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About eight years ago, I left the small town of Waterveiw, Iowa. I moved to a nearby city, named Trainville, and went to high school there for four years. The school was well-known for its gangs and fights, and being from a small town, my few former friends didn't understand anything that happened in my new life, so I slowly lost contact with them. Except for my girlfriend (yes, I happen to be bi), Kate, who, after almost a year of us sneaking around, finally officialy asked me out. Just after I moved. Great timing. Of course, three years later, her on again off again boyfriend that lives in Winsconsin decided to move into Waterveiw, which had started to grow way bigger and busier than it was when I left. He was her first love and soulmate and blah blah blah, so she broke up with me. Funny that she always picks the one who lives closest. Well, it took her awhile to pick me, but still....

My senior year, I worked harder then ever, so I could get into a good college, get a good job, make some serious cash, and move as far away as possible. I got into the college I wanted (Georgetown University), and spent the next four years studying incredibly hard. A bit less than two years into college, I wrote a book. It was published, and made into a best seller. After my third year in college, I was missing home. So, using the huge ammount of cash I made on writting book after book, I bought the last home I lived in in Waterveiw, and did majior remolding, all while staying in Washington D.C. I graduated a year later, and immediately flew to Iowa, and the place I've always considered home.

A friend from college, named Thomas, also moved there. He knew how Kate leaving me had messed me up inside, so he wanted to make sure that I didn't do anything the real me would regret. Meanwhile, I called myself Danica (instead of Joselyn) and I let one of my old friends, Christina, move in with me, telling her that I was a friend of Joselyn's.

This is the completely probable story of my second life at this cursed small (now big) town.