Have Fate


I climbed into my car, plugging my MP3 into the jack. Sighing, I waited until the music started before turning the car on. I let out a sigh of relief as I heard Ronnie's voice speak to me.

The situations are irrelevant now

'Jenna, this is ridiculous!'
'Shut up!'
'It is! And you know it!'
'But we had an agreement!'

She loves the way that I tease, I love the way that she breathes

I wiped my tears away angrily, focusing on driving, or at least tried. I pulled over to the side of the road, sniffling. I couldn’t get it out of my head. It was all there. All flashing back to me.
I giggled uncontrollably as he tickled me mercilessly. I screamed for him to stop, laughing loudly. He stopped and lie down on the floor next to me as my laughter subsided. I turned to look at him, breathing hard, looking back into his eyes.

I touched her ooh, she touched my ahh, it was the craziest thing

Our lips met, our fingers running all over one another. The mood changed from passionate to urgency as we ripped off each other's clothes.

I love the way the girls who hate to love because they’re just like me. A certain girl she took my hand and ran it up her thigh., she licked her lips and pulled my hair

We had a mutual understanding. We’re just fuckbuddies. Sex is our only connection. That’s the only reason we call one another up. We aren’t here as a shoulder, a comforter, nothing. Just sex. And yet…

I fall in love for a night.

With him.