Status: In Progress. Comment for update. :)

That Scoundrel Is No Good


A Flashback Of Sorts

There was no time like the current to address the name change, it seemed, for that was definitely a snapping point in Delilah's being.

Once upon a time there was a girl called Persephone Delilah Graves. She played guitar in a rock band. They were called Poissons de Poison, and they were huge. But Persephone felt small, so small. She had never expected to give in to everything she told herself she wouldn't when she was young.

It had always been her dream to be in a famous rock band. She loved playing guitar and all she had wanted was to get her message out. But one day she met this bad man. Although deep down she knew he was bad, the evil man tricked her into feeling appreciated, feeling loved. He convinced her to turn her back on her fans and please only herself, and in turn please him at the same time when he got his way.

Before she knew it, Persephone was being introduced to all these things that made her feel good, even if only for the moment. She could pop something in her mouth, and next thing she knew she was flying high. Or she could take something else and she could be falling, falling so fast she was back on earth before she knew it. The problem was, when she didn't take the ones that made her fly, or when she took to many of the flying or falling ones, she kept going down. She sank down down down below her feet and watched as her whole world came spiraling to the ground around her.

She felt dead. When Persephone looked at herself in the mirror, no more did she see that sparkling little girl who glowed with happiness. No, she only saw a girl that got so spoiled she'd never be fixed.

Now, the bad man saw this. The bad man knew what it was like, because it had happened to him when he achieved his dreams too. He couldn't be happy because he wanted more. Now, the day he met Persephone, he knew she had a purer heart than he had when it had all happened to him, so the only possible way he felt he could be happy was if he corrupted her, and then could have her all to himself. His plans worked, and she was falling apart before his eyes.

He knew this was his place to step in and assure her that she was perfect, that he could make her feel good again. And then the bad man raped her.

What really drove it all home to Persephone was when the bad man had made a comment about the irony between her name and the act that had just taken place. "The Rape of Persephone" he had chuckled, being a big fan of Greek mythology.

Persephone was sure she had loved this man. She'd fallen when she met him, and he had picked her back up, right? She began to make excuses for the bad man, said he had only done it to reenact that infamous Greek story. It was her names fault, she had said, as she lied broken and bruised in the shower room of some random stadium.

Her heroes were her band. Her boys in shining armor. All three of them, Matt, Jake, and Dylan had stumbled upon her, hair in knots and mascara running down her face. Her clothes were ruined and there was blood coming from somewhere. Her boys had abandoned her when she had gotten into drugs, but at that moment all their hearts thawed for their close friend. To this day they were the only ones that knew about why her name changed and why she was leaving the band for good after this current tour.

You see, that night, the night of the reenactment of the Rape of Persephone, she became pregnant.

To many this would be a curse, an ugly reminder of the ugly events that had scarred her for life. The first instinct would be to get an abortion or something, to wipe out all the bad memories. But to Persephone, a broken girl who was strongly anti-abortion, this was just the flame she needed to thaw her own heart. She could no longer do things for herself, she had another person to care for. She felt alive again. And from the large response of fan outrage that came from her announcing her early retirement from Poissons de Poison, she had fallen in love with the fans again. She felt the butterflies she felt playing her first show all over again. She had been reborn. But scars were forever.
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I hope you enjoyed the fairytale-like flashback. Its snowing out and i felt like a little girl again when i couldn't control my smile at the sign of first snow. Not to mention my birthday's in a week and i got all nostalgic :)
Anyway, again, apologies for the large break but im back now. I appreciate all comments and subscriptions :)