Status: We're making this up as we go!

We'll Feel So Alive

I'll Go Inside When I Wanna Party

“Iz?” I said, sitting up in bed and rubbing my eyes. “What's wrong?”

“Just...come get me and I'll tell you then.”

“Okay, uhhh...let me get somebody up. We'll be there soon. Are you still at Caleb's?”


I had a bad feeling in the put of my stomach, since she sounded way freaked out. I got out of bed quickly and walked to the living room, secretly hoping I wouldn't have to wake anyone up in order to go get Izzy. But since it was nearly five in the morning, I would most likely have to.

Because I didn't know how to get to Caleb's place.

Surprisingly, walking into the living room, Kyle was sitting on the couch with his computer in his lap. “Don't you have a home?” I asked, though grateful I wouldn't have to disturb anyone.

“I like it better here.”

Not knowing what he meant by that, I asked another question, “What are you going up anyway?”

“Insomnia...sometimes.” Kyle shrugged, closing his computer, “What about you?”

“Izzy called and she needs someone to pick her up at Caleb's house. Which brings me to another question...can you take me there?”

“Yeah, let me slip on my shoes.” Kyle nodded, his lanky body already off the couch.

“Okay, thanks so much.” I yawned, pulling on a random hoodie.

“Hey!” Kyle protested, “That's mine!”

“Oh. I thought it was Kent's. Do you want it back?”

“No, you look cold.” Kyle shrugged, grabbing his keys. “Let's go get her. If she's at Caleb's apartment, that probably means he left for Katelynn's place. He's been known to do that.”

I felt a spark of anger. The guy did sit well with me in the first place, and there was no way I was going to let him hurt my best friend. I would just have to warn her. It didn't take that long to get to Caleb's apartment, and Kyle walked with me to the right door.

“Day!” Izzy exclaimed, giving me a tight hug. “There was shouting, and Caleb's not here, and I just got really freaked out!” She rushed.

“Uhhh, Iz...there is something I need to tell you about Caleb.” I started.

“Huh? Is he over at Kent's?”

“No, he is probably at Katelynn's place.”

“His friend? Yeah, she called earlier and he had to leave to help her with something.”

“Yeah, her hormones.” Kyle muttered lowly enough so only I could hear. I was thankful that Izzy didn't hear it.

“Well, as it turns out, Iz, Katelynn isn't just his friend.” I started delicately, “She's his on again off again girlfriend. They were off, but I guess they're probably back on.”

“What?” Iz looked confused for a few seconds

“I should have told you earlier, but I didn't think it mattered. I mean, you were getting close to Caleb, and I didn't really want to ruin that.” I rushed, “And, anyway, I only found out tonight, right after you called to say you were even staying with Caleb.”

“Are you stupid?” Iz asked, shocking me. “Caleb isn't like that.”

“What? Yes, he is. Why would I lie to you?”

“I don't know, why would you ignore me?”

“I haven't been ignoring you.” I denied, sitting in the back with her, leaving Kyle in the driver's seat to pretend like he couldn't hear a word.

“Yes, you have.” Iz's nostils flared, “Ever since we came to this stupid place, it's been Kent, Kent, Kent, and Kyle, Kyle, Kyle.”

“I'm sorry, Iz. But, I haven't seen him in a while. I mean, three years ago was our last trip down here.”

“Is that a good excuse?” Iz asked, “I didn't know anyone here. I was lucky Caleb was such a nice guy as to pay attention to me.”

“That's the point, he's not a good guy! Not when he's got another girlfriend and flirting with you.” I defended, trying to make her see the point.

“How is that any different from a friend who only seems to want to talk to me when it's about ruining a potential relationship?” Iz shot back stubbornly, “Sorry, but I'd rather stick with Caleb than with you right now.” Only she didn't sound sorry at all.

I sat back in my seat, shocked. I didn't have anything to say, but I could feel a couple tears going down my cheeks. Ouch.

Izzy was out of the car inhumanly fast when Kyle pulled up to the curb, and I went as slow as possible.

