Status: Completed

Don't Blink


All was quiet. The house completely dark, except for one room. Pictures on the TV were flashing, telling a tale of two lovers and their children. In the room with the video, there was a man. Brown hair falls into his dark brown eyes. He smiles down at the woman he holds in his arms.

Her sable hair falls softly around her face. Blue eyes hidden behind closed eyelids. A smile rests on her lips as she snuggles closer. As Billy watches Tara, a bright, tinkling, soprano voice filters out from the TV.

"Come on Andria! Smile for mama. Smile like Jason."

As the voice continues to speak, Billy's eyes raise to the screen and he grins. A little girl with black curls and big brown eyes topples over to her daddy with a big smile on her face. A little ways off, a boy with light brown hair and blue eyes, sits in his mom's lap.They all clap as one year old Andria reaches her dad, giggling.

The video continues. Tara stirs in his arms. Billy's eyes trail to the wall. Pictures are tacked up all along the wall, documenting their children's lives. The last pictures are of each child with their own families. Billy looks down, gently entwining his fingers with his wife's.

As he thinks back over his life, only one thought comes to his mind. If you don't want life to pass you by...

Don't blink.
♠ ♠ ♠
Last One-Shot for now.
This is also from my 'Zilla.

Its very short. xD

Comments are appreciated.
