Status: I'm a college student so it will take me a while to get different chapters up.

These Vampires Need Me

The Twins

The next morning, I was sound asleep when I heard shouting. At first I thought it was my dream. It was a wonderful dream of adoring fans screaming my name. I finally woke up enough to figure out that the shouting was coming from the corridor. I rolled over and pulled the covers over my head. The shouting stopped outside my door. I could hear muffled scuffling, and then the door burst open. The force knocked the door against the wall, causing it to swing back shut. I sat up slowly, rubbing my eyes. Kalanie and Kevin burst through the door fighting. Kalanie had Kevin in a head lock and Kevin was biting Kalanie’s arm, causing it to bleed. I crossed my arms and cleared my throat. Both boys looked up sheepishly at me.

“I told you she was still asleep,” Kalanie released Kevin and nudged him.

“I’m sorry if we woke you up. I just wanted to see you before anyone else did.” Kevin moved over to the bed and kissed my forehead. Kalanie rolled his eyes behind his back.

“I thought you weren’t going to be here until later,” I said running my fingers through my hair and yawning.

“Mother and Father wanted to talk to your parents before meeting you.”

“Is Kaylib here?” I asked nervous. As soon as I said it, he walked in. He was gorgeous. He was the complete opposite of Kevin. Kaylib had hair so blonde it looked white in the morning sunshine, where Kevin’s hair was a golden blonde with black lowlights. His eyes were pale silver and they seemed to see right into my soul. His face was more angular than Kevin’s but they still looked eerily alike. He starred at me for a few heartbeats.

“Kevin told me you were pretty, but not this beautiful,” he finally said quietly. It was faint like a whisper. His voice reminded me of something but I couldn’t put my finger on it.

“Umm thanks. I just woke up obviously so the beauty you must see is my brother or something.” I smiled. “Now if you boys don’t mind, I need to get dressed.”

“Come to my room after you get all dolled up,” Kalanie winked and blew me a kiss.

“It was nice meeting you. I look forward to seeing you later.” Kaylib smiled at me. Kevin kissed my cheek and left without a word. *What’s eating him?* As soon as the guys left, I rushed to my closet. Since I was meeting Kevin’s parents, I might as well look nice. I pulled out a black mini dress with a red sash. I slipped on a comfy pair of red flats and started my attempt of taming my wild hair. I straightened my hair and tied a red ribbon in it. Black eyeliner and red lip gloss finished my look.

I walked down the corridor to Kalanie’s room and entered. He never knocks so why should I? I looked around, but he wasn’t there. Well, why waste my time telling me to come here if he wasn’t there? I turned around to walk out and there he was, smiling at me in the doorway.

“Kai, you should wear dresses more often. You look positively charming.” He looked pretty damn sexy himself. He had on black dress pants with a red studded belt, a red button up shirt untucked and slightly wrinkled and red converses.

“We match! Did you read my mind or were you lurking outside my door peeping in?”

“Well… I thought about peeping…” I glared at him. “But I decided against it and read your mind. I thought we should match when we meet Kevin and Kaylib’s parents.”

“You’ve never met them?”

“Nope, I haven’t.” He brushed his bangs away from his face and played with his lip ring. Something was wrong. He was hiding something. I walked towards the door with every intention of going downstairs immediately. It would be rude to keep our guests waiting. Instead, I stood in front of Kalanie, starring at his mouth while he toyed with his piercing. He wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me tight. I wrapped my arms around his neck, not wanting to let go. I wanted him to protect me from some unseen force. He pulled away a bit and brought his mouth close to mine without touching my lips. “I love you so much,” he whispered. “I love you too,” I replied. He kissed me softly then pulled away, leading me out the room and down the stairs with his arm around my waist. I couldn’t help but love him.

At the top of the stairs, I put on my best smile, not knowing what to expect from these people. A handsome couple stood with my mother and father. Kevin and Kaylib stood to the side of the adults with their arms entwined around each other’s waists. When Kalanie and I stood before everyone, Kaylib, Kevin, and their parents all bowed to me and my brother. Kevin glared at Kalanie as he bowed.

“Akota, Lily. May I present my daughter Kaidera, and my son Kalanie.” Akota and Lily bowed again. Kalanie bowed too and I attempted a curtsy. Lily was ghostly pale. Her mouth wasn’t quite full, but if she smiled, it was very pretty. A cold pretty. Her eyes and hair were the same color as Kaylib’s. She looked as hard and cold as marble. Her tailored suit was a crisp white without any wrinkles. I’m glad I wore a dress. Her mate looked as hard, but not as cold as her. Whereas she looked like a perfect angelic statue, he looked like a true cold bloodsucking vamp. He had jet black hair perfectly combed back, classic Italian features, and dull deep blue eyes. How could such harsh looking people create such wonderful children? Just looking at them made my stomach hurt. Something wasn’t right with them.

After we exchanged pleasantries, Romana escorted us out to one of the gardens for brunch. While we munched on fruits and cold pasta, Lily asked me question after question. My head hurt from so much thinking. I was on edge around her. I felt that if I didn’t answer each question like she wanted, she would turn into a monster and slash my throat out. Akota stared silently at me. I could feel his gaze on me, burning my skin.

After we had finished eating, Ryder excused us so he could talk privately with the twins’ parents. I wasn’t sure what to do. Kalanie seemed to know his way around because he led us to the game room. It was huge! Every game console imaginable was there, pinball, air hockey, card tables, a movie screen. I was in heaven. My hands were itching to play something. I chose the x-box 360 and Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe.

“Anyone wanna play me?” I asked looking sweetly at the boys.

“No. I’ll watch,” Kalanie all too familiar with my gaming skill declined. Kevin was my first victim. I let him win the first round, and then crushed him the next two. I didn’t waste any time with Kaylib. He was tough to beat, but I still won. I jumped up and did a victory dance. Kalanie ran over to the stereo and put in some Hollywood Undead.

“And when you’re drunk shake that ass like you know how to dance…” I was in my own little world, dancing and singing to the song. I bumped up against someone, but assuming it was Kevin or Kalanie, I kept dancing, shaking my ass. I turned around with my eyes closed and kissed the person on the mouth. Oooops! It happened to be Kaylib. My little party came to an end as I was apologizing. I looked over at Kevin and saw how mad he was. He walked out of the room. Kalanie and Kaylib’s faces told me to go after him. I ran out the door. I ran all over the place until I ran by one of the front balconies and spotted him. I stood in the doorway trying to think of something to say.

“I know you didn’t mean to do it, Kaidera,” Kevin spoke without turning around. His voice was cold. My name sounded wrong coming out of his mouth. I looked at the ground and when I looked back up, he was standing in front of me. He leaned towards me, grabbed my arm and kissed me roughly. “Don’t ever do it again. You are mine. I have to share you with your brother and I will not share you with my brother too.” He squeezed my arm hard. “I must go. My parents are looking for us so we can leave.” With that, he was gone. My arm hurt and when I looked at it, there were red marks on it. What happened to gentle, loving Kevin? I would have to be on my toes around him. I ran back inside to grab a jacket before someone saw the marks. I got that burning feeling in the back of my throat and blinked unshed tears away. What was I to do? It was an accident that I had kissed Kaylib. A careless mistake.
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Comments would be lovely since I never ask for them :)