“You okay?” Kyle asked, brushing my hair off my face, standing in front of me.

“She's right, Kyle. I'm a terrible friend.” I wiped my eyes with the sleeve of the hoodie that I borrowed from him and sniffled. “I'm worse than Caleb.”

“Aw, come on.” Kyle cooed, lifting my face so he could look at me. “You're not a bad friend, or worse than Caleb. Because he knows exactly what he's doing, you didn't. But, now that you do, you can make it right again.”

“I doubt she'll even want to talk to me. And, I think I completely understand where she's coming from.”

“How long have you guys been friends?” Kyle asked, pulling me to his chest and letting me sniffle there for a bit. I felt terrible.

“Since I moved to Ohio, pretty much.” I answered, and we honestly had. It was one of those times where we met and it was like...instant friend. But, now I think I ruined it.

“I'm sure you guys have fought, probably some even bigger than this one, so it's not's..official that you aren't friends anymore.”

“What if it is?” I asked miserably.

Kyle chuckled softly, “You know what, Dakota? You over think things. Just give her a time to cool off and you two will be fine. And if she really doesn't want to be your friend anymore...well...that will be a pretty long and awkward car ride home.” Kyle pointed out, making me laugh.

How come he could make me laugh when I felt to pathetic?

“Shut up, Kyle.” I laughed, pulling away from him, “This is serious.”

“I'm dead serious. She's not going to stop being your friend just because you told her a boy is bad for her, and ignored her for a couple days. I mean, it sucks, and she's probably bitter about it, but she doesn't hate you.”

“I guess.” I sighed, letting out a big yawn. “I'll sleep and then talk to her...”

“Good plan.” Kyle smiled, patting my head, messing up my already messy hair.

“Thanks for the little pep talk, Kyle. And, I probably got snot on your hoodie sleeve.” I said. Kyle pretended to be shocked and appalled for a few steps before lightly hitting my shoulder.

“It's okay, that's what washers are for.” He said, opening Kent's door and allowing me to step inside first. When I got to the room Izzy and I were sharing, Izzy was already stretched out on the bed, asleep.

I sighed and took a spare blanket down to the couch. “Kyle?” I whispered into the dark. “Are you on the couch?”

“Yeah.” He sounded sleepy, apparently this while fiasco cured his insomnia for the time being.

“Oh.” I walked slowly and carefully in the dark careful not to run into anything. “Do you mind if I join you?”

“No, come on. I'll turn on the table light.” He said, and two clicks sounded before the lamp flickered on.

“Thanks.” I sighed, lying beside him on the couch. It was a little cozy, but I didn't really mind. One, Kyle smelled really good, and two, he was also really warm. I liked being warm.

“So, why aren't you in the guest room?”

“I know it's a big bed and everything, but I don't want to bother Iz by sleeping in it.” I explained, picking at loose threads on the blanket.

“Well, all is well. This way, we can cuddle. Cuddling is my third favorite thing to do.”

“Third? What's number one and two.”

“Number one is being FTSK's drummer, and I can't tell you number two.”

“Why, is it dirty?” I asked, smirking as I teased him.

“No, but it is embarrassing.”

“Oh, come on, you can't just say that and not tell me. I promise I won't laugh.” I pleaded.

“Not a chance, doll face.” Kyle shook his head, blush creeping up his neck.

“Pleeeeeease?” I pouted, using on him my lethal puppy dog eyes.

“Fine.” Kyle gave in, rolling his eyes and blushing even deeper. “I like being around you.”

“I'm your second favorite thing? In this whole world?” I asked, staring at him with my mouth open.

“You make quite an impression, girl.” He looked away sheepishly, and then looked back at me as I was still staring, “Close your mouth or you'll swallow a bug.” Kyle mumbled, turning off the lamp. Only then did I smile, giddy.

Suddenly feeling light as a feather, I cuddled against Kyle and fell asleep easily.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ahhhh, I'm getting really excited about this.

<3 Sara Michelle