Status: One shot - finished.

The Darkness


It was a typica October night. Sam slowly trudged down the dark, silent road.
This was her favourite time. Everything was silent bar the low hum of the
streetlamps and an occasional car passing. At 3am the mist was starting to
settle, it would hang in the air until the late morning. Sam would wander the
streets until dawn broke.
When she would return home, she would get ready for school, and would quickly
dismiss any worried questions from her mother.
Sam made her way to school but this journey through the streets was a
dreaded one. She hated going to school. Everyday was the same loud whirl
of obnoxious teenagers who always seemed to enjoy hassling and harassing her.
Sam usually kept to herself because of this.
Today at lunch Sam did her usual rutine. Food while listening to her ipod and
reading whatever book she was on at the moment. What surprised her today
was when two girls and a guy sat down at her table. She looked up timidly
from her book.
"Hey", said one of the girls who Sam recognized from her english class.
"Hi", she responded politely, not knowing what else to say.
They began to converse and after a while the guy invited her to come out that
evening. This had never happened to Sam before, people usually threw her dirty
looks and whispered about her when they thought she couldn't hear them or just
didn't care. She decided to grab this chance. They decided on a place and time,
she recognized the place from her nightly ventures.
That evening she left at half eight leaving a half hour to get there. She felt
excited for the first time in quite a while.
As she turned the corner to the street where they had arranged to meet her
heart soared for just a fraction of a second beford sinking. At that moment she
felt truly pathetic. I should have known better, I shouldn't have been so naive.
These thoughts ran through her mind when suddenly she was pulled firmly
backwards. Her blood ran cold and her heart started pounding.
As she turned round she caught sight of the person who pulled her, it was the
guy from lunch, Dan. At first she was relieved but then she noticed that with
him weren't the two friendly girls from lunch but two guys that she also
recognized from school, they were the ones who usually fired insults her way like
bullets. That's when panic set in.
She moved to turn away but then realised that Dan still had hold of her arm. She
looked up and saw the sinister smile that he wore.
'Let go of me', she said but the boys just laughed and Dan's grip tightened.
Sam knew that she was physically unable to do anything about this. The two other
boys came towards her but, to her surprise passed her. Then Dan let go, but before
Sam could even agknowledge this he shoved her and she hurtled toward one of the
boys who were now behind her. They started to mock her while pushing her around.
They cackled with laughter as they did this.
She soon fell to the harsh, cold pavement. The boys surrounded her and started to
kick and punch her weak frame. Sam just lay there, silent, unable to move, or speak
or even cry.
After a while, the boys left running down the street leaving Sam in a cold bloody heap
on the ground.
Only now did the tears slowly run down her pale face. She felt completely broken.
They had taken everything. They had invaded her sanctuary, the only place she had
felt safe. It was ruined, tainted. She picked herself up and slowly limped her way
back home. This would be the last night of wandering these streets. It was no longer
safe in the darkness.
♠ ♠ ♠
My first story here one mibba, 'bout time.
Just a one shot but still enjoy and comment and rate please!