Status: active

These Images That Fill My Head

Hi my name is Jasey-Rea Volturi, yes I said Volturi but no I’m not a vampire we as such anyway however I am stronger than most humans you see. I am 30% vampire and 70% human so you are probably wondering how this happened well my mom was a vampire hybrid just like Rensemee she fell in love with a human and tada I’m born. So I bet your wondering how I got with the Volturi well you see my Granddad is Aro. Yes he fell in love with a human however they separated before they found out grandma was pregnant she had my mom. Mom fell in love with a human and had me we all lived together until one night we were attacked my a group of nomad vampires my mom told me to leave the house to go upstairs pack as much as I could and to make my way to the Volturi. I was always told this but never told why ever since I was old enough to understand I was always told that if anything was to ever happen I was to go straight to Volturi and ask for Aro and to give him my hand and he would understand. However I never thought I would need this information you see my family have kept out of the way because of how different we are.
  1. chapter 1
    Jasey-Rea has to go to italy Re written
  2. chapter 2
    Re written