Here's What I Think Of It

"*** Justin Bieber..."

One thing he knew was that he loved her.

One thing that made him question his love for her was this obsession she had.

Everyday he questioned why he was with her when she obviously loved that twerp more.

Justin Fuckin’ Bieber.

The waves rose to the shore, caressing it smoothly. The guys were next their girls and the music that was playing was some pop hits that the girls chose to listen to. Everyone was pretty quiet as the sun began to set below the horizon, only the music and the whispers of loving words were making any noise at all.





And then it happened.

His girlfriend squealing over the song of that runt.

He cringed as she sang along with that horrible excuse for a song and it didn’t faze her in the least when he buried his face in his hands. Nor did it bother her when he began to move away from her like she was some crazy woman. She may just not be paying attention or she’s just gotten used to it, either way it was like torture of having a knife carve on his chest.

When that wretched song ended he looked over to her, not moving to take back his original spot beside her, and said, “Babe.”

“Yeah?” Her eyes were still glazed over dreamily.

He rolled his eyes and smiled. “Fuck Justin Bieber. He’s just a little bitch.”

Next thing he knew, he was tasting sand.
♠ ♠ ♠
The shirt he was wearing the image gave this idea to me right away. Can you tell I don't care for the youngster called Justin Bieber?

Comments would be wonderful.
