing nothing. But I managed to finish this chapter earlier today!

Comment to leave your love! (:
Remember, we update every thursday!
(Though we may take a week off.. because of me. I take forever to update.)

Preview for Chapter 10
I glared at him as he quickly scanned my work, and then compared it to his own which was considerably shorter. Grabbing his quill and ink, he began furiously scribbling down things onto his own parchment.

I rolled my eyes, ‘asshole, can’t even do his own homework.’ About a minute later he shoved my parchment back at me and muttered a quick ‘thank you.’ Then he lifted his parchment in the air and began blowing at the wet ink.

“Butthead!” I growled after smacking the upside of his head and snatching my school bag back to my side of the table.

“What?!” He snapped, rubbing the side of his head, “I said thank you!” He reached out and grabbed a chunk of my hair and tugged in return.

“Oh, I know you did not just tug on my hair!” I yelled as I picked up a heavy Muggle Studies textbook from the desk beside us and whacked him anywhere I could reach with it.